Dad Academy

Chapter 2436 It turns out you are a paparazzi duck

Zhong Fei was stunned by Xiao Weiwei's words.

Xiao Weiwei's father is indeed a reporter, and he is still the kind of reporter who often travels far away, even abroad.

However, he is not a war reporter, and there should be no full-time war reporters now. If there is a war somewhere, someone will be selected internally.

Xiao Weiwei's father went there once, and maybe he told Xiao Weiwei about it, so he asked Xiao Weiwei to remember it.

Later, he and Zhong Fei divorced, and Xiao Weiwei was sentenced to Zhong Fei.

It's hard to tell who is right and who is wrong in relationships. The relationship between Zhong Fei and her ex-husband is naturally not much better, but when it comes to treating Xiao Weiwei, the two have a surprisingly tacit understanding. Zhong Fei does not refuse him to visit Xiao Wei. Wei.

She even hopes that her ex-husband can visit Xiao Weiwei regularly, because she hopes that Xiao Weiwei will have a father's love in her childhood.

Moreover, putting aside feelings, Zhong Fei thinks that her ex-wife is very good, especially when it comes to being a father, she is quite competent.

So when she heard Xiao Weiwei say she wanted to be like her father, she was surprised, but it was only for a moment.

It seems that Xiao Weiwei also has a very good impression of her father.

"Since you want to be an adult like dad, let's start by going to bed on time. Only by going to bed on time can children grow up healthily. With good health, they can be good reporters in the future." Zhong Fei said.

When she said this, little Weiwei obediently prepared to go to bed.

She packed up all kinds of small socks and gifts on the small bed and put them into a big box. It was her treasure box, and there were all kinds of strange things in it.

"Hehe, show it to daddy next time he comes." Xiao Weiwei said expectantly.

Lying on the bed, Zhong Fei turned off the lights in the bedroom, leaving only a desk lamp on. She sat on the edge of the bed and asked softly: "Dad had a video call with you today. What did he say?"

Xiao Weiwei's father was on a business trip and could not come to celebrate her birthday with her. However, he made a video call during the day and whispered to Xiao Weiwei for a long time.

Xiao Weiwei laughed and was not sad because her father could not come to celebrate her birthday with her.

"Dad said that when he comes back from his business trip, he will celebrate little Weiwei's birthday again, so that I can celebrate two birthdays, hahaha."

Zhong Fei smiled and said: "Then you have to plan well and what you want to do."

That night, Zhong Fei told Xiao Weiwei a story about a young reporter. Xiao Weiwei became more energetic as she listened. Zhong Fei quickly changed to another one. Xiao Weiwei also felt sleepy and fell asleep while listening. .

Zhu Xiaojing's promise to take Xiao Weiwei to the TV station's Little Reporter Day soon came to light. Two days later, she called Zhong Fei and asked them to prepare and attend together.

Xiao Weiwei was very excited after hearing this. She started planning what to prepare early, and even urged her mother to call and ask Mother Zhu what to do.

On this day, she woke up at six o'clock in the morning in excitement, and walked quietly around the house without making any noise. She sat on the sofa in the living room and watched cartoons. After Zhong Fei woke up, she got up and suddenly saw When I arrived at the living room, the TV was on, and I was startled.

The children were looking forward to it. After having breakfast, they packed themselves up, put on the pink helmet given by Xier, and packed the small notebook and pen given by Luoliu in their backpack.

There is a pair of frames on the bridge of her nose, which Xiaobai gave her.

She looks decent this way.

The two finally went out. When they arrived at the TV station, Zhu Xiaojing was already waiting downstairs. She wore professional attire and looked fresh and capable.

At her feet, there was a child standing.

"It's Liuliu!" Xiao Weiwei shouted in surprise, "Liuliu——"

Liuliu waved to her, and Xiao Weiwei ran over and asked, "Liuliu, why are you here too?"

Liuliu yawned and said, "I'm here to accompany you, duck, because I'm afraid you're scared to be alone."

