Dad Academy

Chapter 2382 The speech is about to begin

That night, Liuliu handed the manuscript that Lao Li had revised to her to Mother Zhu, and asked Mother Zhu to reprint it.

Zhu Xiaojing looked at the traces of modifications on the manuscript and said in surprise: "Did you ask Li Baibao to modify it for you?"

Seeing Liuliu nodding, she was already convinced. Her child was so capable. He picked her up from school in the afternoon and said that the principal had revised it for her. Just after that night, he asked Lao Li to revise it again.

She knew who Lao Li was. The senior lawyer helped her change the speech. It was completely like using a nuclear bomb to swat mosquitoes.

"Brother Xiaoguang will change it at night and will give it to you later. Mother Zhu, you have to pay attention to collecting the ducks." Liuliu said again.

"Why did you invite brother Xiaoguang to correct it? Didn't Li Baibao help you correct it?"

"Mother Zhu, let me tell you, brother Xiaoguang is very good at flattering him. If he changes his ways, I can compare with Xiaobai."

"...Do you really want to compare yourself to Xiaobai?"

"Yes! That melon kid keeps calling me "wife", I've wanted to beat her up for a long time."

"Then why haven't I seen you take action?"

"...What will you do if I die?? You will lose a daughter. Mother Zhu, you must not cry to death."


You are very afraid of death. You obviously don't dare to do it, and you are so cowardly. Don't say I will cry to death. I promise you won't cry to death.

"So you just want to beat Xiaobai in giving speeches, right?" Zhu Xiaojing asked.

Liuliu nodded with a fierce expression: "I will beat Xiaobai and then laugh at her for a year. I will also call her Xiaohuahua. You can eat my jiojio."

Zhu Xiaojing laughed and said, "Why are you so angry?"

Luoliu said angrily: "Not all of them were beaten, huh!!! I get very angry when I think about it."

"Then what do you want me to do? Mom will fully support you this time."

"What does full support mean? Is it support or no support? Don't give up on me, Mom Yazhu. I am so good. If you have another child, it will definitely not be as good as me. Maybe you will give birth to a melon baby like Xiao Lizi. When the time comes, you will Cry."


Do you think it’s a bit much? ? ? These are all the consequences of lack of culture.

At almost 11 o'clock in the evening, Zhu Xiaojing received the speech script from Xin Xiaoguang. The speech script retained traces of modifications, and it was easy to see where Xin Xiaoguang had changed it.

Liuliu was already asleep at this time, so Zhu Xiaojing did not call her. After thanking Xin Xiaoguang, she carefully read Liuliu's speech.

It’s really a lot of people’s effort, and it’s already very good.

What Luliu said was right.

After the exchange in the evening, Zhu Xiaojing understood Liuliu's inner thoughts and knew that the children cared about this speech, so she revised Liliu very seriously, over and over again, and did not stop until Shen Limin called her to go to bed. .

Xiaobai and Liuliu were very embarrassed because of the speech.

On the second day of school, Teacher Wu Mei specifically asked them how they were preparing for the speech, and whether they could give her a copy of the speech first so that she could have an idea.

Speaking of which, she, as a class teacher, is really not taken seriously. Luliu's speech was shown to the principal the day before yesterday, but she, the class teacher, didn't even know the title.

As for Xiaobai's, she didn't even see it. She just knew that a government official came to Xiaobai yesterday and asked for Xiaobai's speech.

She still heard what the principal said about this.

"No duck, Teacher Wu." Liuliu said.

Xiaobai didn't speak and nodded silently.

Teacher Wu Mei hummed and said, "I don't believe you didn't bring it with you. Show me your schoolbag. Is there any in it?"

As expected, the two of them had speech manuscripts in their schoolbags, and Teacher Wu Mei took them all away, saying that he would return them to them after reading them.

Liuliu warned worriedly: "Don't let Xiaobai see the duck."


Xiaobai was shocked because she thought so too.

Teacher Wu Mei returned to the office and spent more than ten minutes reading the two people's speeches. She was originally worried about the quality of their speeches. After reading it, she only had one thought: Why did elementary school fail like this?

The quality of the speech was so high that she couldn't write it even if she was given a month to write it. Who did she find a master to write it for? ?

Now she is not worried about the quality of the speech, but about the two people's improvisation.

She called Xiaobai and Liuliu to the office. After discussion, she came to the classroom and used a self-study class to rehearse the live speech for them.

Xiaobai and Liuliu looked at each other at the same time, sparks flying.

After class, Xi'er and Dudu learned the news, and they were so sorry that they didn't see it! What a shame.

Xiaobai and Liuliu were both in beautiful moods, because they both felt that they performed better.

The speech is on this Friday afternoon, and there is still time for them to rehearse.

Xi'er always wanted to get the speech scripts of the two of them, and almost made the little hiaxia anxious, so the two of them gave it to her.

Xiaobai still cared about her very much. Not only did he show it to her, but he also invited her to give her opinions.

Xi'er was overjoyed, this was what she wanted!

This is feeling needed.

Xi'er carefully used a pencil to revise and draw on her speech. Xiaobai came over to take a look and saw that this melon had drawn many smiling faces on her speech.

"Where do you live here?"


Xi'er laughed and looked very proud. She was reminding Xiaobai to laugh when talking about this.

Xiaobai immediately remembered that Xiwawa had reminded her like this several times in the past to keep her smiling.

"That's a good suggestion. I appreciate you."

Xiaobai was not stingy in his praises and praised a happy baby to the point of beaming with joy.

This made the other little little-headed military counselor anxious. She had not yet received her aunt's approval.

Xiaobai seemed to know what she was thinking, and took the initiative to say to Xiaobai: "Just make me happy. If it's okay, just let me touch it."

He completely mistook the majestic Robin Man for a kitten, puppy or piglet.

Xiaobai and Liuliu's speech draft was finally finalized after going through a lot of revisions.

The final version of Liliu was revised by her mother, Zhu Xiaojing, while the final draft of Xiaobai was revised by Zhang Tan.

Once the speech is submitted to the school, it cannot be changed. As the time approaches, Friday comes.

That afternoon, Zhang Tan came to school early. He saw Zhu Xiaojing and Shen Limin, Tan Jin'er also came, and Meng Guangxin and the others.

This speech was not only for teachers and students, the school also invited parents to participate, so everyone rushed to the scene whenever they had time.

Xiaobai and Liuliu are celebrities in the school. Most of the parents have heard of them and know that they have to give speeches, so they have to make time even if they don't have time.

The speech was arranged in the school playground, with rows of chairs arranged.

The sun is shining brightly today, the temperature is quite comfortable, and it is very comfortable to sit on the playground.

Zhang Tan's seat was in the first row. Before the speech began, he looked back frequently. He asked the principal for two more seats. He only said that he had relatives who wanted to come to watch Xiaobai's speech.

Those two seats were in the last row and remained empty until the speech was about to begin. The principal was giving his opening remarks. When he looked back, he saw Zhang Hui and his secretary sitting in the two empty seats at some point.

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