Dad Academy

Chapter 2498: Encounter with Ah Zhong (Additional chapter for the monthly ticket sponsor, Shenzui Bu

"Bobo Chicken~~~Bo ah Bobo Chicken~~Bobo Chicken for one yuan a string~~~"

"Oh, stop singing, my brain is going to explode."

"Bobo Chicken~~"

"What? Do you think the slap from the little aunt is not powerful?"

"I won't sing anymore~"

"I told you to go out for a walk, why didn't you notice your uncle?"


"It's all your fault."

"Sorry, little aunt~"

Xiao Xiaobai was confused, and then apologized in a confused manner.

She didn't know when the little aunt asked her to go out for a walk, but it sounded like what the little aunt said was true, and it seemed that she had messed up another thing.

"There's no cake to eat~" Xiao Xiaobai muttered disappointedly.

Originally, a few little brats took a video of Lao Bai and planned to exchange it for cake, but they didn't expect Uncle Bai to take out the video and said that he would show all the children of Xiaohongma the video of their dancing.

Two canceled out, and there was no cake to eat.

The three little ones were dejected and went back to Xiaohongma with Wan Xiaohu.

The final exams just ended tonight, and Liuliu and others did not come tonight. They were probably invited to a big dinner. After all, it was summer vacation.

When they passed by Lao Niu's barber shop, they saw someone wandering at the door of the shop. They happened to meet Wan Xiaohu, and the other party asked: "Xiaohu! Is your shop closed tonight?"

Wan Xiaohu asked: "Do you want a haircut? My grandfather went dancing."

"Dancing, Lao Niu is very interested." The other party said.

Wan Xiaohu volunteered: "If you want a haircut, do you want me to help you cut it?"

Xiaobai was excited when she heard it. She had never cut anyone's hair since she was a child, so she encouraged: "We will help you cut it. This is our strong point. We guarantee that you will cut it handsomely."

Xier and Xiao Xiaobai nodded.

The man who wanted to cut hair was a middle-aged man in his forties. Seeing that he had aroused the interest of the four children, he smiled, waved his hand, said no, and left directly.

What did he think he was stupid, letting the four little guys cut his hair? When he gets home, his wife won't recognize him.

Wan Xiaohu shouted to him, "Uncle! Come back tomorrow morning, my grandpa will give you the first haircut."

The other party said without turning his head, "Okay~"

The duck that was delivered to their mouths flew away, and the children were a little disappointed, but they immediately became interested and entered Wan Xiaohu's barber shop. Wan Xiaohu said he would cut everyone's hair.

"Xiaobai, do you want to cut it?" Wan Xiaohu asked hopefully.

Xiaobai refused, she didn't like to cut hair.

Wan Xiaohu looked at Xier, Xier smiled and said, "Cut Xiao Xiaobai first."

Xiao Xiaobai was ignorant, and was carried to the big chair by everyone. Everyone put an apron on her attentively. Wan Xiaohu picked up the scissors and cut Xiao Xiaobai's bangs in a proper manner.

Three people circled around Xiao Xiaobai, and Xiao Xiaobai opened her eyes wide, innocent and helpless.

She didn't expect it, she just went out to play with her aunt, but was caught cutting hair. No one else cut it, so she cut it! Humph!

Ten minutes later, the job was done. Wan Xiaohu proudly untied the apron around Xiao Xiaobai's neck and said, "It's done. Xiao Xiaobai, look at yourself, you're so cute~~"

Xiaobai also praised loudly: "You are now the cutest three-year-old in the world."

Xier also praised her silly.

Xiao Xiaobai approached the mirror and looked at the little self in the mirror, puffing up her cheeks, blinking her big eyes, pouting her mouth, and liking herself more and more. She couldn't help but praise herself!

"I'm so cute~~"

Several people gathered in front of the mirror and praised Xiao Xiaobai, making a three-year-old child laugh. The sweet words made her dizzy, and she didn't remember the little grievance in her heart.

Wan Xiaohu struck while the iron was hot and asked: "Xiaobai, let me cut your hair."

"No." Xiaobai said firmly.

Wan Xiaohu looked at Xier, and Xier also smiled and said no.

Praise is praise, but it is impossible to let Wan Xiaohu cut their hair!

