Dad Academy

Chapter 2397 Midterm exam (33)

PS: The three chapters of Liuliu as Guarantee are completed.

The carrot knife was popular in Little Red Horse Academy for a while, and then gradually calmed down, and the children found other fun things.

However, during that period of popularity, the carrot knife was really popular. Even Little Melon Cheng Cheng was playing with it. She also bought one and participated in the carrot knife competition held in the school. It was a pity. He was eliminated in the first round and became addicted to playing in the first round.

Not surprisingly, the Carrot Knife Contest in Little Red Horse Academy ended with Dudu winning the championship, and Wang Xiaoyu won the second place and was honored as the runner-up.

Wang Xiaoyu is not from Little Red Horse Academy, but he managed to squeeze into the competition by going through the back door and fighting for connections, and finally got second place.

I was happy, but in fact Wang Xiaoyu was hit hard at the time, because although he won second place, he didn't win a single game against the first place Dudu.

This made Wang Xiaoyu severely hit and almost depressed. Fortunately, Xiaobai and the others comforted him every day for the next three days, and called Dudu to encourage him in person. Wang Xiaoyu finally cheered up again.

During this period, the primary school midterm exams came, and Xiaobai and others felt like they were facing a formidable enemy. They did not dare to play one night after another. After dinner, they worked hard to do homework and read books.

Even if you don’t really want to read, you should at least show it to the adults, so that even if you don’t do well in the midterm exam, the adults can’t blame them too much. After all, they worked hard, and the reason why they didn’t do well is , there is no other reason than that Naoguazi is not easy to use. As for the question of whether Naoguazi is useful or not, you cannot blame the children. It is entirely up to the adults to let them do what they want.

Well, these fallacies were all told by Luliu, and she secretly instilled this concept into her besties.

So much so that during this period, Robin Bai, who was in kindergarten, became eager to learn. Every night when he had nothing to do, he would sit with a group of young ladies at Teacher Jiang’s house with a picture book in his arms. I wrote a few words, which can be considered an unexpected gain.

The results of the midterm exam came out within a few days, and a parent-teacher meeting was held. Zhang Tan went to attend.

Xiaobai's academic performance was above average, which was beyond Zhang Tan's expectations.

Zhang Tan was fully prepared for Xiaobai's grades to fall to the bottom. After all, Guawazi gave him a vaccination the day before the exam. The general idea was that she always worked hard in the final exam, and the midterm exam was just for fun, so he Don't take this old man too seriously. Don't be surprised if you do well in the exam, don't be angry if you do poorly in the exam, just treat it with a normal attitude.

In the class, Xiaomi came in second place. The first place was Yu Danni, an introverted and quiet girl. She had a good relationship with Xiaobai and Xiaomi and often played together.

Zhang Tan paid special attention to Xie Xiaoxu's grades. Guawazi's academic scores were among the bottom ten, but his Chinese scores were very good and he almost got full marks.

This shows how poor his grades in other subjects are.

When Zhang Tan went to inquire about Liliu's results, the big Yanyan was very tight-lipped and even covered the paper to prevent him from reading it, acting mysteriously.

Her mother, Zhu Xiaojing, later secretly told him that Liuliu’s academic performance ranked 21st in the class.

To be honest, Zhang Tan was quite surprised. He thought that Liuliu would be at the bottom of the class, while Xie Xiaoxu and Xie Xiaoxu were at the bottom of the class.

"Did I make the wrong choice when choosing the monitor and deputy monitor? Both of them can only stay in the middle of the pack in academic performance."

The head teacher, Wu Mei, couldn't help but doubt her original decision to select two class cadres, but none of them had the best academic performance.

However, fortunately, these two class cadres are quite enthusiastic and have charisma, and everyone is willing to listen to them.

Zhang Tan also went to see Xi'er's academic results. Actually, he didn't need to. As soon as the results came out, Xi'er came to announce the good news. He came second in the class, two points less than Cheng Cheng.

