Dad Academy

Chapter 2343 I am so envious!

After taking the promotional photos and videos, Xi'er's work is over. Afterwards, the traffic police department will carry out publicity through some channels.

This is a public service announcement. It may be on TV, or it may be made into a huge poster and hung on a building.

Zhang Tan asked the female police officer that day, and she was told that a promotional broadcast would be broadcast on Pujiang TV. However, it would not be a public service announcement about Xi'er alone, but a group of celebrities, and Xi'er was just one of them.

When Zhang Tan heard this, not only was he not disappointed, but he was a little relieved. If there was a group of celebrities, Xi'er would not be too obvious.

As for the posters, the other party said they would be placed in Pujiang City. There are many places to put them, mainly on both sides of the streets.

In short, in one sentence, little Tan Xier is going to be successful! Finally, he was no longer just a minor follower behind Xiaobai and Liuliu. He walked out of his own way and broke into a new world.

very impressive.

Not only that, after the filming, a person from the traffic police department who was said to be a senior leader came to give the child Tan Xier a certificate of honor, hired her as a publicity ambassador, and gave her a banner with the words "Friends of the Traffic Police" on it.

As for the little uniform she was wearing, of course it was given to her as a gift.

After finishing these tasks, the leader of the traffic police department talked to Xi'er and planned to leave.

The main reason is that Tan Xi'er is a bit naive and can't answer other people's words. She can only giggle and look cute, which makes Xiao Bai next to her scratch her ears and head anxiously. She really wants to say a few words for her.

However, little Tan Xi'er doesn't feel embarrassed either. It doesn't matter if she can't answer the question, just laugh and laugh hard. This will never go wrong.

It really proves that saying, as long as you are not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed.

Little Tan Xi'er didn't feel embarrassed, but it was the leaders of the traffic police department who were embarrassed.

Anyway, it seems that Xi'er was very happy throughout the whole process, from the heart, not from the scene.

Seeing how cute she was, the leader smiled, thanked her again, and left with the people around him. When he passed by Zhang Tan, he glanced at her twice, let out a sigh, took two steps back, and said in surprise. He looked at Zhang Tan, a little confused, and asked, "Who are you?"

Zhang Tan didn't recognize him.

"Leader, my name is Zhang Tan. I am Xi'er's godfather. I came with her."

Zhang Tan? The leader thought in his mind that he always felt like he had seen and heard this name somewhere.

"Do we know each other?" He couldn't remember, so he asked directly.

As soon as he asked this question, everyone around him looked over curiously.

Zhang Tan also thought about it in his mind and said honestly: "I don't seem to have any impression. Hahaha, your boss is busy with things. Maybe it's because there are so many people like me."

The other party smiled and thought that he might have met someone who looked similar to Zhang Tan.

He exchanged greetings with Zhang Tan for a few more words and then left.

Here, the female police officer who received Zhang Tan and others did not leave, but led them to visit the building.

Although many places are classified and cannot be entered, they are allowed to go to those places that are open for them to visit.

Standing in front of a large screen that almost occupied the front wall, everyone was a little surprised. There were various dense light spots on the big screen. It was said that this was the traffic information network map of Pujiang City. These light spots represented the traffic flow.

After the visit, we had lunch in their cafeteria, to be precise, in the small box next to the cafeteria.

The female police officer stayed with them, but not long after they had eaten, the previous leader came again and said that he would also accompany them.

But Zhang Tan soon discovered that the drunk leader's intention was not with the wine, but with him.

Obviously remembering where he had seen him before, he said to Zhang Tan after the meal was over, "Say hello to Director Liu later for me."

Director Liu?

Zhang Tan was also confused for a moment, not sure who Director Liu was.

It wasn't until he was about to leave that he realized that it turned out to be Colonel Liu.

Mr. Liu is the director of the Pujiang Public Security Department. Like the barrister Zhan Tianwei, he is a student of Grandpa Zhang Tan. (PS: This person appeared in previous chapters)

It's possible that Zhang Tan and Liu Zheng were seen by the leader of the traffic police system when they were together, and they might even have a few words with each other.

