Dad Academy

Chapter 253 So cruel (1/2)

Chapter 253 So cruel (12)

The filming of "The Hidden Corner" has started, and the newly established crew is busy quickly, but not in a hurry.

Although the work of the staff is complicated, they just follow the steps step by step and don't need to think too much. The actors are different. They don't just follow the steps, they have to get into the role as soon as possible, otherwise they won't be able to pass the filming.

The crew had a problem. The actors are not in good condition. It may be because they have just been filmed and are still being integrated. In addition, director Liu Jinlu has high requirements. He shot this TV series as a movie and used many movie shooting techniques, so that the filming progress was very slow and sometimes NG, sometimes a shot needs to be shot more than ten times or dozens of times.

Liu Jinlu had a bad temper and often cursed, but the three leading actors were minors and he had to endure it no matter how bad his temper was. As a result, the staff and the assistant director were unlucky and were scolded from time to time.

The assistant director had filmed "The Mysterious Caller" with him and knew his temper, so he wouldn't trust him, but...

"The actors are all new here and are not familiar with Director Liu, so his bad temper will affect everyone's mood. The integration of the crew is originally a slow process. If the atmosphere becomes tense, it will be even more difficult." Assistant Director It was a man in his 30s, tall and thin, named Zhao Wankun. He came to Zhang Tan to complain.

Zhang Tan was refining the script. He stopped to listen to what he had to say and said, "You are Director Liu's old man. You have filmed several movies with him. If you have any opinions or suggestions, you can directly mention them to him. With my respect for him, I understand, he can listen."

Zhao Wankun smiled bitterly and said in his heart that it was your illusion. He might listen to what you said. As for us, forget it.

"I told him, but it didn't work, so I was wondering if Teacher Zhang could talk to him."

Zhang Tan nodded: "Okay, I'll find time to remind him later."

"Thank you~~"

"It's all for work. Saying thank you is too disrespectful."

After saying that, Zhao Wankun left, and Zhang Tan continued to refine the script. During lunch, he and Liu Jinlu were together, and they reminded him while chatting.

After hearing this, Liu Jinlu sighed and said, "I'm anxious because everyone can't find the status and can't meet our requirements. But you are right, I will pay attention to it."

After lunch, Zhang Tan wandered around the crew and everyone had an hour's rest.

He saw little girl Meng Ke and two other boys standing together, chatting and laughing. These two people are the actors Yan Liang and Zhu Chaoyang in the play. Yan Liang is tall and dark-skinned. He looks like a wild boy at first glance, while Zhu Chaoyang is gentle and looks like a top student.

Meng Ke saw Zhang Tan passing by and called Teacher Zhang enthusiastically.

The other two young actors watched him approach with some nervousness and curiosity.

"Why are you talking so happily? How is filming during this time?" Zhang Tan asked.

Meng Ke grimaced and took a furtive glance around before saying, "I failed so many times. I feel like the director wants to get angry..."

The two boys were startled by her words. They thought to themselves that this stupid kid was saying bad things about the director to the screenwriter. Is he tired of living?

Among the three, Meng Ke was the youngest. They thought that Meng Ke was young and ignorant and would say whatever he thought.

The two of them complained in their hearts, thinking that Meng Ke should not hurt us. They paid attention to Zhang Tan's expression, and their minds were spinning rapidly, thinking about how to help Meng Ke smooth things over.

To their expectation, Zhang Tan was not angry, but said with a smile: "Don't worry, the director's temper is like this. There are so many people and things to take care of in the crew, it's difficult to stay calm... "

Zhang Tan chatted with them for a while, told them to take a rest and refresh themselves for filming in the afternoon, and then left.

When the young actor who played Zhu Chaoyang saw him walking away, he said to Meng Ke: "Ke Ke, you scared me to death just now. How could you speak ill of the director in front of the screenwriter? This is a taboo. Don't do this again. .”

Meng Ke said easily: "It's okay. Teacher Zhang is very good. We are children, so he won't take it easy."

Li Mingkai, the young man who plays Yan Liang, said seriously: "Keke, we treat you like a sister, so we speak directly if we have anything to say. Chen Rong is right, don't think about anything and say anything in the future, or you will suffer."