Well, Cheng Cheng gets full marks.

Dudu ranked third, one point behind Xi'er.

Speaking of which, there are some twists and turns.

After Xi'er finished the exam, her test results never came out. Xi'er was concerned about her grades, so she ran to ask the teacher. The teacher searched again and again, but couldn't find Xi'er's exam paper until he found an exam paper without a name. He then carefully looked at the tadpole-like handwriting and confirmed it. This is Xi'er's test paper.

This little friend’s speed at writing papers is unparalleled. He finished it early and was the first in the class to hand in the paper, but he forgot to write his name on the paper!

The teacher warned her about this and taught her to be careful and not to be impatient.

After the results of the mid-term exam came out, the results of the best friend group were all pretty good. The first group was still Cheng Cheng, Xiaomi, Xi'er and Dudu. The second group was the remaining two with different names. said.

Robin Bai was taught to learn from the girls in the first group, not the two negative cases from the second group.

Even worse is Wang Xiaoyu.

The child failed all three subjects and was beaten by her mother. She called Xiaobai with tears in her eyes and complained to Xiaobai.

As a result, Xiaobai lectured her again on the phone and threatened that if she failed the final exam next time, she would stop playing with Wang Xiaoyu and stop talking because she was afraid that she would also fail the exam.

Wang Xiaoyu quickly promised that he would work hard on the exam and would never fail again.

Xiaobai's words are quite effective, at least more effective than those of Wang Xiaoyu's parents.

I just don’t know how Wang Xiaoyu will face his grandparents. Does he still dare to go to the municipal party committee compound?

With Wang Xiaoyu's character, it is estimated that he will not go to the municipal party committee compound again until the final exam.

After the mid-term exam, good news came from Xiaohongma Film and Television Company that "Fatal ID" has been completed.

Zhang Tan went to the finals banquet and had a meal with the main creative staff. Everyone worked hard for several months and it felt like they were fighting and rushing every day, but no one complained. This is the life of the crew.

Now that the filming has finally been completed, everyone can relax completely for the time being. Many people got drunk at the wrapping party.

Zhang Tan drank a little wine, but was not drunk.

Director Liu Jinlu got drunk and was sent to a hotel for a night.

After Liu Jinlu sobered up the next day, he and producer Sheng Xiaoxiao came to visit Zhang Tan to discuss the release plan of "Fatal ID".

There are two options, one is to postpone it and release it in the summer, and the other is to release it during the Labor Day holiday.

Summer is the peak season for movies, and many major productions choose to release at this time. This is both an advantage and a disadvantage.

If it is released during the Labor Day holiday, first of all, the competitive pressure will be much less, and it will have a good advantage in film scheduling. However, because of the short holiday time, it will be more difficult to hit the box office.

After careful discussion with Zhang Tan and the two of them, they finally decided to release it during the Labor Day holiday.

The movie "Fatal ID" is quite brain-burning and does not have many attractive highlights. It mainly relies on the quality and reputation of the movie. After word-of-mouth spreads, the movie's reputation can occupy the theater's high movie schedule for a long time. , cumulatively, the box office will not be bad.

Zhang Tan hasn't seen the finished film yet because editing hasn't started yet, but Liu Jinlu is full of confidence. The script was written by Zhang Tan, and Zhang Tan, the crew member, often goes there, so he still has a certain degree of confidence in the quality of the film.

After it was decided like this, the follow-up work was not easy. We had to seize the time to edit and submit it for review, and the publicity work had to be fully launched.

In the evening, Song Ping came to Little Red Horse Academy to visit Zhang Tan.

This time he is one of the starring actors in "Fatal ID". He has transformed from a teacher in a training institution to a starring actor in a major production. His life trajectory has undergone earth-shaking changes because of Zhang Tan.

When receiving Song Pingping, Zhang Tan specially called Xiaobai and Liuliu, who were Song Ping's students.

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