Dad Academy

Chapter 2400 Xiaobai’s methods

Liliu: →_→!

Ren Bangbang stuttered and spoke like he was singing.

Liuliu wanted to laugh but couldn't, for fear of hurting Ren Bangbang.

When doing homework in the evening, Grandma Jiang told them that stuttering is not only due to physical problems, but also a large part of psychological problems. In layman's terms, in words that children can understand, it is caused by low self-esteem and lack of self-confidence. .

So Grandma Jiang told them not to laugh at Ren Bangbang, but to encourage him more.

"Haha, I thought you were singing, Bangbang, didn't I tell you to speak slower and don't be in a hurry? You can do it. You won't stutter." Liuliu Gan said with a smile. In fact, she really wanted to laugh. What Ren Bangbang said was so funny.

Ren Bangbang nodded: "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah..."

Liuliu said happily: "Look at what you said, it will be much better."

Ren Bangbang had a bright smile on his face, happy with his little progress.

At this time, Robin Bai brought Xiaomi over, pointed at Liuliu and said, "Sister Xiaomi, it was Liuliu who jumped in line. He stood in front of Bangbang."

The grenade was about to explain, but Ren Bange said, "No, no, no, no, no insertion and inserting me ..."

Liuliu said hurriedly: "Slow down, duck, slow down, don't be in a hurry, you have to work hard."

When Ren Bangbang became anxious, his stuttering became even worse.

His face turned a little red, which was because he was anxious.

Xiaomi and Xiaobai on the side also encouraged Ren Bangbang to speak slowly, don't be anxious, speak slowly.

"Speak more slowly and you'll be halfway there." Xiao Xiaobai applied what she learned and brought the chicken soup for the soul that her little aunt fed her to Ren Bangbang's mouth, hoping that he would try it too.

With their encouragement, Ren Bangbang finally calmed down a little. What he wanted to express was that Liuliu didn't join his team, and I agreed to let Liuliu stand in front of him.

Liuliu was surprised, and so was Xiaobai. His little mind couldn't figure out why Bangbang was there.

Xiao Xiaobai jumped in surprise and yelled: "She cut in line, she cut in your line, you were cut in line by her, and you fell one behind. Aren't you angry?"

Ren Bangbang wanted to speak, but after thinking about it, he just shut up and shook his head.

Xiao Xiaobai couldn't figure it out immediately, her little brain wasn't enough. Compared with her little aunt when she was three years old, her brain is obviously not as fast as that of the novice at that time. She is smart most of the time, but sometimes she can be stupid.

Xiao Xiaobai couldn't figure it out, so he left the decision to Xiaomi to see what sister Xiaomi said.

Xiaomi just thought about it, then shook his head and said, "But no, Bangbang, although you agree with Liuliu jumping in line, there is Xiao Du behind you. This is unfair to Xiao Du..."

Xiao Du:? ? ?

Pomegranates: →_→

She just glanced at Xiao Du.

"I do."

Before Xiaomi finished speaking, Xiao Du said "I do".


Worried that Xiaomi didn't hear clearly, Xiao Du said loudly: "Xiaomi, I am willing to let Liuliu jump in front of me. I am willing."

etc! Before speaking, he let Liuliu akimbo for a while, and after slouching, Liuliu said to Xiao Du: "Good boy, my good boy, my sister is not nice to you in vain, hahahaha

Xiao Xiaobai asked Xiao Du: "Why is this? Why is this duck?"

Another silly kid who didn't mind Liuliu jumping in line. Xiaoxiaobai couldn't understand it at all. She was now two heads and two big, and her brain had swelled to the size of a watermelon, which was even worse than Liuliu's.

Xiao Du said: "Liuliu always helps us, and we are willing to help her a little bit. It's just jumping in line, it's nothing. I am willing to let her stand in front of me. I am willing!"

"I, I'm willing too." Ren Bangbang said firmly, surprisingly not stuttering too much this time.

"Then congratulations on getting married."

The words that suddenly came out silenced everyone at the scene. Everyone looked around and saw that the person speaking was the little war reporter Xiao Weiwei.

Little Weiwei ran over at some point. Wherever there was excitement, she was there. Wherever there was news, there was her, as well as her eyes and ears.

Ren Bangbang's face turned red, Xiao Du also had a grimace, and the others laughed.

Teacher Xiao Liu heard the laughter and came over. Xiao Weiwei told her excitedly that Xiao Du and Bangbang were willing to get married.

"Let's congratulate them, they're awesome."

Teacher Xiaoliu: "..."

