Dad Academy

Chapter 2504 Liuliu took my sword!!

Chapter 2504 Liuliu - Take my sword!!

Zhang Tan was waiting for Xiaobai in the car outside the school. He thought Xiaobai would take a long time to show up, but she came soon.

"Is it over?" Zhang Tan asked, looking around Xiaobai, "Why don't I see Xier and the others?"

Xiaobai kept silent with a sullen face, passed by the old man's feet, got in the car, climbed onto the back seat and lay down.

Zhang Tan noticed something was wrong and got in the car too.

He didn't sit in the driver's seat, but sat in the back seat like Xiaobai, next to Xiaobai, and asked sideways: "What's wrong? Are you in a bad mood? Did you not do well in the exam?"

Xiaobai didn't say anything.

Zhang Tan thought he guessed right, so he comforted her: "It doesn't matter if you didn't do well in the exam, you are only in the second grade, I'm not angry."

Xiaobai said sullenly: "Here~"

She handed over two certificates, and Zhang Tan smiled: "Wow, there are still two."

He unfolded them and saw that one was "Art Star" and the other was "Three Good Students".

"I got the title of Three Good Students. Isn't that great? Why are you still not happy?"

Xiaobai was silent for a moment, then sighed: "Why? Why is this? I don't understand it!!!"

Zhang Tan asked in confusion: "Why? What's wrong?"

He looked out of the car again, but didn't see Xier and the others. Otherwise, he could ask them.

Xiaobai finally sat up and said dejectedly: "Liuli's Chinese score is not as good as mine, but her math is better than mine. Why is this???"

Zhang Tan suddenly realized that this was the case.

He comforted her: "Liuli is your good friend. Her academic performance has improved. We should be happy for her. Why are you so sad? Isn't it a good thing that good friends grow up so fast? We should open up our horizons."

Xiaobai said bitterly: "But she sang and danced in front of me. I was so angry. I have never seen such a cocky person."

Zhang Tan's mind flashed with the image of Liuliu singing and dancing. That cocky look was really bad.

He continued to explain for Liuliu: "Liuliu's grades are not very good usually. It's rare for her to do well in the final exam. Isn't it normal to be happy? If it were me, I would be very happy too. I heard that she will go to her grandmother's house for a while during the summer vacation. Now that she has done well in the exam, she has the confidence to go to see her grandparents. The old people will be happy to see her good grades, right? This is such a good thing. Liuliu must have thought of these, and her mood naturally improved."

Xiaobai still couldn't feel happy. She said: "Then she went to dance in front of her grandparents, why did she dance for me and sing Bobo Chicken!"

Zhang Tan smiled bitterly: "Don't you know Liuliu's personality? Isn't it normal for her to do this? It's abnormal not to do this, right?"

Xiaobai thought about it and had to admit that the old man was right.

But she couldn't let go of Liuliu's cocky look in front of her today. The key is that she knew that Liuliu would be so cocky this summer vacation, which made her unable to raise her head.

She sighed again and said dejectedly: "I should study harder. Grandma is right. If I don't make progress, I will regress, because other people are making progress. I regret it so much——"

Zhang Tan was quite pleased. People always grow up through various lessons. If he learned this lesson because of a failed exam, he thought it was completely worth it.

"I am pleased that you can think so. Remember what grandma said. It is much more valuable than the final exam results this time. You have learned something more valuable."

Xiao Bai asked in confusion: "Is that so?"

Zhang Tan nodded and said: "Of course, the principles grandma told you are very useful. Not only can they be used in study, but also in all aspects of your life. Whenever you encounter important things in the future, you will think of this principle and the fact that your test scores were surpassed by Liu Liu. As long as you think of these, you will be very motivated and tell yourself to work a little harder and a little more, then the results will be better."

Xiao Bai thought about it and nodded heavily.

Zhang Tan said, "Can you show me your transcript and test paper? It doesn't matter if you didn't do well on the test. The old man won't blame you. I believe grandma won't blame you either."

Xiao Bai was a little worried and asked, "Won't you be like Lu Zhong's mother, scolding him and tearing up his certificate?"

