Dad Academy

Chapter 2445 The excited Xiaobai

Jiang Xiaohong's puppy Snoopy sat quietly at Xi'er's feet, staring at her with his head raised, full of curiosity.

But Xi'er glanced at her and felt uneasy, so afraid that the dog would bite her.

She wished Gouzi would go away quickly, but Gouzi couldn't hear her thoughts. Instead, he took a step forward and stared at her with his head tilted.

Xi'er didn't dare to look at it and pretended not to see the bitch.

But the glance she just took caused the dog to misunderstand, thinking that she was eye-to-eye with him, so he swung the dog's tail enthusiastically, its droopy ears suddenly stood up, and its eyes widened. Emit light.

Xi'er's heart was beating like thunder and she quickly pretended to have a meal.

When Gouzi saw that she had made no move, he neither moved away nor came closer. He just stared at her, as if Xi'er hooked her hand and Gouzi would run away happily.

We had dinner at Jiang Xiaohong's house and played for a while before Xiao Weiwei and Xi'er left.

Xiao Weiwei's mother Zhong Fei and Xi'er's sister Jin'er both arrived and took them away.

"Bye, little Weiwei and Xi'er, come and play at my house next time." Little Red Riding Hood waved enthusiastically.

At her feet, the white little dog Snoopy also roared, stuck out his tongue, and stared at little Weiwei and Xi'er, especially Xi'er, with sparkling eyes.

I really want to get Xi'er's response.

But Xi'er didn't even look at it and left in a panic.

Coyotito watched them leave with disappointment.

"Do you also like little Weiwei and Xi'er?" Little Red Riding Hood turned around and picked up Coyotito and asked.

"Wangwangwang~~~" The dog barked three times, its droopy little ears stood up again, its eyes were bright, and it looked cute.

"Hahaha, you really like them, and so do I. Mom, Snoopy also likes little Weiwei and Xi'er."

Little Red Riding Hood happily ran to report to her mother.

At the same time, Xiao Weiwei and Xi'er both went home.

Tan Jin'er originally wanted to take Xi'er home to sleep directly, but Xi'er yelled that she wanted to go to Xiaohongma first, saying that she had to report to work. After all, it was the first time to visit someone else's house.

Tan Jin'er had nothing to do with her, so he took her to Little Red Horse Academy. It was already nine o'clock in the evening. The courtyard of Little Red Horse Academy was quiet except for the occasional quacking sound from the big parrot.

"hiahiahia~~~ Li Bai opened the door, I am Xi'er, I'm back~"

Xi'er stood at the door of the yard and shouted to Lao Li in the yard.

"Huh? It's Xi'er here. Where were you tonight?"

As Lao Li spoke, he opened the courtyard door and let the Tan sisters in.

Tan Jin'er also came in, "Xi'er is visiting a classmate's house."

Xi'er continued: "I went to Little Red Riding Hood's house as a guest, and Little Red Riding Hood invited me and Little Weiwei to dinner."

Lao Li smiled and said: "Not bad, I have a good relationship with my classmates."

Xi'er hiahia smiled, feeling a little proud in her heart.

Tan Jin'er urged: "Stop laughing. Didn't you say you wanted to report to Xiaobai and Xiaobai? Go quickly."

"Sister Hiahia is right, I'm going to see Xiaobai. I have to report on my work, report on my work. Li Baibao, I'm going to report on my work."

"go Go."

Xi'er ran away and entered the classroom. There were many children in the classroom.

Xiaoxiao asked her why she was there and why she came now.

Xi'er hiahia smiled and said, "I went to a classmate's house as a guest and I just came back."

She saw Xiao Lizi again, and without waiting for Xiao Lizi to ask, she said, "Yes, I went to a classmate's house as a guest, and I just came back."

Shi Baobao asked her if it was fun, and she said happily: "Yes, I went to a classmate's house as a guest. I just came back. It was very fun."

She kept talking and looking for Xiaobai. Xiaomi saw her and told her: "Xiaobai is there, telling Xiaobai a picture book story." Xiaomi said, pointing to the corner of the reading area.

Xi'er immediately ran over, and sure enough, she saw Xiaobai, Xiaobai, and Liuliu here.

Xiaobai was telling Xiaobai a story from a picture book. Duoliu was forced to listen to the story.

Xiaobai had nothing to do with her. Seeing that the story given to Xiaobai was so childish, she could also listen to it. Xiaobai had nothing to say except admiration.

Xiaobai saw Xi'er running over at the first sight and waved: "Huh? Xi'er is back. Come here quickly. What are you doing?"

"hiahia, I'm back. I'm back from being a guest at my classmate's house."

"Come on, come sit down and tell us something?" Xiaobai asked her to come over and sit down.

The first thing Xi'er said was: "Little Red Riding Hood's father is good at cooking. He made so many delicious dishes that my belly is bulging."

