Dad Academy

Chapter 2428 The night owl’s beard is Xiao Weiwei

They all selected gifts for little Weiwei. The adults did not participate in the process. It was all chosen by the children themselves.

In the evening, Xiao Weiwei came earlier. Her mother left after sending her to the academy and told her not to wash her socks.

It’s not that Xiao Weiwei’s mother, Zhong Fei, doesn’t let her wash her socks, but the little guy often takes the opportunity to play with water while washing her socks.

"Why don't you let me wash the socks?" she asked.

But her mother will definitely not answer her because Zhong Fei has left.

Xiao Weiwei muttered, walked to Lao Li's side, and stood aside to watch Lao Li make tea.

Lao Li has been tea-making for decades, and his tea-making process is so smooth that it can fool people.

Xiao Weiwei praised: "Li Baobao, you are so awesome. Why are you so capable?"

Lao Li was so proud that it was useless to praise him for anything else. He was very happy just by praising him for making and tasting tea.

"Making tea is all about a state of mind..."

Lao Li started to teach Xiao Weiwei about tea ceremony, but Xiao Weiwei obviously didn't understand and didn't want to hear it, but she didn't interrupt Lao Li because it was impolite. She listened in a daze, already distracted, and her mind was wandering. It was not until Lao Li stopped talking that she was still in a daze. It was Xiao Xiaobai who came to call her and she came back to her senses.

Lao Li waved his hands helplessly, feeling lonely without a confidant.


Xiao Xiaobai put his hands on his hips and laughed so sillyly that Xiao Weiwei couldn't understand what he was laughing at.

"Xiao Weiwei, is it your birthday? I'll give you a birthday present."

Xiao Xiaobai couldn't wait since he came back from the mall today. He has been looking forward to Xiao Weiwei's arrival so that he can deliver the gifts as soon as possible.

Her little aunt ran out and tried to stop her, but it was too late.

Xiao Xiaobai had already given away the gift, and Xiao Weiwei was pleasantly surprised.

Xiaobai was speechless, but Xiaobai was still waving her over, and said to Xiao Weiwei: "My little aunt also bought a gift, let her give it to you."

Xiaobai gave her a blank look: "Xiao Weiwei's birthday is tomorrow. We will send it to you tomorrow, but we won't send it to you today."

Xiao Xiaobai asked: "Why don't you send it today?"

Xiaobai: "Send it tomorrow."

"I've already given it away."

"That's because you are stupid. I told you not to give it away today, but you just didn't listen."

"Oh, little Weiwei, can you give it back to me?"

The little guy wanted to take back the gift he had just given, but his little aunt dragged him away. After giving him a lesson, she ran back and apologized to little Weiwei.

"It's a gift for you. Don't give it back to me. I wish you a happy birthday and wish you a good year."

Xiao Weiwei laughed and opened the gift together with Xiao Bai. They took out the pair of red socks and couldn't put them down.

Xiao Xiaobai also wanted to reveal the gifts from her aunt and others. Fortunately, Xiao Bai had been on guard. As soon as she opened her mouth, he covered her mouth and carried her away with Xi'er.

When they returned to their home on the third floor, Grandma Jiang had just prepared dinner and asked them to eat it.

A few people were having dinner when they suddenly saw a small figure moving at the door, but they couldn't see who it was.

"Which pot is outside?" Xiaobai asked loudly.

There was no response at the door, and Xiao Xiaobai said worriedly: "Little aunt, could it be Night Owl Beard?"

Xiaobai said: "Then you go and have a look."

Xiao Xiaobai's face changed, and he held his rice bowl tightly: "I still need to eat, don't ask me to go."

"Silly boy!"

Xiaobai muttered, got up and walked out: "I'll go take a look."

Zhang Tan didn't say anything. He also felt that there were children outside.

"Little aunt, you have to be careful."

"Xiao Bai, I'm coming too."

Xi'er also followed. Xiaoxiaobai thought for a moment and got up the courage to get off the table and follow him to have a look.

Teacher Jiang called her to come back and continue eating, but she didn't listen.

