Dad Academy

Chapter 2495 Red Ribbon

The next morning, Xiaobai woke up on her own initiative, followed Zhang Tan to the yard downstairs to run for a while, and then went upstairs to eat the nutritious breakfast made by her grandmother. Zhang Tan had packed her schoolbag for her and put it at the entrance.

After breakfast, Xiwawa's voice came from downstairs, calling her to go to school.

Xier and Xiaoxiaobai both came. Xier had a smile on her face, and she didn't look nervous about the exam.

Well, she really didn't need to be nervous about the exam. She had excellent academic performance and was fast.

But Xiaoxiaobai was different. She had a fierce face and a serious face, looking at her aunt with worry.

The kindergarten where she was was already on summer vacation, and there was no need for any exams, but she was worried about her aunt. As long as she thought of her aunt taking an exam today, her heart couldn't help but rise.

She was more nervous than going to the exam room herself.

"It's okay, don't be nervous, little friend." Xiaobai comforted her and touched her little head.

Xiaoxiaobai nodded, but still had a fierce face and couldn't relax.

Xier took out a red ribbon from her schoolbag and handed it to Xiaobai, saying, "This is from Dudu. Each of us should take one, so that we can be more motivated in the exam."


Xiaobai laughed, took the red ribbon, unfolded it and saw a few big words written on it: calm and confident.

"Yes, yes~"

These words made Xiaobai very satisfied. Just as she was about to wear it on her forehead, her niece volunteered to ask her aunt to wear it.

Xiaobai squatted down and asked Xiaoxiaobai to help her put it on. It felt like a whistling wind and cold water.

Xier also wore a red ribbon, which was also given by Dudu. The words on it were different from Xiaobai's. They said: read the paper carefully and review carefully.

It was also a targeted message to Xier, telling her not to pursue speed in the exam, but to be more serious, more confident, and slower.

Zhang Tan drove the two to school. Xiaoxiaobai raised her hand high and asked to follow him to see them off.

Zhang Tan was afraid that she would cry, so he took her with him.

When they arrived at the school, they found that there were many parents. The fat figure of the principal Li Tao was at the school gate, greeting the students who entered.

He saw Xiaobai and said with a smile: "I wish you a successful start. Liuliu has just entered."

Xiaobai was stunned. Liuliu was earlier than her. She was very surprised. She thought Liuliu would be late for the exam and then be disqualified.

She soon saw Liuliu. Liuliu also wore a red ribbon. It seemed that Dudu gave it to everyone. It was very ceremonial.

Xiaobai looked at her red ribbon and read: "Take the exam honestly, starting with me."

"Hahaha~~~~" Liuliu laughed, "The principal said that I am the image spokesperson of the exam. Everyone should learn from me and not cheat in the exam."

Principal Li Tao saw the red ribbon on her head at the school gate just now, and then joked, but Dayanyan took it seriously and told everyone to be honest in the exam and go to jail for cheating.

"Xiaobai, you have to take the exam honestly and don't cheat, or I'll catch you." Liuliu said secretly.

Xiaobai laughed and thought Liuliu was a fool. Dudu gave her such a red ribbon, which was obviously given to her in response to her problem. It seems that Dudu is a little worried about Liuliu, worried that her little sister will take risks for grades. If she is caught, it will be embarrassing.

This fool is still complacent.

Xiaobai is a little curious about everyone's red ribbons. She saw Xiaomi, who also wore a red ribbon.

Xiaomi said: "Dudu just gave it to me. She said I must wear it. This is what we have to do together. No one can be missed."

She thinks Dudu is so cute. Although she is a little shy when facing other people's eyes after wearing it, since it is a unified action of the girlfriends group, she must wear it.

Her red ribbon says: I will definitely be on the list of successful candidates.

Very confident.

There is still time before the exam, so Xiaobai ran to find Dudu, just to see what Dudu's red ribbon says.

It was written on it: Fight for one point, get one point higher, and one point will make a lifetime.

Dudu is full of vigor and energy, and looks like the little sun fighting in the morning, which makes people feel happy.

This message is in line with Dudu's personality. Everything should be done seriously, and if you do it seriously, you should work hard, not seeking the best, but seeking better.

Just like she participates in various sports competitions, always striving for the first place.

"Cheng Cheng-Cheng Cheng!" Xiaobai called Cheng Cheng, grabbed her little shoulders, stared at the red ribbon on her forehead and read: "Who else but me, I can conquer everything\u0026%¥ # % # "

It's a bit embarrassing, I don't know the last word, hahaha, Xiaobai laughed awkwardly to cover it up.

Xiaomi covered her mouth and smiled secretly, Cheng Cheng said: "Invincible."

Xiao Bai praised: "Oh~~ This invincible is well written, let me test you, Liuliu, what does it mean?"

Liuli was open-minded: "I don't know, it's the first time I heard it."

Xiaomi covered her mouth and smiled, and Cheng Cheng took the initiative to explain: "No one is my opponent."

Liuli immediately clamored to exchange the red ribbon with Cheng Cheng. Cheng Cheng didn't say anything, but everyone opposed it, because Liuliu obviously didn't match this red ribbon.

"Liuli, you are the image spokesperson of the exam, you have a heavy responsibility and a glorious mission, don't be a deserter." Xiaomi advised.

Liuli sighed: "I have paid a lot for the principal - if he doesn't give me the three good students, I will be furious-"

That being said, the red ribbon is not going to be changed. In fact, she cares about this exam image spokesperson in her heart. He is a government official!

Xiaobai said at this time: "The exam time is almost up. Let's go back and cheer together."

She stretched out her hand to fold it with everyone.

Xiwawa, Dudu, Chengcheng, Xiaomi and Liuliu all folded their hands, and everyone shouted "Come on!" together, and then went back to prepare for the exam.

The Chinese exam was in the morning, and the math exam was in the afternoon.

After the morning exam, Zhang Tan took Xiaobai and Xier away, and lunch was already prepared at home.

The lunch was not made by Teacher Jiang, but by Tan Jiner. She bought vegetables today and cooked at home in the morning to provide logistical support for Xiaobai and Xier's exam.

Zhang Tan and Teacher Jiang also ate lunch.

The two took a half-hour nap at noon and continued the exam in the afternoon.

Zhang Tan still took Xiao Xiaobai to wait outside the school, but Xiao Xiaobai was sleeping the whole time. Zhang Tan's car is big, and the back seats can be put down to be used as a bed, so Xiao Xiaobai can roll around on it. This guy fell asleep after playing for a while, and slept soundly until the bell rang for the end of the exam, and Zhang Tan woke her up.

As soon as the bell rang, the campus, which was only filled with cicadas, immediately became noisy, and children could be heard shouting that it was time for the holiday from afar.

A large group of people ran out with schoolbags on their backs, scrambling to get in, and parents outside the school also gathered around to take their children home.

Zhang Tan and Xiao Xiaobai were waiting outside. Xiao Xiaobai stood on tiptoe and stretched her neck to look down at the door, but she couldn't see anything, because she was small and short.

She finally climbed onto her uncle's neck, hugged his head, and suddenly her vision was widened, and she shouted excitedly.

After the peak group of people left the school, fewer students came out of the teaching building. It was only then that Zhang Tan saw Xiaobai and others coming together, with their standard red ribbons fluttering in the wind.

They were talking and laughing, looking relaxed, and it seemed that at least they had not failed the exam.

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