Dad Academy

Chapter 2389 You succeeded in pleasing me

Liu Huanghe didn't take Xiaobai and the others too far, just at a street corner outside the municipal party committee compound.

He stood bored and played with his mobile phone, but Liu Changjiang and others were very excited, setting up stalls and selling in earnest, all in high spirits, looking forward to customers coming.

There is a large flow of people here, and they are all nearby residents. After dinner, they go for a walk and walk to their stalls. Many of them will stop and curiously look at and inquire. Some of them have children with them, and the probability of purchasing is much higher.

In just one hour, the Greater China clothes and pink helmets prepared by Liu Changjiang and others were sold out, and the stall can be closed tonight.

Unexpectedly, the business would be so good. Everyone was in high spirits and suggested going to have barbecue.

Xiao Wang said proudly: "I'm treating you!! Whoever robs me will be in a hurry!!!"

Mei Fangfang said angrily: "No one is trying to rob you! Are you using our money to treat us? I'm sorry for you."

Xiao Wang chuckled: "If you use your own hard-earned money to eat, the food will be more delicious. Brother Huanghe, let's go, I'll treat you."

Liu Huanghe originally wanted to go back, but he couldn't resist the enthusiasm of the middle school boys, so he had to go along.

He knew that these guys were just asking him to make up the numbers, because if he didn't go, they wouldn't be able to go either. It would be the same with or without him. Do you think these people would ask him or not?

The group walked for a while, and there was a street where most of them were late-night barbecue restaurants.

Everyone chose a restaurant and sat down to order.

Liu Changjiang said proudly: "Ten bottles of beer!"

Liu Huanghe glared at him, "What did you say?"

Liu Changjiang said: "I told you to bring a box of bear drinks and a bottle of beer for you to drink, ho ho ho ho~"

Liu Huanghe looked back and said, "I don't drink beer. I drink Bear like you."

Xiao Wang quickly flattered him and said, "Brother Huanghe, you are a real man in our hearts. A real man cannot drink bears, he must drink beer! Boss, give us a bottle of beer for our eldest brother."

The boss looked at them like fools, laughed, and went to get a bottle of beer.

Dashuai Jiao opened a bottle for Xiaobai, glanced at Wang Xiaoyu, and ignored him. He wanted to drink it himself, but not everyone is a novice.

The junior high school students were all funny and well-spoken. They ate barbecue and chatted, and the atmosphere was very relaxed.

There are still people singing on the street, dragging a mobile speaker with a microphone and singing from table to table. If anyone wants to request a song, they will call them over and charge 50 yuan per song.

Liu Changjiang looked at it and clicked his tongue: "I made 50 yuan just by singing randomly like this. We have to sell several sets of clothes!"

Xiao Wang nodded and said: "It's much worse than Xiaobai's singing. Xiaobai's singing is so beautiful, it can't be compared to these coquettish bitches."

The singing brother just finished his song, and when he heard Xiao Wang's words, he glared over, "Who are you calling a coquettish bitch?"

Xiao Wang quickly nodded and bowed: "I, I, I, you are talking about me, brother, you heard wrong."

The eldest singing brother dragged the stereo past them and left without stopping, then went to sing at a table not far away.

Everyone glanced at Xiao Wang with disdain in their eyes.

Mei Fangfang professionally broke the news: "I didn't expect that, Xiao Wang, you are such a spineless person. Changjiang, I suggest that Xiao Wang be kicked out of our alliance. He is embarrassing our alliance."

Da Zhao nodded, deeply convinced.

Xiao Wang disagreed and defended himself: "I'm a man who can bend and stretch. Why do you think we, a group of people who are doing big things, are competing with such a street gangster? If we get into a fight, it's a trivial matter to get hurt. What if someone has a knife?" It’s okay, it’s hard for anyone if you stab someone. If you accidentally kill Mei Fangfang and someone else, we are all sinners. Will Mei Fangfang’s parents, brothers and sisters be sad? Will they be sad? People with white hair will get black. Let’s face it, can we live with it? We won’t feel guilty for the rest of our lives?”

Mei Fangfang interrupted: "Whose example are you citing? You have to cite mine? Are you scolding me?"

Xiao Wang chuckled: "Whose example do you want to give?"

Mei Fangfang looked at the crowd, and all of them had unkind expressions. If he dared to speak, they would dare to take action.

Finally, Mei Fangfang's eyes fell on Wang Xiaoyu.

Wang Xiaoyu: "..."

