Dad Academy

Chapter 2469 Dudu’s Thoughts

Xin Xiaoguang was chased away by the children, and they were afraid of hearing him sing again.

Without him, the children came out of the classroom one after another, and the yard became lively again.

Luliu dragged a mobile karaoke machine around the yard, singing with a microphone in hand.

Everyone didn't expect that after chasing away Xiaoguang who was banging bang, they were greeted by Liuliu.

“Xiao Xiaobai—come here quickly.”

Liuliu saw Xiaoxiaobai playing with Xiaowang in the distance, and waved her over, threatening to give her a sacred task, which was to help her drag the mobile karaoke machine.

Dudu ran away, so we had to find other little fools to do the work.

Dudu is in the classroom at the moment, discussing with Teacher Xiaoliu. She is holding a golden trophy in her hand. She wants to give this trophy to Little Red Horse.

"Because this is my home, I want all the children to love sports." Dudu said seriously.

When Teacher Xiaoliu heard this statement, he was shocked. After all, Dudu was only a first-grade kid, but he had such awareness and height, which really impressed her.

Teacher Xiaoliu wondered if this was the instruction of Dudu's parents, otherwise she would not dare to think that it would be Dudu's age.

"Do your parents know?" Teacher Xiaoliu asked.

Although this big trophy is not made of real gold and its real value is not very high, it is of great commemorative significance. It is a municipal honor at the level of Pujiang City, which many athletes may not be able to win in their lifetime.

Xiaobai and Xiaomi were also on the side. After listening to Teacher Xiaoliu's words, Xiaobai nodded and said to Dudu: "Dudu, if you want to donate the trophy to Xiaohongma, you must discuss it with your parents first. You can't do it yourself. If you want to donate, just donate.”

Xiaomi also said: "The children will be very happy when they see this trophy, and everyone's enthusiasm for sports will be greatly improved. It would be great if it could be placed in the Little Red Horse Academy. However, Dudu must discuss it with his parents first." oh."

Dudu nodded: "Yes! I need to discuss it with my parents."

Teacher Xiaoliu thought to herself that you really didn’t discuss it with your parents, so you asked more questions.

She was about to speak and asked Dudu to take the trophy back tonight and discuss it with her parents before making a decision, but suddenly she heard Dudu say: "I already discussed it with my parents before coming here. Both parents agreed. They Just do whatever you want to do, we will always support you."

In fact, before arriving at Little Red Horse Academy in the evening, Dudu took the initiative to donate the trophy to Little Red Horse Academy to encourage children to love sports and thrive.

At that time, both Zhao Gongcheng and Sun Dongdong were surprised that Dudu suddenly came up with this idea. After questioning her carefully (in sign language), they found that Dudu was not just a whim, but was really determined to donate the trophy.

Their way of educating Dudu has always been to fully respect Dudu's opinions and encourage Dudu to make his own decisions.

In this way, the trophy was kept by Little Red Horse Academy. Teachers Xiaoliu organized a small but lively donation ceremony. Dudu gave a speech and then donated the trophy.

Dudu's speech is very simple, just to encourage everyone to exercise more.

Because of this trophy, there was a wave of sports in Little Red Horse Academy. The children became more diligent when they were in the yard. There were more people digging sand. The pepper seedlings planted by Little White also watered diligently. The chicken callers have to be caught every day, caught and released, released and caught again, and they are almost confused.

The football, which had been silent for a while, was once again discovered by everyone. In the evening, a group of children started chasing the football under the lights. Hey, haha, no matter how well they played, at least the momentum was definitely better than that of the Sea Cucumber Team.

Even Liuliu was full of enthusiasm and participated twice. He only joined in hastily and stumbled out in disgrace.

When the durian fell out again, she touched her face, sat on the steps, looked at the group of melons running around, and said angrily:

"Good guy, good guy~~~hoohoohoohoo~~~Hit my duck on purpose, huh? Did you hit me on purpose? I will never kick again."

There were several slap marks on her face, but she didn't know it.

These were all left behind when I was pushed by some bastard melon boy when I was playing football.

Da Yanyan hasn't participated in such an intense sport for a long time. The last time she was practicing wrestling with Xiao Bai, she was beaten badly.


"Northeast Police Story" was released. It was a small-budget film, but it made a lot of money at the box office.

Both Little Red Horse Film and Television and Zhang Tan made huge profits from it, and the film also made star Xie Miao famous.

Before this, no one knew who Xie Miao was.

But now everyone knows that Xie Miao is really good at fighting. Then the media dug up Xie Miao's experience and discovered that this guy has real skills.

He practiced martial arts in the Shaolin Temple when he was a child. Later, he was admitted to the university majoring in sports. He studied under several martial arts masters and was good with swords, guns and sticks. He was like a rising martial arts star.

With the ending of "Northeast Police Story", Xie Miao successively received some film invitations, but most of them were not ideal.

Although he has become famous and the media has taken turns to interview him, and he seems to be very popular, in fact, good resources are not available to him. After all, he is only a newcomer, and he can really fight, but how about his box office appeal? It has not been fully tested by the market.

Xie Miao did not rush to choose the invitation in hand. The second work after becoming popular is very important. If he can continue his efforts, he will really gain momentum and gain a firm foothold from then on.

But if the second work fails, it may immediately fall back to the bottom and become a short-lived shooting star.

So it is necessary to be cautious.

Amid such waiting and suffering, Xie Miao received an invitation from director Wang Hao.

When his agent told him the news, his first reaction was: "Is it the director Wang Hao of "Mo Di"?"

"That's him. He has been participating in the filming of "The Matrix" before. Some time ago, this movie was also completed, so he had some free time and immediately started preparing for a new movie, which is "Xiu Chun Knife" in your hands. , the screenwriter is Zhang Tan and the producer is Little Red Horse Films. I read the script and it is very good. The role given to you is Jin Yichuan, one of the three male protagonists. I got news that the other starring role will be Zhang Zhen."

Xie Miao's eyes lit up, "Then why are you hesitating? Isn't this a film we are waiting for! Wang Hao is a director who has proven himself, and I believe that this "Xiu Chun Knife" will not be bad, not to mention, this is Zhang Tan and produced by Little Red Horse Films!”

Xie Miao accepted the invitation excitedly and met with Wang Hao the next day. The two chatted for a long time and then made a special trip to visit Zhang Tan.

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