Xiaobai stood at the door and looked out. The lights in the corridor were on. A child was tiptoeing towards the stairs, with his back to them.

But Xiaobai still recognized who it was at a glance.

"Xiao Weiwei - where do you live?"

That's right, the person coming is Xiao Weiwei.

Seeing that she was discovered, Xiao Weiwei turned around and said with a smile: "Xiao Bai, I came to play with you. You are eating. I will come to see you later."

She just poked her head at the door and found Xiaobai and the others having dinner, so she was about to leave. She heard Xiaobai's question, but did not answer. Unexpectedly, she was discovered by Xiaobai.

"Have you eaten?" Xiaobai asked.

"Eat. My mother made scrambled eggs with tomatoes and stir-fried meat with small gourds."

"Are the little gourds delicious?"

"It's delicious. I ate two big bowls of rice."

"Then come and sit at my house."

Xi'er also leaned out and called her to come in and sit down.

"Your family is having dinner." Xiao Weiwei said.

"It's okay, come quickly."

Only after Xiaobai and Xier's warm invitation did Xiao Weiwei enter the room and sit down.

"The night owl's beard is Xiao Weiwei——" Xiao Xiaobai said in surprise.

Xiao Weiwei greeted her, Zhang Tan and Teacher Jiang, and then sat on the sofa obediently.

Xi'er had sharp eyes and asked, "What is that in your hand?"

Xiao Weiwei giggled: "It's a little flower I picked in the grove. I want to give it to Xiao Xiaobai."

"Give it to me?"

Xiao Xiaobai was so surprised that he stopped eating and quickly got down from the table.

"Yes, it's for you. Thank you for the birthday gift you gave me."

Xiao Weiwei gave this little flower to Xiao Bai, and Xiao Bai held it carefully in his hand, with stars in his eyes, for fear of accidentally scaring Xiao Hua.

"It's so beautiful." Xiao Xiaobai was overjoyed.

Xi'er said: "This is a small yellow flower."

"Little yellow flower?" Xiao Xiaobai asked.

Xi'er said: "It's just a small yellow flower."

"Haha, the little yellow flowers are so beautiful."

Xiaobai said: "What are you going to tell Xiao Weiwei?"

Xiao Xiaobai quickly said: "Thank you, Xiao Weiwei, I really like the little yellow flowers you gave me."

"You're welcome, you gave me the gift first." Xiao Weiwei said.

Xiao Xiaobai asked curiously: "Where did you find the little yellow flower?"

"It's in the woods, under a big tree."

"Let's go take a look later."

"I'll take you."

"Okay~ Xiao Weiwei, you are my good friend."

"Hahaha~ You are also my good friend."

The two laughed, immersed in the beautiful friendship.

Xiaobai and Xier did not disturb them, Zhang Tan also smiled and continued to eat, while Teacher Jiang went to the kitchen to get a pair of bowls and chopsticks, and served Xiao Weiwei a bowl of chicken soup.

Xiao Weiwei said that she had eaten dinner and was not hungry now.

But Xiaobai asked her if she didn't want to give her grandma face?

Xiao Weiwei had to sit at the table next to Xiao Bai, and scooped out the soup with a small spoon.

"How is it delicious?" Xiao Xiaobai asked.

"It's so delicious. It's as delicious as my mother's. Grandma, you are amazing."

Little Weiwei is also a sweet-mouthed child, and this little guy is very sensible. She may look silly at ordinary times, but she understands many things about adults.

Teacher Jiang said with a smile: "If it tastes good, just eat more. After drinking the soup, you can also eat the chicken in the bowl."

"Grandma, I have a question to ask you." Why came to Xiao Weiwei's mind again.

Teacher Jiang asked with great interest: "What's the question? Just ask."

Xiao Weiwei said: "Why does your chicken soup taste so delicious? Do you have any secrets?"

The other children also looked at Grandma Jiang.

Teacher Jiang smiled and said: "Actually, there is no special secret. If there is, it is that as long as you do it seriously, you can always make it delicious."

"Is it enough to do it seriously?"

"You can do well only if you do it seriously. If you don't do it seriously, you will definitely not do well."

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