Zhang Tan said firmly, "Of course not! Lu Zhong's mother did something wrong, she shouldn't do that. Do we know she was wrong, but we still have to do the same? Of course not! Didn't you say it? This is a bloody lesson!"

Xiao Bai was relieved and gave his test paper and transcript to the old man.

Zhang Tan prepared for the worst, for example, failing.

But when he saw the score on the transcript, he was quite surprised. Isn't this great!

"Liuliu did so well on the test this time." He asked in surprise.

Xiao Bai nodded and hummed.

Zhang Tan immediately realized that his idea was wrong. Why was he so surprised and even suspicious that Liuliu did well on the test!

He asked Xiao Bai, "Did you congratulate her?"

"Huh?" Xiao Bai was surprised. Congratulations? Liuliu? She's already riding on her face! Still want to congratulate her? Then she's going to ride on her head and poop?

Zhang Tan said: "Yes, congratulations to Liuliu. She did so well in the exam, shouldn't we congratulate her? She has worked hard during this period, we have all seen it, she deserves it. Her good performance in the exam is not a result of luck, but the result of her own efforts. Well, all kinds of efforts."

Xiao Bai said angrily: "I don't want to congratulate her! Old man, you didn't see her smug look."

Zhang Tan knew that he couldn't force it, so he said: "Liuli's behavior is not right, so let's congratulate her when she is not so smug, otherwise I am worried that she will be too proud. However, we can be happy for Liuliu in our hearts. You don't want her to be scolded by her mother because of her poor test scores."

Xiao Bai thought about it and nodded. She really didn't want Liuliu to do too badly in the exam, but she didn't want Liuliu to do better than her either.

She told the old man what was in her heart, and the old man said: "This is normal, and it doesn't mean that you are a bad kid. Good friendships should encourage each other and help each other grow. You always did better than Liuliu in the past, and Liuliu did better than you this time, so shouldn't you work harder? In the next exam, your score may be better than Liuliu's, and the most important thing is not to do better than Liuliu's, but to be better than your current self. You and Liuliu have both grown up, and you are both better than your original selves, and this is the most important thing."

"Better than your original self?" Xiaobai asked.

"Yes, Liuliu is not your competitor. You should not limit your sights to Liuliu, but compare your current self with your former self, and your future self with your current self. Liuliu is not your opponent, but your partner on the road to growth."

"You should compare excellence with each other, not badness with each other."

Xiaobai half understood and half muttered to himself: "This time, Liuliu has improved a lot compared to the original Liuliu, so I should be happy for her. This is the result of her hard work and what she deserves."

Zhang Tan said with relief: "Yes, your understanding is 100%.

Xiaobai said: "Old man, I seem to understand a little."

"Really? Then I am happy for you. Hey? Liuliu and the others are here."

Xiaobai hurriedly looked out the window, and sure enough, he saw Liuliu and his group coming over here. Liuliu walked in the front without hesitation. That posture and spirit, the laughter came before the people arrived.

Xiaomi, who scored two 100 points in the exam, was not so proud!

This made Xiaobai angry.

Zhang Tan warned: "Think about how to tell Liuliu later."

"I know, I'm getting off the bus."

Xiaobai got off the bus and met Liuliu. He held back the congratulations that were about to come out of his mouth, and another sentence came out from the bottom of his heart: "Liuli - take my sword!!"

Zhang Tan looked at Xiaobai and Liuliu who were fighting with each other speechlessly, and smiled bitterly. Xiaobai was still following her heart in the end, but forget it, let her follow her heart, otherwise it would be one thing to do it, but it would be another thing to think about it, which would be meaningless.

Fortunately, Xiaobai and Liuliu played for a while, and then they were arm in arm.

"Godfather, please look at my grades--"

Xier happily handed the report card to her godfather.

"Really? Let me see."

Zhang Tan took Xier's report card. The little girl twisted her hands together, her face full of expectation, smiling, waiting for the affirmation and praise from her godfather.

It's Women's Day soon, and I will add this chapter for female readers→_→

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