Xiaobai stood up, glared at Mei Fangfang and said: "I am also a big brother in society, what do you want to do? My Wang Xiaoyu is still a child."

Mei Fangfang was shocked and quickly said with a smile: "I don't mean that, Xiaobai, don't get excited. I don't want to use Wang Xiaoyu as an example. I just looked at him twice because he was handsome."

There was singing not far from the next door. It was rapping and humming. Not only did it not sound good, but the lyrics were also censorious. Liu Huanghe frowned when he heard it.

"What kind of song is this? I've never heard it before?"

Xiaobai was curious, so she recorded it with her smart phone watch, and went back to let her old man listen to it.

Fortunately, after the table asked him to sing, no one else asked him to sing anymore, and the man dragged the stereo and moved away.

Mei Fang called from Fang's house and asked why he hadn't come home yet.

A few people had almost eaten, so they paid and went home.

I ate all the few dollars I made tonight, and also misappropriated the profits from the previous few days.

This barbecue meal cost them several days of hard-earned money.

"It's really easy to spend money but hard to make money." Liu Changjiang couldn't help but sigh.

Dashuai Jiao echoed, "Who knew that every meal on the plate is hard work?"

Mei Fangfang said: "Tomorrow we will take out all the goods and sell them outside to make more money."

Xiao Wang said: "So, I have always told my dad that we need to increase residents' income so that everyone has a greater sense of gain. Only with a sense of gain can we feel happy, live and work in peace and contentment, and have peace and prosperity for the country and the people."

Liu Huanghe, who was walking in front, couldn't help but look back at Xiao Wang. This guy's mind should be the most flexible among his younger brother's group, but he still couldn't get along well. It was like a scholar meeting a soldier.

If Xiao Wang wants to reason with you, Liu Changjiang will just use a black tiger to rip out his heart. How can he reason with you?

Xiao Wang wants to analyze the problem with you, but Marshal Jiao directly explains that he knows there are tigers in the mountains, so he prefers to go to the tiger mountains. If he doesn't go, he will be a coward. Should he go?

It’s difficult for Xiao Wang, he can’t carry him.

On the way back, I saw a stall selling carrot knives.

Xiao Wang stood in front of the stall, unable to move.

"Xiao Wang, don't you want to buy a carrot knife? That's for children to play with," Mei Fangfang said.

Xiao Wang squatted down, touched a glowing carrot knife and said, "I don't want to play with it. I'll give one to Xiao Bai."

Xiaobai was surprised: "Huh?"

Xiao Wang smiled and said: "I want to please you, Xiao Bai, and I will give you a carrot knife."

"Hahaha, this is not good." Xiao Bai was in a good mood, and now he was flattered by Xiao Wang.

When Xiao Wang saw this, he became more determined to give Xiao Bai a carrot knife. He paid immediately and the carrot knife fell into Xiao Bai's hand.

Xiaobai played with the carrot knife in his hand and said to Xiao Wang: "You succeeded in pleasing me, hahaha, eh? Are you just kidding?"

"Xiaobai, let me teach you, I can play."

It was Wang Xiaoyu who spoke first.

He's not good at anything else but a carrot knife. I saw the glowing carrot knife appearing and disappearing in his hand, it was like Wang Xiaoyu with ghost hands.

Mei Fangfang said in surprise: "Wang Xiaoyu, I didn't expect your sword skills to be so good. Is this the Five Tigers Sangmen Sword?"

Marshal Jiao said with disdain: "What the Five Tigers Slaying Gate Sword! It's obviously the Five Tigers Slaying Gate Sword!"

Mei Fangfang chuckled: "Five Tiger Door-Breaking Knife, yes, it is Five Tiger Door-Breaking Knife. Wang Xiaoyu, you know how to do this."

Wang Xiaoyu didn't expect that he would get the Five Tigers Broken Door Knife just by showing off his hand casually. He had never even heard of this name before.

Just when he was thinking about whether to brag or not, Xiaobai spoke: "This is not the Five Tigers Cutting Knife. This is the Little Fat Rabbit Carrot Knife. It is also a powerful knife. It is no better than your Thirteenth Road Tan Leg, Mantis Boxing Master, why don't you let Wang Xiaoyu join us and play with him in the future?"

Liu Changjiang and others said they wanted to discuss the matter and should not be hasty.

Xiaobai snorted and concentrated on tinkering with the carrot knife. The few swings Wang Xiaoyu made just now were indeed very handsome.

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