As she said that, she touched her belly and said that there was a lot of stuff inside.

One hand reached out and touched it too. It was a pomegranate.

"Good guy, I really ate a lot. What's delicious? Tell us." Liuliu asked enviously.

The other little hand went late at night, touched Xi'er's belly, nodded affirmatively and said: "Good guy, I really ate a lot. What's delicious? Tell me quickly." It's a scholar. Fine Robin white.

"There are carrots~" Xi'er said.

Liuliu was shocked and said: "That's it?"

Scholar Robin Bai was also shocked and said: "That's it?"

"No hard food?" Luoliu asked.

"No hard food?" Robin Bai, a scholar, said.

Xi'er asked: "What are hard vegetables?"

Liuliu opened her mouth and was about to speak when she suddenly stopped and said to Robin Bai beside her: "Tell Xi'er what hard vegetables are."

Robin Bai was dumbfounded and said stupidly: "I don't know."

Liuliu looked at her with contempt and said, "Then you still don't admit that you are a stupid child."

Robin was white and puffy.

Liuliu didn't care about her and said, "Hard dishes are big dishes like chicken, duck, fish, etc. Are there any?"

Xi'er thought for a moment and said, "There's duck, there's fish, there's beef..."

Liuliu said with envy: "There are so many hard vegetables."

Robin Bai said: "Liuliu, you must like duck meat the most."

Liuliu shook his head: "No, I like to eat melon seeds like you the most."

"Little aunt, Liuliu wants to bully me." Robin Bai complained as soon as he disagreed.

Liuliu was furious: "You, you, you!!!"

Xiaobai interrupted: "Stop arguing and listen to Xiwawa talk about visiting Little Red Riding Hood's house."

"Xi'er, tell me, I will never say anything." Robin Bai sat upright, but fell down after a while.

Xi'er told about her experience of being a guest at Little Red Riding Hood's house. Xiao Bai asked very carefully, but Liliu and Robin Bai were only interested in his food and kept urging Xi'er to think of other good dishes.

After listening to this, Liuliu immediately said to Xiaobai: "Xiaobai, Xiaobai, can I come to your house as a guest tomorrow?"

Xiaobai gave her a blank look: "Not good."

Liuliu was shocked: "Aren't you not hospitable?!"

Xiaobai said: "You are not here as a guest, you are here to eat."

"You knew it and you said it?! Humph! Xiaoxiaobai, how about I come to your house as a guest?" Liuliu changed his target.

"Okay! I invite you to come to my house as a guest." Robin was still more deceptive.

Liuliu was overjoyed: "Then I'll go find you after school tomorrow."

Robin Bai readily agreed and planned for his parents to make more delicious treats for the durians.

Liuliu was overjoyed and was already looking forward to tomorrow.

But Xiaobai said: "Liuliu, don't be stupid. Xiaoxiaobai means to cook for you. You can have whatever you want."

Robin Bai said loudly: "Yes, we have whatever you want to eat. I can make it. I can also make swan meat for you to eat, panda meat for you to eat, and ginseng fruit for you to eat. You said you want to eat it." What? There’s nothing I won’t do.”

Liliu: "..."

She stood up and left silently, or went to find Duduba. Dudu was more real, unlike the Bai family aunt and nephew, one of whom was more shady than the other, which made her happy in vain.

The food cooked by Dudu's mother is delicious. Liuliu often thinks about it, thinking that it has been a long time since he visited Dudu's house as a guest. It's time to visit and connect with each other.

Late at night, all the little red horse children left, and the rest went to the bedroom on the second floor to sleep.

Zhang Tan came downstairs and took a walk in the yard to collect his thoughts. When he looked up, he saw Xiaobai sitting on the steps in the yard. He walked over and sat down on the steps next to Xiaobai. The evening breeze blew, Blow Xiaobai's watermelon head.

The two of them were sitting and chatting, and Xiaobai suddenly said: "Old man, Xiwawa is visiting a classmate's house today. It seems to be fun."

Zhang Tan said, "Really? I heard about it. It seems to be a newly transferred female classmate."

Xiaobai said: "The enemy is called Little Red Riding Hood. Xiwa and Xiao Weiwei went there. I heard that she has a little puppy at home."

Zhang Tan thought to himself, Xiaobai doesn't want to raise a little dog, does he?

But Xiaobai said the next sentence: "Old man, can I also invite my classmates to my house as guests?"

Zhang Tan said cheerfully: "Of course, who do you want to invite? We will prepare."

"Hahaha, I want to invite Xie Xiaoxu."

Zhang Tan: "..."

"And Wang Qianqian, Danni..."

It’s the end of the year, there are a lot of things at work, and I have to work overtime every day. That’s it for tonight. I’m sorry.

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