Dad Academy

Chapter 2448 Wait!

Dudu is very particular about life and has a sense of ritual in life. Everything he does is full of ritual.

She carried a bow and brought the little red horse, in order to prove that the rabbit and lion cub in her hand were caught by her hunting. If there was not enough food, she could also shoot down Li Baobao's parrot.

The snapping sound of her wishful thinking was heard by Liliu who was far away at home, not to mention the parrot who was always wary of her and felt his heart in his throat.

I thought I was just saying that I wanted to shoot her down to sacrifice the flag, but now it's better, and I want to use it as a banquet, so I might as well shoot her down to sacrifice the flag.

The parrot thought about it and decided to die directly.

"No, my parrot is dead."

Robin Bai was shocked and stood under the tree and looked around with Xi'er.

Xi'er also said to Lao Li: "Li Baobao, is your parrot sick? Is it motionless?"

Lao Li stood up and looked around: "You were screaming just now, why did you stop moving all of a sudden?"

He found a clothing pole and propped the bird cage down. As expected, the parrot lay stiff in the cage, its little paws raised in the air, motionless.

"It's so pitiful. Why did he die? I want to cry." Robin Bai said.

Suddenly, the parrot that was still stiff one second suddenly moved its little paws raised in the air the next second.

"Hey, it moved, it moved!" Xi'er said in surprise.

Robin Bai came closer and looked at it, and also shouted: "It's really moving, it's really moving, I saw it."

In everyone's exclamations, the parrot performed for everyone what a miracle on earth is.

It comes alive again.

Since it had narrowly escaped death, it was no longer easy to live. Dudu finally stopped talking and wanted to shoot it down and eat it with dinner.

At this time, Xiaobai thought of Xie Xiaoxu's unfinished song.

"Xie Xiaoxu, what's your song? Sing it for us."

Xie Xiaoxu: "..."

He thought to himself, "It was almost there, but your father yelled and it stopped."

Seeing that he was hesitating and couldn't sing the song, Xi'er said thoughtfully: "It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if he can't write it."

Robin Bai nodded and said thoughtfully, "He was just bragging, it's nothing."

Dudu said: "It's really nothing, but bragging is not a good habit. Don't do it next time."

Xiaobai echoed: "Let me just say that I have never seen anyone write songs like this before. I have never done this before."

Wang Qianqian said: "Xiaobai, your father is a great writer, who can compare with your father?"

Yu Danni also nodded and whispered: "Xie Xiaoxu is still a child. We must forgive him and give him a chance to change his ways."


Xie Xiaoxu almost cried. If they hadn't said these words, he would have been cured.

He said with shame: "Inspiration is like a gust of wind, I can't help it come and go."

Xiaobai patted him on the shoulder and said sympathetically: "Understood~"

Robin Bai also patted Xie Xiaoxu's shoulder... and said, "Understood~"

Then he sighed and left.

Xie Xiaoxu was so tortured that he could hardly hold back. Fortunately, someone else came at this time, and it was Xiaomi.

She was also invited by Xiaobai to entertain guests.

Originally, Xiaobai called Cheng Cheng and Liliu, but Liliu was kept at home by her mother's love. When faced with Xiaobai's invitation, Cheng Cheng did not clearly say that he would come, nor did he clearly say that he could not come. He only said Tathagata.

Xiaobai was not sure whether she would come or not.

"Xi'er, what is this place for?"

Not far away, Wang Qianqian was asking Xi'er, and they were standing on the edge of the sand pit.

Xi'er said straightforwardly: "This is a sand pit, used for planting children. I planted Xiaobai last night."

Robin Bai, who was originally in high spirits on the side, suddenly turned into a tiger face, with "Gao" written on the left face, "Xing" written on the right face, and a big X in the middle.

She was planted in the sand pit by Liuliu last night. It was useless for her to run up and down behind Liuliu all night long, but in the end, she was killed by Liuliu and put her in the sand pit.

She was brought home by her mother in tears.

Liliu hasn't come tonight yet, and she will settle the score when she does!

Xie Xiaoxu asked Robin Bai: "How did you get planted in the sand pit?"

"It's too much~" Robin Baihu's face was fierce. She didn't know whether she was saying that the person who planted her in the sand pit last night was too much, or if she was asking this question to expose her scars now, it was too much.

Dudu said: "Don't ask, don't ask Robin, she is very sad and angry now."

After saying that, Dudu touched Robin Bai's little head and said comfortingly: "What should you do if you have negative emotions in your stomach? I have taught you this before."

Robin thought for a moment, then without saying a word, he huffed and walked angrily into the woods, and soon disappeared.

"Xiao Xiaobai, what are you going to do?" Xi'er asked, wanting to follow him to have a look, but was stopped by Dudu.

"Let her go."

In the grove, Robin bit the air for nothing. After a while, her mood stabilized, but she came out with a grimace.

Dudu said: "You must be in a good mood now. Sing a song, your "Collecting Rags Together"."

Robin Bai showed his little arms and legs to her: "There are many mosquito bites."

Then he sang: "A dollar and a dime are all mine, and the tricycle is my dream..."

Dudu: "..."

Xie Xiaoxu said in surprise: "I wrote the song."

"Come up and eat."

Zhang Tan stood on the balcony and shouted again.

“It’s time to eat, it’s time to eat~~”

"Let's go to eat. My grandma made a lot of hard dishes."

"The rabbit and the little lion haven't been used to cook yet."

"Leave it for the porridge."

The group of people went upstairs, but Robin Bai was left behind. She was given an important task by her aunt, which was to wait for Tathagata's Cheng Cheng.

Children all like to take on tasks, especially Robin Bai. She stayed behind willingly, wandering around the yard alone, harassing Lao Li from time to time.

The sky gradually darkened, night gradually enveloped the world, Tathagata Cheng Cheng was still missing, and Xiao Xiaobai was impatient to wait, but if her aunt didn't call her to come up, she would not have completed the task.

She wandered in the yard, and just when she was about to lose her patience, her little aunt finally appeared and called her to come up and eat.

Xiao Xiaobai immediately sped up and ran home.

"Thank you for your hard work, I'll give you a chicken leg." Xiaobai gave her a chicken leg.

Xiao Xiaobai immediately raised his little tail, showing a puppy-like expression, and said firmly: "I will wait for Cheng Cheng after dinner."

Cheng Cheng vowed not to give up until Cheng Cheng arrived.

This glorious and arduous task must be accomplished!

At the dining table, Dudu picked up a small cup and wanted to toast the three guests: "Welcome to be our guests. Come here often in the future."

Xie Xiaoxu and the other three hurriedly picked up their own small cups. Zhang Tan was present, and Xie Xiaoxu would never dare to take the lead, so it was Wang Qianqian who spoke.

"Thank you Dudu, you are so enthusiastic, the food is delicious, and Grandma Jiang is really good at cooking."

Dudu smiled and said: "Liuliu has always wanted to eat the food cooked by Grandma Jiang, but she didn't get it today, hahaha~ Let's do it."




The four of them raised their glasses and were about to drink it. Suddenly Zhang Tan reached out to stop him, picked up a large bottle of Little Bear drink and said, "Wait a minute! I found that your glasses are empty. I'll pour you some before you drink."

He said emphatically to Dudu: "This has a more ceremonial feel and highlights a reality."

Dudu nodded in approval and asked him to pour some into his cup. He specifically told him not to pour too much and leave some for Xiao Xiaobai to drink.

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