Zhang Tan didn't expect such a thing to happen, so he didn't take it easy. After a few polite greetings, he left with his friends and family.

Xi'er is still wearing the same uniform, walking with a cheerful look, holding her head high, and showing off her air. She really complies with the saying, a man relies on his clothes, a horse relies on his saddle, and at a young age, he relies on his followers.

After putting on the uniform, the child Tan Xier instantly felt that he was no longer a child, but a giant. His self-confidence swelled. He grew bigger every time he took one step, and grew ten times after taking ten steps. He was almost ready to catch a bus. Big.

She is still expanding and expanding...

The two little followers around her followed suit and were envious of the uniform she was wearing. They couldn't stop sighing and praising her, almost drooling.

Finally, the little white man couldn't bear it anymore and asked Xi'er if he could wear it for her.

Zhang Tan told her that she was too young to wear the clothes.

Hearing this, Xiaoxiaobai compared her body size with Xi'er and found that she seemed to be a bit smaller than Xi'er. This made her feel downcast and complained about why his mother didn't give birth to her a little older.

Xi'er comforted her and said that when she grows up and can wear this uniform, she will leave it to her.

It's like a younger brother from a rural area inspecting his older brother's clothes.

When Robin heard this, he felt that this was the truth. Xiaoxin immediately became happy, cheerful and lively, and his little face seemed to be illuminated. It not only reflected light, but also emitted light.

She looked at Xi'er's uniform as if she were looking at her own new clothes, so cautious.

Since she agreed to Xiaobai, she couldn't neglect Xiaobai, so Xi'er took the initiative to tell Xiaobai that when Xiaobai grows up, she will also wear this uniform. According to the order, it should be her. Wear the little white ones, wear the little white ones, wear the small white ones, from big to small, this order is correct.

When Xiaobai heard this, he was very happy at first. He felt that Xiwawa had a conscience, knew what she was thinking, and took the initiative to share her worries.

But within a minute of being happy, she felt something was wrong. Thinking about it again, she suddenly became very angry!

Guawazi loves her baby, but he dares to take advantage of her! ! ! My love for being a sister will never die!

But Xi'er didn't admit her little thoughts. She had a cute look on her face, saying that she didn't understand what Xiaobai said! If you don't want to wear it, just leave it to Xiaobai.

"Yeah, yeah, leave it for me to wear." In front of the traffic police uniform, Robin no longer distinguishes between aunt and nephew. There is no aunt in her heart, only her rival for the uniform.

Xiaobai stared at her, and she immediately lowered her head and pretended to look at her own jiojio. As long as she didn't meet her little aunt's eyes, she wouldn't feel any pressure.

The three of them intrigued each other along the way, and it was really a conspiracy.

When they returned to the Little Red Horse Academy, it was still daytime, and logically it was impossible for there to be any children. However, Tan Xi's children's shoes still looked around uneasily. After confirming that there were no other children besides them, she reluctantly returned to the yard. Here, she dangled in front of Lao Li, introducing the story of each button of her clothes.

In just one and a half days, her dress already had its own story, and it was a rare treasure.

No need to think about it, even if there is no endorsement fee and only such a uniform, Tan Xi Children's Shoes will accept this endorsement without hesitation.

She doesn't want anything else but this outfit.

Under Xi'er's guidance, Lao Li laughed and asked questions, which fully satisfied the inflated vanity of a child.

And Xiao Xiaobai followed her at her feet the whole time, as if he could benefit from it.

As for Xiaobai, although she was envious, in order to maintain her dignity as a sister, she endured the torment in her heart and forced herself to sit down next to Li Weibao. She must not imitate Xiaobai and give up her dignity in such a lowly manner.

She can't do it.

Xi'er and Xiao Bai were still running rampant in the yard. Xiao Bai's eyes were fixed on them. Lao Li asked her why she didn't go to play with them. Don't she like the uniform Xi'er was wearing.

Xiaobai looked at him and whispered: "I am so envious!!!"

If she hadn't known this doll for many years and watched her grow up and became so familiar with her, she would have wanted to take him home and take off her clothes to wear it herself! ! !

It’s just that it’s hard to start with an acquaintance.

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