Seeing the seriousness of their words, Meng Ke thought for a moment, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll remember it, and I'll pay attention next time."

Chen Rong said: "However, I didn't expect that the legendary Teacher Zhang is so kind and easy to talk to."

Meng Ke was very interested in this topic and started chatting with him.

Seeing that the two of them had no scheming, Li Mingkai did not participate in the topic and only listened but did not speak. He is older than both Chen Rong and Meng Ke. He is already 16 years old. He has been acting for 3 years. He has just entered the society and has a deep understanding of the complexity of society. He will not show off just because of Zhang Tan. I really thought he was a good talker because of his kindness.

He saw Deng Wen waving to him, and said to Chen Rong and Meng Ke, "Teacher Deng is calling me. I'll come over."

"I'll go too~"

Meng Ke jumped up and followed him. Deng Wen was very kind, which made her like him very much, and they became familiar with him in a short time.

When Chen Rong saw it, he followed him.

Deng Wen ignored their arrival. He continued to talk to Zhang Tan while peeling the apple: "This is my first time playing a bad guy, so I was a little slow to get into the role. The director said that I didn't act like it, but I'm still a good guy at heart. I thought about it. I haven’t thought about it for a long time. Teacher Zhang, the character Zhang Dongsheng is a bad guy, but there is no complete bad guy. Bad guys also have a good side, right? I acted according to this idea, but the director said shortcomings, and I also think there are shortcomings. mean……"

When Li Mingkai heard this, he immediately knew that Deng Wen's intention of calling him over was to let him listen to Zhang Tan's drama. There were not many opportunities like this.

He concentrated and listened carefully to Zhang Tan and Deng Wen's discussion of the characters. Seeing that they had almost finished the discussion, he wanted to interject a question and ask Teacher Zhang how to analyze the character of Yan Liang.

At this time, I heard Deng Wen complain: "What's wrong with this apple? I've been peeling it for a long time, but I can't peel the flesh. There's too much wax on it."

He carefully looked at the apple in his hand and peeled it in half. It took a lot of time to peel it. It was slippery and the surface was covered with a layer of wax.

Zhang Tan said: "If you really think you are Zhang Dongsheng, you should kill this fruit seller."

After the words fell, Deng Wen, Meng Ke and others all looked at him, their mouths wide open, looking shocked, not knowing how to answer.

Especially the three young actors. They just said that Teacher Zhang was very kind. This is so cruel.

In the evening, the crew finished work, and Zhang Tan gave Bai Jianping a ride home.

"Xiao Bai has a scene tomorrow. I'll pick you up in the morning."

Bai Jianping said there was no need to bother, he could just take Xiaobai on the subway.

At night, in the Little Red Horse Academy, the little girl flew up, holding a small water gun, and frightened the children everywhere, asking them to raise their hands, line up, and surrender to her one by one.

The first one to surrender was not Cheng Cheng, but Xi'er. Hiahia laughed, not ashamed, but rather amused. She was very devoted and willing to be a little prisoner. She could do whatever he wanted with her, and she did it all.

Liuliu resisted for a while, but was suppressed. He quickly gave in and became a bitch. Helping Xiaobai shouted: "Surrender, surrender~~~ Surrender without killing. Brother Jiang Bin, surrender quickly~~ Huh? You won't surrender." ? Wow, you are such a tall duck, let me let you go, ha, it’s Luo Zikang~, surrender quickly!! Xiaobai~~~~ If Luo Zikang doesn’t surrender, please feed him, hum!!”

Thank you everyone for your tips:

Grab your lollipop for 25,000 coins

Micro hour nine minutes 12500 coins

Dance with the daily limit of 10,000 coins

Dynasty Warriors 10,000 coins

Funny Bichon 6800 coins

Seeking Truth 2007 5000 coins

Today I'm worried about 3500 coins

Xihahahaha 3000 coins

His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven 2700 coins

The last warmth is 2200 coins

1700 coins in the hot winter day

About 1500 coins

Wings of the Fallen God, Black Dress Too Lang, Little Flying Cat 001, Sloppy Man 1000 coins

It’s so hard to name snow 600 coins

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There are milk bags at home for 400 coins

Brother Junyi 376 coins

Bookworm Fresh 300 coins

Ruye, 200 coins


Pudding 168 coins

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