Dad Academy

Chapter 2404 So stylish

Weiwei smiled, life or death was unpredictable.

Seeing that they were playing house, Robin was very interested and willingly became Xiaoxiao and Xiaoyouyou's two little children, standing behind them and laughing.

Xiaobai and Xier stood not far away eating melon and watching a show. Under the auspices of Xiao Weiwei and Xiao Lizi, they married Xiaoxiao and Xiao Youyou, and Xiaobai became their child. .

After watching the whole process, Xiaobai understood the relationship. Xiao Weiwei plays the mother and Xiao Lizi plays the father. This is a family.

After the wedding, Xiaoxiao and Xiaoyouyou were arranged to enter the bridal chamber, which was the classroom, and Robin Bai was allowed to leave.

Her work was done and no longer needed.

As a performance fee, Xiao Xiaobai received a wedding candy.

She happily ran to her little aunt to show off her candy, and she even got a piece of candy while playing house.

Xi'er's eyes were shining as she stared at the candy in Xiaobai's palm. The candy coating was red and must taste delicious.

But this belongs to Xiao Bai. She can't ask her friends for candy. She is a little sister, not a porridge, so she can't do such a thing.

So, all I can do is salivate.

"You silly child." Xiaobai looked at her like a little fool, "You have become someone else's child. You are three years old, and Xiaoxiao is only four years old. You are younger than her. So many, you’ll suffer a big loss.”

"Huh?" Robin Bai was a little dumbfounded. Hearing what his little aunt said, it seemed like she had suffered a big loss.

Xi'er also said: "Yes, Xiao Xiaobai, why have you become someone else's childish child?"

Regarding the issue of age, Tan Xier is very concerned about it. She has been tampering with her age since she was a child. She wants to be a sister. She dared to pretend to be eight or nine years old when she was three or four years old. She has always wanted to give herself the status of an elder. She is not like Xiaobai. If she doesn't have the status of an elder, forget it. , and it’s super doubled. Isn’t this stupid?

Xiao Xiaobai heard what both of them said, and finally determined that she had suffered a big loss. The key was that she didn't know it.

This made her very unhappy, and her cheerful little face suddenly darkened, and she muttered: "This is too much, this is too much~ Bullying a good boy~"

Xiaobai ignored his niece's depressed mood and added fuel to the fire, sarcastically saying: "Little fool~cute little fool."

The little white tiger has a small face, like a bun, which makes people want to pinch it.

One hand reached out and pinched the baby fat on her little face.

Xiao Xiaobai's eyes immediately widened, making himself look even more ferocious, "It's too much, it's too much, sister Ha Xi'er, it's too much~ Don't pinch me."

"hiahia~~~" Xi'er laughed. It was okay that Xiao Xiaobai didn't say these words, but once she said it, she wanted to squeeze it even more.

Xiao Xiaobai seemed to know this, no matter how he pretended to be cruel, it was just pretending, not really cruel.

So she widened her eyes and bluffed while retreating. When she retreated to a certain distance, she ran away with a whoosh and chased into the classroom, probably to settle the score with Xiao Weiwei.

Xiaobai and Xi'er went into the woods, saying they wanted to catch chickens.

Now the sky is getting darker and the twilight is sinking. There is no light in the grove. The street lights installed inside have not yet turned on, so the grove looks even darker.

Xi'er subconsciously leaned closer to Xiaobai, she was a little afraid of the dark.

At this time, the grove is even more quiet, as if it has been cut off from all the hustle and bustle of the outside world, leaving only the beeping of chickens and the twittering of some unknown insects.

"There's a cockerel crowing there."

Xiaobai pointed to a place under the wall. She heard the cries of chickens from the cries of many small insects, and He Xi'er groped towards it.

As soon as they approached, the chickens stopped crowing, and the various small insects around them stopped crowing. The area quickly became quiet, but they knew that in the dark, there were many small insects peeping at them and staring at them. every move.

Xi'er couldn't hear the insects anymore and asked Xiaobai in a low voice what to do.

Xiaobai said loudly: "We are leaving, we are not here to catch you."

He took Xi'er out of the grove, but when he was about to leave the grove, Xi'er stumbled, tripped, and fell.

Xiaobai quickly went to help her, "Oh, Xiba, your soul is about to be thrown out."

Xi'er got up, her hands, feet and pants were stained with dust. She patted them, hiahia smiled, and tried her best to make herself look like she didn't feel any pain at all.

"Show me your hands."

Xiaobai forcefully asked to check the palms of her hands. Fortunately, there was indeed no broken skin and her knees were normal. It just hurt a little from falling and stained her clothes. A few pats were all it took.

At this time, Xiao Xiaobai suddenly ran out in a hurry, shouting happily as he ran: "Little aunt! Little aunt, look - I caught the bride!!!"

She is holding Xiao Youyou's hand. Is this revenge for abducting the bride? ?

"Robin!! Don't run-"

Xiao Weiwei, Xiao Lizi and Xiao Xiao rushed out of the classroom, but Xiao Xiao was the one who rushed out at the front.

After all, Xiao Youyou is her bride.

Xiaoxiao chased her out and chased Xiaobai around. Finally, she was caught and the bride was confiscated. She was also frightened that she would not play with her next time.

The little white tiger had a small face and muttered that it was too much, but he could only be helpless and furious. Seeing that the stolen bride was taken away again, he was unable to resist, so he could only transform into Mrs. Xianglin and chant sutras.

Suddenly, she saw the little lady-like Xiao Wang standing aside. Her eyes lit up and she asked Xiao Wang: "Xiao Wang, Xiao Wang, do you want to be my bride?"

Xiao Wang's eyes were wide open, clear and innocent, as if his computer was down, and his brain was a mess.

Her mother, Teacher Xiaoliu, passed by. It was funny but she held back her laughter and left without disturbing this critical moment in the child's life.

Xiao Xiaobai asked again, Xiao Wang thought seriously, and then answered seriously: "But I am still a child~~"

"Marry her, marry her, marry her and you will have meat to eat, soup to drink, and endless beatings~"

When Liuliu came, she was making noise, which made Xiaoxiaobai glare at her angrily.

Liuliu was not frightened at all, but said, "If you stare at me again, I will eat you."

Xiao Xiaobai immediately looked at her little aunt as if asking for help. Her little aunt quickly pulled out the knife and said directly to Luliu: "Madam, let's go do our homework."

There was a squealing sound, and the voice was full of pain. It was a double pain, wife + homework.

Who made them do poorly in the midterm exam? Teacher Jiang focused on them. They couldn't play after dinner every night and had to do their homework first.

Luoliu touched her head with her hands and was in great pain. She dragged her schoolbag and Xiaobai upstairs. When Xier saw them walking away, she quickly caught up with them.

When passing Xiao Du, Xiao Bai said to him: "Xiao Du, Xiao Du, tell the melon boys later that if you catch a chicken, you can trade it with me for snacks, do you understand?"

"I know~" Xiao Du said in a strong voice. Seeing his idol, he greeted, "Liuliu, I heard that you are famous in school. You are so awesome."

Hearing this, Liuliu nodded towards him, showing the majesty of a senior sister.

Xiao Du was not frustrated by Liuliu's indifference. Instead, he was in high spirits and said to Wang Guofei beside him: "Liuliu is really stylish~"

Wang Guofei nodded, but after Xiaobai and the others walked away, he said: "But I think Xiaobai is more stylish. Xiaobai eats durian, durian eats little Weiwei, and little Weiwei eats little youyou... "

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