Xiao Weiwei laughed and was so happy. Meeting friends she knew really made her less nervous.

"Mother Liuliu, I'm going to trouble you today." Zhong Fei said politely.

Zhu Xiaojing smiled and said: "It's not troublesome. How can we call it troublesome to train a successor? Xiao Weiwei, put on this little press card, let's go."

She gave Xiao Weiwei a nameplate with the words "Little Reporter" written on it.

Little Weiwei was so precious that when she hung it around her neck, she immediately felt like a real little reporter, and the wind was always under her feet when she walked.

Liuliu also had one hanging around her neck, but unlike Xiao Weiwei, she didn't think there was anything strange about this thing. Seeing that Xiao Weiwei was so precious, she picked up the card hanging in front of her chest and looked at it again and again. It was really strange. usually.

"Come on, let's go in."

Zhu Xiaojing took Xiao Weiwei and Liuliu into the TV station and swiped their cards at the door. When the guard saw the nameplates hanging on Liuliu and Xiao Weiwei's necks, he smiled and let them in.

The lobby on the first floor is very lively at the moment. At a glance, many children, both old and young, are here to participate in today's Little Press Day.

Xiao Weiwei asked in surprise: "Mother Liuliu, are these young reporters?"

"Yes, they are here to participate in the event just like you." Zhu Xiaojing said.

"Why are there so many people?"

"Because there are so many kids who want to be reporters when they grow up."

"Mother Liuliu, did you also want to be a reporter when you were a child?"

"...Think about it."


"Because I feel happy being a reporter."

"Haha, I'm happy too, why do you feel happy?"


Seeing why the little sister started to get to the bottom of it, Zhong Fei stepped in and interrupted Xiao Weiwei's 100,000 whys.

"You guys should join them too." Zhu Xiaojing said, "Liuliu, take care of little Weiwei and take good care of her, you know? You are my sister."

"Sister also needs someone to take care of the duck."

"What did you say?"

"666 Duck, I said, little Weiwei is on my body, I will take good care of her."

Liuliu and Xiao Weiwei immediately rushed towards the group of young reporters. This guy was a familiar person and could make awkward conversations with anyone.

However, this time Liuliu underestimated herself. She didn't need to talk awkwardly with people, because as soon as she appeared, someone recognized her and called her a big star.

Liuliu took a closer look and saw that it was a little boy. That boy was so handsome.

Although Liuliu didn't know the other person, she felt that the child would definitely be a person with great achievements in the future.

"You're Liliu, right? You're a big star, you've made movies, and you also sing, right?" The boy came over to ask with excitement in his eyes.

Liuliu was shocked and said: "How do you know me? I just want to be an ordinary person."

The boy laughed: "I know, I know. Big stars want to be ordinary people. Don't worry, I won't tell others that you are Luoliu. Only I know."

Luliu scratched her head. How could this child not tell others? How could she pretend to be so?

But Liuliu can't tell people directly. Go tell other children.

The boy asked again: "Liuliu, I heard that you act like a big star in movies, is it true?"

Liuliu was furious: "It's nothing! Whoever slanders me like this is nothing."

The boy immediately took out a small notebook and started writing in it, and then asked Liuliu: "Liuliu, I heard that you like to change scripts and lines when filming. Is this true?"

Liuliu continued to get angry: "There must be no such thing. Someone must be jealous of me and make it up. Hey, hey, hey, don't write down randomly. What are you writing?"

Liuliu went over to take a look, and saw that this guy actually wrote in a small notebook: Liuliu denied being a big name and changing the script. She said that someone was jealous of her. She didn't know many people, and Xiaobai was...

Liuliu was furious and asked, "You idiot! Why do you remember this?"

The boy said: "I am a little reporter today. I want to be an entertainment reporter, also called a paparazzi. If I don't remember this, why should I remember it? Look at what you said."

Luoliu suddenly realized: "So you are a paparazzi duck. Let us hear your dog bark twice."

No more tonight, I'll try to do a chapter during the day tomorrow.

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