Xiao Weiwei was finally kidnapped by Xiao Lizi, Xiao Youyou, Xiaoxiao and others who called over. She may have watched too many TV series recently and became obsessed.

Since both Xiao Du and Ren Bangbang agreed, Xiaomi said, "Then just stand here."

She left, but Xiao Xiaobai stayed, standing next to Liliu's feet, looking at her with his little head raised, his face full of confusion.

Liuliu asked her with a smile: "Little friend, you must have a lot of questions now. Do you really want to know why?"

"Yeah yeah~~" Xiao Xiaobai nodded.

Liuliu said kindly: "After receiving the snacks later, we will go to the woods. I tell you, don't let others know. This is our secret."

"Yeah, okay, okay~"

Liliu specially warned: "Especially don't tell your little aunt, otherwise your little aunt will learn from it."

"Yeah, yeah, don't tell my little aunt."

"Good boy, go get your snacks."

Xiao Xiaobai ran away happily.

When Liuliu also received the snacks, all the children in the park had basically received them.

Liliu disappeared the next moment, and so did Xiaobai, but Xiaobai didn't notice that she was receiving the goods at the moment.

Beside her, there were several children, chattering and selling something to her.

"Xiao Bai, I have a chicken called Chicken. I'll sell it to you."

"I have two too. Mine is a big one."

"Xiaobai still has mine."

Everyone is selling the cockroaches they caught to Xiaobai, and Xiaobai exchanges the snacks he just handed out with everyone, such as a candy for a cockroach.

The things used in exchange for chickens are different, some are candies, some are chocolates, and some are biscuits, but everyone doesn't mind.

Xiaobai said while receiving the goods: "The chickens can't be injured or die, otherwise they can't be exchanged. If you let me know, I will open your butts."

A child ran over and asked: "Xiao Bai, I dug up earthworms, can I exchange them for them?"

Xiaobai took one look and waved his hand to tell him to take the earthworm and get out of here.

The child ran away in disappointment, and soon screams were heard in the distance, and a little girl was frightened by the earthworms.

Xiaobai shouted: "Wang Guofei - Wang Guofei!! You melon boy, come here."

Guo Fei, who was scaring the little girl with earthworms, flew over and asked hopefully: "Xiaobai, do you want my earthworms again?"

Xiaobai nodded and said: "Wait aside, I will make you Xuer rice later, using your earthworms."

"Huh? Xu'er rice? Is it delicious?"

"It's delicious. I want to eat it again. Just wait for me."


Wang Guofei was filled with joy. After Xiaobai and the children finished exchanging cocks, Xiaobai ran to the sandpit, dug a bucket of sand, and asked him to put the earthworms in, pick up a few leaves, and the whiskers would eat. You're done.

"Come on, Guawazi, you can eat a bucket."


Wang Guofei was dumbfounded. Is this the Xuer rice? There are earthworms in it. Is that food edible?

"Don't stand there in a daze. Come and eat. It's made especially for you. Come on, don't you want to eat it? Am I kidding you?"

Xiaobai calls Dudu and Liuliu, and the Plastic Sisters catch Wang Guofei. Xiaobai orders him to eat Xuer's meal.

Wang Guofei was so frightened that he cried.

Seeing that his goal was achieved, Xiaobai said: "Next time you use earthworms to scare your friends, I will make a bucket of beard rice for you to eat, do you understand?"

Wang Guofei nodded pitifully: "I know, I don't dare anymore."

Xiaobai waved his hand and told him to get lost.

Wang Guofei wanted to get out immediately, but Liuliu and Dudu, who were catching him, didn't let go yet.

"You guys, let me go. Xiaobai said, let me go."

Liuliu was unwilling to give in and asked Xiaobai: "Xiaobai, let's plant him in the sand pit. Who asked him to bully the little girl?"

Wang Guofei was shocked: "No, no, no, I admire you so much, don't plant me~~~"

Dudu suddenly asked: "Wang Guofei, then do you worship me?"

Wang Guofei was stunned for a moment, and his wailing paused for a moment before he realized what he was saying. He nodded quickly: "I admire you, I admire you too, Dudu."

Then, without waiting for Xiaobai to ask, he took the initiative to say that he also admired Xiaobai very much.

He thought everyone would let him go, but suddenly he heard a little voice coming from his feet, asking him: "Then do you worship me?"

Wang Guofei lowered his head and saw that it was Xiao Xiaobai.

"Worship, worship, I worship them all."

When he saw more little girls coming over, he said loudly without asking them one by one: "I admire you all!! I admire all the little girls!!!"

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