Every time they came to get their hair cut, they were caught by adults, which was no different from going to the execution ground or the hospital.

Wan Xiaohu closed the shop door and went back to the Little Red Horse Academy with Xiaobai. When they were about to reach the entrance of the academy, they found someone wandering at the entrance, constantly looking inside.

"Huh?" Xiaobai seemed to recognize the other person, but the other person had not noticed them yet and was still looking inside the academy, but not approaching.

Xiaobai tentatively called out: "Azhong~"

The person who was looking inside trembled, turned around, and saw Xiaobai and Xier.

It was indeed Azhong.

"Hahaha, why are you here? Come in quickly."

Xiaobai enthusiastically invited Lu Zhong to play in the academy.

The person who came was Lu Zhong, the sixth grade study representative of elementary school.

Lu Zhong asked awkwardly, "Why did you come back from outside?"

Xiao Bai pointed at Xiao Xiao Bai and said, "I was just cutting my niece's hair. Oh, by the way, do you want a haircut? I see your hair is very long."

Xiao Xiao Bai immediately promoted himself: "Look at me, I am cuter after cutting my hair, you should cut yours too."

Xier looked at Lu Zhong and chose not to speak.

Lu Zhong did not expect to be warmly invited to get a haircut as soon as he arrived. Wan Xiaohu warmly invited him to the shop.

Lu Zhong followed them into the barber shop in a daze, and then was fooled into sitting on the barber chair in a daze. He did not react until he saw his hair flying down!

Why did he get a haircut? ? ?

But it's too late.

My hair is already falling out, and I can’t stop cutting it.

He looked at Wan Xiaohu who was standing on the stool to cut his hair. He was very worried and warned: "Be sure to cut it well."

Wan Xiaohu said excitedly: "Don't worry, I'm very experienced."

Xiaobai said: "Wan Xiaohu has been cutting hair since he was three years old. He has many years of experience. Move the stool quickly!"

The last words were said to Xiao Xiaobai, because Wan Xiaohu was about to change his position. He got off the stool. Xiao Xiaobai immediately picked up the stool and followed him, placing it on the right side of Lu Zhong. Then Wan Xiaohu stood up and started Cut the hair on this side.

When Lu Zhong looked at himself in the mirror, he wanted to cry but had no tears.

Is this good technology?

His original image of an obedient boy suddenly became much wilder, and he looked like he had broken hair.

"This, this, this, I, I, I..."

Lu Zhong was so anxious that he couldn't even speak complete words.

Wan Xiaohu's face turned red and he hurriedly said: "Good-looking and handsome~~~ Xiaobai, are you right?"

Xiaobai nodded quickly and said: "Handsome~ Ah Zhong, you are now the most handsome kid in elementary school."

Xi'er insisted on being herself and said nothing.

Xiao Xiaobai, this little boy, is jumping around the most, shouting about his handsome brother.

Lu Zhong felt like crying. He came out of the barber shop in a daze and followed Xiaobai and the others into Little Red Horse Academy.

Xiaobai introduced Little Red Horse Academy to him enthusiastically. Suddenly, he was surrounded by a group of little girls, chattering that they wanted to come see their handsome brother. The leader was Xiaobai.

Obviously, these little friends were all called here by Xiaobai.

Lu Zhong really thought that he was very popular, and he was very happy for a while, but it didn't take him long to realize that these little guys were just coveting his story!

He was surrounded by a group of children who asked him to tell nice stories.

Cheng Cheng didn't come tonight, so the Guawazi didn't have any stories to listen to. Seeing that Lu Zhong was older than them and must have a lot of stories to tell, they caught him and let him tell them.

Lu Zhong didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He found a place to sit down and told stories to the children. It wasn't until after nine o'clock in the evening, almost ten o'clock, when parents from Little Red Horse Academy came to pick them up one after another that he realized that it was already so late. , it’s time for him to go back.

He went to Xiaobai to say goodbye, and without waiting for Xiaobai to say anything else, he hurried out the door and left the little red horse.

When the others disappeared out of sight in the darkness, he looked around confusedly, thought for a while, and walked deeper into Huangjia Village...

An update for last month’s monthly ticket financier, my dear, 112 votes were cast!

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