Dad Academy

Chapter 2310 Second Generation Best Friends Dance Troupe

At this moment, the Little Red Pony concert has reached its climax. The atmosphere is great. It not only sounds good, but also looks good and is also funny.

It is not easy to achieve these three "good" qualities in a concert.

Everyone thought that the performance by Li Yuxiao and the Dada Band would be the highlight of tonight's concert, but they did not expect that the Malanhua Children's Chorus would be the highlight of the night.

First, the choir came on stage as a group for a song medley, and then pairs of groups came on stage. There were plots, songs, and laughter. It was a double audio-visual enjoyment.

At this moment, everyone was listening to Shi Baobao and Liliu singing duet "Sister Lin Falls from the Sky", applauding and laughing non-stop.

In fact, everyone didn't want to laugh and wanted to respect the two children on the stage, but there was no way. As soon as they saw the "5 billion heroine", they couldn't help it anymore.

Offstage, Xiaobai and others were busy changing their costumes to prepare for the next show.

After Xiao Youyou changed her clothes, she walked up to Dudu and praised her: "The song you just sang was so nice, Dudu. You are so good at singing."

Dudu: "..."

Xiao Youyou continued to praise: "I think your singing is great, and the acting of You and Xiao Bai is even better~"

Dudu: "...I didn't sing, that's not what I sang."

Xiao Youyou said: "It's you. I saw you singing. Why don't you admit it?"

Dudu: "...That was Liliu and Xiaobai singing, not me."

Xiao Weiwei came over and took Xiao Youyou away. Xiao Youyou was still unconvinced and muttered: "Dudu still doesn't admit it, I heard it all."

Xiao Weiwei said: "It was Liuliu singing just now, not Dudu. By the way, when we sing later, you have to remember to follow Dudu and don't mess up the formation."

Xiao Youyou nodded seriously and promised: "I will follow Dudu."

Then the conversation changed: "Your little socks are so pretty."

Xiao Weiwei looked down at her little socks, feeling a little proud, but she held it back and said, "You praise me and you have to dance well and don't get distracted, you know?"

Xiao Youyou nodded obediently: "I know."

Xiaobai also came over and told them to dance well later and not to remember the wrong position.

Because the upcoming show was danced by the second-generation best friends group, and Xiaobai and others would not follow, so the on-site director was a little worried that these little carrot heads would cause chaos on the stage.

He repeatedly warned, and the children responded crisply one by one, with a very good attitude.

"Xiao Weiwei, Xiao Lizi, come and line up quickly. You two have to lead the team, you know?" Xiao Bai told Xiao Weiwei and Xiao Lizi. Among the little carrot heads on stage, the two of them are the captains.

"Don't worry, Xiaobai, leave it to us." Xiao Lizi assured.

Xiao Weiwei also solemnly promised.

Xiaobai said to Dudu again: "Dudu, you are the captain, you have to take good care of your children."

Dudu nodded seriously.

On the stage, Shi Baobao and Liuliu finally finished singing and came downstage amidst warm applause.

At this time, the director said to Xiao Weiwei and the others: "Children, come on stage!"

At the same time, Li Yuxiao was also on stage.

Xiao Weiwei and the others followed Li Yuxiao like a group of little yellow ducks.

When passing by Shi Baobao and Liuliu, Li Yuxiao gave them a big affirmative look, especially Shi Baobao.



But at this time, two hums sounded at an inappropriate time.

It's the pomegranates and little plums passing by.

The two little natural enemies did not forget to express their disdain for each other at this time.

The next song is finally no longer sung by the children, they have to rest, otherwise it will be overloaded and smoke.

The stage scene is still the same scene, Dream of Red Mansions, and Li Yuxiao brought everyone "Wang Ning Mei".

This song was also written by Zhang Tan, and it should be one of the earliest songs he wrote.

At that time, Xiaobai and Xi'er guest-starred as Grandma Liu in the Grand View Garden, playing the role of two little maids who looked after the door, and had a meal of hairy crabs.

When the 50,000 spectators in the stadium saw Li Yuxiao take the stage, they applauded like waves, but they inevitably felt a little empty in their hearts. After the children stepped off the stage, they always felt that something was missing, that there was no point of laughter.

But after taking a closer look, I couldn't help but laugh out loud. I saw seven or eight little carrot heads standing neatly behind Li Yuxiao. Each of them had a serious look on their face. They were probably trying to embolden themselves.

And they are all tiny, even smaller than Xiaobai and the others before!

When I looked at Xiaobai and the others before, I already thought they were very small, especially when compared with the big screen behind them, they looked even smaller.

But I didn't expect that the ones on the stage now are even smaller. How could there be such a tiny little one?

It is true that each mountain is smaller than the other.

There is no minimum, only smaller.

These little ones followed Li Yuxiao onto the stage and were quickly getting into formation when suddenly Xiao Weiwei said anxiously: "Little Youyou didn't come up!"

