Dad Academy

Chapter 2510 How to obtain Malanhua's forgiveness

Teacher Jiang was very distressed when she heard that Xiao Xiaobai had not eaten dinner. She immediately asked the children what they wanted to eat, and the children blurted out that they wanted Bobo Chicken.

"Bobo chicken will be eaten tomorrow. We can't eat Bobo chicken at night now. I'll boil egg noodles for you."

Xiao Xiaobai nodded happily and said proudly to Xiao Bai that she would treat her little aunt to eat Bobo Chicken tomorrow.

"You have quite a conscience." Xiaobai praised her, and then told her grandma that her uncle hadn't eaten dinner either.

"Where is your uncle?" Teacher Jiang asked.

Xiaobai said: "It's in the yard. He's too embarrassed to come. Grandma will call him quickly."

Teacher Jiang immediately went downstairs and called Bai Jianping to come upstairs for dinner.

Sure enough, just like Xiaobai said, her uncle wanted to save face and excused himself by saying that he was not hungry, but in the end he was called home by Teacher Jiang.

Teacher Jiang cooked noodles for them. At the dining table, Bai Jianping and Robin Bai sat face to face, with their eyes wide open and a bowl of steaming egg noodles in front of them.

The only difference was that there was a bottle of soaked milk powder on Robin Bai's table.

Bai Jianping asked angrily: "Why are you always looking at me?!"

Robin Bai hia smiled, stopped looking, and lowered his head to deal with the noodles.

Xiao Bai also sat over, and Xi'er also came up from downstairs, sitting aside and talking to Robin Bai, asking Robin Bai why he was beaten.

Xiaobai was also puzzled. It was his uncle who danced, so he should be beaten; it was her who took the video, so she...

Xiao Xiaobai seemed to have just thought of this problem, and was stunned for a moment, and then became even more indignant!

Even though the baby did nothing, he was beaten and kicked out of the house!

"I'm so miserable~ I'm so miserable too - who can help me~"

"I'll help you."

He is willing to help others and is willing to help the weak and helpless Robin Bai.

Just when several people were wondering why Robin Bai was beaten, Bai Jianping, who was eating noodles silently, said: "Because you called me aunt again. Normally, you would be very angry when you call her aunt. What's more, at this time tonight, when she is angry, you still If you dare to shout like that, hahaha, if I don’t hit you, who will I hit?”

Robin laughed bitterly and flat-mouthed, only then did she realize the reason why she was beaten. If she didn't know, she would have to be beaten again next time.

Xi'er educated Robin Bai: "You should call me grandma. You can't call me aunt. Xiaobai and I call you aunt. You are grandma."

Robin Bai asked in surprise: "Am I grandma?"

Xi'er hiahia smiled: "You have to call me grandma."

Robin Bai asked stupidly: "Xier, didn't you ask me to call you mom? Why did you call me grandma again?"

As soon as the words fell, Xi'er suddenly realized that everyone was looking at her.

Xi'er: →_→

Xiao Xiaobai ate the eggs and half of the noodles, but couldn't eat any more.

Her little aunt told her not to waste it, so she pushed the noodles to Xi'er to eat.

Xi'er looked at her with wide eyes. How could you tell that you are a person who can eat? ?

In the end, it was Bai Jianping who ate the unfinished noodles from Xiaobai, while Xiaobai was holding the bottle and drinking milk powder.

Teacher Jiang took away Xiao Xiaobai’s dishes and went to the kitchen to wash them.

When she came out, Bai Jianping had also finished eating. She wanted to take away the dishes, but Bai Jianping took them into the kitchen and asked to wash them himself.

Teacher Jiang did not force it.

When Bai Jianping came out of the kitchen, Xiaobai warned Bai Jianping with special concern: "Uncle, when you are full, go to your aunt to admit your mistake. Aunt will forgive you. She is your little fairy."

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Bai Jianping was extremely embarrassed, how could he say such a shameful name as little fairy?

Teacher Jiang pretended that he didn't hear anything from the little fairy and told Bai Jianping to find Malanhua and reconcile.

"Lanhua is not a grudge-bearing person and will not always blame you."

The three children had no intention of leaving at all. They stood around and listened, their little gossip radar already running crazily.

Bai Jianping hoped that Malanhua could calm down quickly, but it might not be that easy this time.

Because the video taken by Xiaobai’s Guawazi was of him dancing with a partner of the opposite sex.

When Malanhua saw it, she was jealous.

This is also the reason why Malanhua's reaction was particularly big this time.

Bai Jianping asked: "How should I make her forgive?"

Teacher Jiang said: "Just be more sincere."

Bai Jianping said to himself, that's because you don't know what Lao Ma saw.

He said that Lao Ma might not forgive him so easily this time because Lao Ma seemed really angry, so he asked Teacher Jiang for advice.

Teacher Jiang said: "How did you catch the orchids before? Just keep using that method."

Bai Jianping suddenly felt blessed and said, "Sing... a song for her?"

Teacher Jiang smiled and said, "Okay, Lanhua likes to listen to songs and also likes to sing. You can also sing well. If you sing a song to her sincerely, she will forgive you. How long has it been since you sang to her?"

Bai Jianping said it has been several years.

When he was pursuing Ma Lanhua in the past, he often sang earthy love songs to her. Although the singing was not very good, he was more sincere and impressed Ma Lanhua.

Do you want to go back to your old business now?

Bai Jianping actually agreed to this method in his heart, but...

"What song should I sing?"

Teacher Jiang smiled and said that she didn’t know either, but she must sing what Lanhua would like to hear.

Xiao Xiaobai, who was gossiping and watching the show, immediately raised her hand high and volunteered to ask grandpa to sing "Let's Pick Up Trash Together".

As soon as she finished speaking, her little mouth was covered by Xiaobai, but it was too late.

Sure enough, Bai Jianping began to drive them away, asking them to leave quickly and go downstairs to play.

The three little ones refused to obey until Xiao Xiaobai was dragged out of the house. They were forced to leave.

Looking at the closed door, the three people standing in the corridor looked at each other. Xiaobai blamed Robin Bai: "It's all your fault. What are you talking about! Can't you just listen quietly!"

Robin Bai: "嘤嘤嘤~~~~"

Xier said: "We can help Uncle Bai sing."

Robin Bai recommended her "Let's Pick Up Trash Together" again, and "Bobo Chicken" would also work.

Xiaobai smiled secretly and said: "If Uncle sings these two songs, Auntie will give him two earwaxes, damn bad luck."

The three discussed for a while and went downstairs.

Just now at home, they could hear the noises of children playing downstairs, and it seemed that Liuliu was the leader, which made them eager to go downstairs to see what was going on.

When they came downstairs, they saw that there were not many children in the classroom. Everyone gathered in the yard and lined up.

Liuliu stood high on the steps, with a long row of little people standing in front of her.

The little person in the front respectfully said to Liuliu: "Congratulations, Liuliu~ You are really a top student~ Let me learn from you!"

As he said that, the little person raised his right hand high and saluted as a young pioneer.

Liuliu laughed.

On her left and right, Dudu and Xiaowang stood, each holding a certificate in their hands, one for "Art Star" and the other for "Three Good Students".

It was the certificate that Liuliu won.

Xier whispered excitedly: "It was Liuliu who was bragging!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Liuliu, who was in a good mood, immediately looked back, and her mood was not so good. Xiwawa actually said that she was bragging! And he said it so loudly in front of her head! He simply didn't take her seriously——

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