Dad Academy

Chapter 2520 Two Versions

Everyone went to the music studio, and Zhang Tan accompanied Teacher Jiang to the vegetable market to buy vegetables.

After I came back, I wasn't in a hurry to cook. It was still long before lunch.

Zhang Tan went to the studio to take a look at the situation and found that it was like a vegetable market. It was very lively and full of chirping sounds.

Through the soundproof glass, he saw Li Yuxiao and Bai Jianping in the room, and Xie Xiaoxu was also inside.

The other children were all isolated outside.

"Old man, old man!"

Seeing Zhang Tan appear, Xiaobai immediately complained, saying that Shi Baobao's mother did not let them in, but let Xie Xiaoxu in.

"They are working, not playing. If you feel bored, just go downstairs and play." Zhang Tan said.

"But why is Xie Xiaoxu in there?" Liuliu ran over and said angrily, and said to Xiaobai: "Xiaobai, Shi Baobao's mother likes Xie Xiaoxu more than you and us. Look, she only brought Xie Xiaoxu in. If you don't take us in, you're looking down on us. What do you think?"

Xiaobai said angrily: "I stood and watched, sat and watched, lay down and watched, and I watched while sleeping."

Liuliu lamented and said sadly: "Xiaobai, you have gone crazy. It seems that you are very sad."

With that said, she waddled away.

Xiaobai snorted coldly, this melon kid still wants to stir up trouble and sow discord. Does he think she is still a three-year-old child? !

Zhang Tan asked them: "Then do you want to go downstairs with me to play?"

Although Li Yuxiao did not let them enter the glass room, they did not want to leave here, so Xiaobai rejected Zhang Tan's suggestion without hesitation.

Zhang Tan went downstairs and chatted with Lao Li for a while in the shadow of the trees downstairs before returning home.

Teacher Jiang is washing and cutting vegetables and preparing lunch. Zhang Tan went over to help, and the two chatted while busy with the work at hand.

The dishes prepared for lunch include Xiaobai’s favorite bangbang chicken, baby greens, bean sprouts, corn and ribs soup, etc. Teacher Jiang chose them all to take into account the tastes of the children.

Bai Jianping stayed at Little Red Horse all morning. After having lunch here, he left and had to go to work on the set.

However, he has almost practiced his songs, and he is not performing, let alone recording, so the requirements are not that high.

He has a certain foundation, although he does not understand music theory.

Li Yuxiao not only taught him how to sing, but also recorded the sound for him and sent it to his mobile phone.

This was Bai Jianping's request. Maybe he was too embarrassed to sing to Malanhua in person, so let's just play music.

Xiaobai and the others stayed in the studio all morning. After lunch, a group of people sat on the sofa and watched cartoons. There were cicada sounds outside the house, babbling, babbling, and watching, the children began to They dozed off and staggered around. When Zhang Tan found them, several of them had already fallen down, leaving Dudu and Xiaobai still watching cartoons.

Xiaobai couldn't bear it any longer. He narrowed his eyes and muttered, "I'm going to sleep." Then he leaned on Liuliu and fell asleep.

Now only Dudu is left.

Dudu was still bright and energetic. When he saw Zhang Tan looking at him, he smiled and whispered: "Boss Zhang, can I turn off the TV?"

Zhang Tan asked her: "Don't you want to read it?"

Dudu said: "Everyone is asleep and it will disturb everyone."

Zhang Tan found the remote control, turned off the TV, and asked Dudu to go to Xi'er or Xiaobai's room to sleep.

Dudu said hello and went to Xi'er's bedroom obediently.

When Zhang Tan went to see her later, he saw Dudu coaxing the doll to sleep on the bed, gently patting the doll's chest and singing a lullaby to it in a low voice...

This kid is really full of energy.

After Li Yuxiao had lunch, he did not leave immediately, but continued in the music studio.

She planned to stay here in the afternoon.

Shi Baobao was also there, talking to Xie Xiaoxu.

When Zhang Tan passed by, Li Yuxiao was in the recording studio. Zhang Tan opened the door and went in. Li Yuxiao took off the big headphones on his head and said, "Did you cook today's meal? Your craftsmanship is really good."

"I only cooked two of the dishes, the others were cooked by Teacher Jiang. By the way, how about the songs you recorded?"

Speaking of this, Li Yuxiao couldn't help laughing. It wasn't that Bai Jianping's singing was unpleasant, but that he always gave people a very funny feeling.

"Do you want to listen? Hahaha~~~"

Li Yuxiao put on big headphones for Zhang Tan, and she went to request the song that Bai Jianping sang in the morning.

Zhang Tan just listened to the first two sentences and couldn't help but want to take off his headphones. It was too greasy! ! ! Made the hair on his arms stand up.

Well, maybe if he didn't know Bai Jianping, he would feel much better.

But just because I know this song was sung by Bai Jianping and what kind of person Bai Jianping is, I feel greasy.

He listened patiently and finally could take off his headphones.

Li Yuxiao smiled and asked, "How is it?"

Zhang Tan thought for a moment and said, "I hope Xiaobai's aunt will like it."

Li Yuxiao laughed.

Zhang sighed: "Did you know? There are actually two different versions of this song. The version I wrote for Lao Bai is an adapted version, and there is another original version."

Li Yuxiao said with interest: "Is it scolding? Where is it? Show me, I didn't expect you to hold back."

Zhang Tan handed her the score of "Lonely Mind" that he brought.

Li Yuxiao couldn't wait to read it and hummed softly along with the score.

Sure enough, as Zhang Tan said, the sheet music she has now is somewhat different from the one written by Bai Jianping in the morning, and the lyrics are richer.

After Li Yuxiao hummed it once, her eyes lit up. She found that the quality of this song was very high. It was not like Bai Jianping's version, which was somewhat humorous and funny.

"Why do you have two versions?" Li Yuxiao asked.

Zhang Tan said, "This version is not suitable for Lao Bai. How about it? As a reward for your hard work this morning, are you interested in singing this song?"

Li Yuxiao was delighted and asked back, "What do you think!"

"Then you sing it. I think you are the most suitable."

Li Yuxiao asked, "What about the second song? Will you sing it for me too?"

Zhang Tan asked back, "What do you think?"

Li Yuxiao said, "Did you keep another version?"

Zhang Tan nodded and said yes.

Li Yuxiao stretched out her jade hand: "Give it to me."

Zhang Tan took out the sheet music and gave it to her.

Li Yuxiao quickly browsed it, thought about it and said, "This song is not suitable for me, but it is more suitable for Su You."

Zhang Tan nodded silently. Yes, he also felt that the latter song "Admit Mistakes" was not suitable for Li Yuxiao to sing. It was suitable for Su You and Wang Dashan.

Li Yuxiao asked curiously, "Did you really write these two songs specifically for Uncle Xiaobai? Or did you prepare them long ago?"

Zhang Tan said as a matter of course, "I wrote them last night while working overtime. I know what you want to ask. In fact, I just wanted to get by at the beginning, but then I got inspiration and thought that they could be made into two good songs, so I perfected them and now there are two versions."

Li Yuxiao gave him a thumbs up and said, imitating Xiaobai's words, "You have to do it."

Then he seemed to be amused by his own tone and laughed out loud.

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