Dudu was surprised and asked, "Why didn't she come up?"

Xiao Weiwei said anxiously: "She came up, then went down halfway."

The sound at the scene was too loud. Although Li Yuxiao was standing in front of them, he didn't hear what they were saying.

But she suddenly saw a female staff member running up from the backstage, holding a little baby in her arms. She ran directly behind her, then put the little baby down in her arms, and ran away like flying.

Li Yuxiao only found it funny. She recognized that the person who had just been carried on stage was Xiao Youyou.

Xiao Youyou was found again, and Dudu, Xiao Weiwei, and Xiao Lizi finally breathed a long sigh of relief.

But off the stage, everyone was laughing so hard.

What a mysterious operation this is!

Li Yuxiao was about to sing, but one of the dancing children was missing. Then the staff carried him onto the stage, put him down, and flew away again.

After watching so many concerts, this is the first time I have encountered this situation. It really makes me laugh.

At this moment, the backup dance troupe was also chatting and discussing, and everyone asked where Xiao Youyou had gone.

Xiao Weiwei said: "Didn't I ask you to follow Sister Dudu?! You ran away on your own!"

Little Youyou said a little aggrievedly: "I came and I left again. I saw Sister Dudu walking off the stage, so I followed her off the stage."

Xiao Weiwei said: "Did you mistake Liliu for Dudu?"

Xiao Youyou nodded, quite frankly: "Yeah."

Everyone was speechless, Dudu was speechless.

Xiao Youyou always regarded Liuliu as Dudu. Just when Liuliu finished singing and Shi Baobao came off the stage, Xiao Youyou remembered to follow Dudu, so she followed Liuliu off the stage. Halfway through, she was stopped by the on-site director. When he found out, he quickly carried the baby and rushed to deliver it.

Fortunately, I caught up.

Xiao Wang and Xiao Bai, who were standing next to Xiao Youyou, both stared wide-eyed, shocked by Xiao Youyou's mysterious operation.

"Little friends~~~jump up and down~"

At this time Dudu said loudly.

Everyone immediately started dancing according to their rehearsal experience, with the ones behind following the ones in front, and those on the left aligning with those on the right. You look at me, I look at you, so when things go well, everyone is wrong, and when things go wrong, everyone is wrong, but they seem to be advancing and retreating together. .

Li Yuxiao sang:

"One is Langyuan Fairy Flower, and the other is Beautiful Jade Flawless~"

After listening to several children's immature songs, and then listening to Li Yuxiao's, I had a completely different feeling.

"Does it look like a swarm of bees surrounding a flower?"

"Hahaha, it does look similar."

The little ones on the stage danced gracefully under the leadership of Dudu. Although their movements were very slow, as if the Internet was not smooth, they were serious and at least their attitude was impeccable.

On the contrary, it is cute and cute, with another kind of beauty.

"hiahia, little plum danced wrongly, and everyone followed suit."

Xi'er stood backstage and stared at everyone dancing without blinking.

There is also millet on the side.

Xiaomi looked anxious.

"Oh, it's not like that~"

"Oh, Xiao Wang almost fell down. She was stepped on by Xiao Bai."

Both Xi'er and Xiaomi have studied dancing, so they have a better foundation in dancing. They can tell at a glance whether the children are dancing correctly on the stage.

The audience at the scene continued to laugh from beginning to end. At the same time, some attentive audience members discovered something and said: "Why do I feel that Li Yuxiao and Shi Baobao who just sang look alike? Look at those eyes, right? like?"

"What you said is true."

"It's really similar."

"Good-looking people are generally similar, and ugly people are ugly in their own ways."


At this moment, off the stage, Xiaobai had already changed her clothes, and Chen Yubin was standing next to her. The two of them were working on some details of the stage performance, because they would be the two of them performing on stage later.

Zhang Tan was also there, and Xiaobai said to him, "Why can't I sing Jia Shufen?"

She was obsessed with Jia Shufen and always wanted to put it on stage, but Zhang Tan rejected the song.

Of course, the real reason for the rejection cannot be said. Zhang Tan made an excuse: "I'm afraid you're tired. You still have several songs to sing and play the piano, so you need to conserve your energy."

Xiaobai grunted twice and finally fell silent.

"Xiao Bai, Brother Chen, you have to come to the entrance to prepare." The on-site staff came over to remind.

Xiaobai and Chen Yubin walked to the entrance to the stage. On the stage, one of Li Yuxiao's songs had ended, and she came off the stage with a group of little yellow ducks.

"Xiaobai, Brother Chen, it's time to go." the on-site director said.

Chen Yubin held Xiaobai's little hand on stage and passed by Li Yuxiao and others.

Xiaobai looked down and saw Xiaobai's burning eyes staring at her.

Xiaobai grinned at her, and Xiaobai immediately burst into laughter.

At the same time, Xiaobai noticed that Xiao Youyou was held by Dudu and Xiao Weiwei by one hand, and they were watching closely.

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