Dad Academy

Chapter 2302 Call me Robin

Chapter 2302 Call me Robin~

The village chief appeared in the office of the principal, Aunt Huang, at some unknown time. He had a Mediterranean head and the sparse hair around it was messy. Usually he pays great attention to taking care of these strands of hair, but tonight he was busy dealing with emergencies, and he didn't care if his hair was messed up by the wind.

As the village head of Huangjia Village, although he is only the head of a village, due to Huangjia Village's special geographical location, large population, and huge population flow, this position is very important. He has a low position but great power. .

The village chief is also a local of Huangjia Village. He grew up and lived here since he was a child, and knows both Aunt Huang and Zhang Tan.

"The village chief is here~~" Zhang Tan greeted.

"Hey, Mr. Zhang, I'm sorry to bother you so late, I'll just delay you for a few minutes."

The village chief's posture was very low, his tone was respectful, and he almost bowed his head.

Aunt Huang wanted to laugh a little at the side. She knew that the village chief had this kind of character, but he was a very good person and acted with integrity.

"Then let's sit in the office."

Zhang Tan entered Aunt Huang's office and sat down on the sofa. The village chief also sat down beside him. Although he was also sitting on the sofa, half of his buttocks was in the air.

This guy with old arms and legs still has such ability, but I don't know how long he can hold on, Zhang Tan thought with some evil humor.

"Well, Mr. Zhang, the fight tonight was really inappropriate. Our Huangjia Village has always had good order and simple folk customs. There hasn't been any fight like this for many years..."

Aunt Huang couldn't help but interjected: "There was a fight last week. I remember it was Jia Min who led the team to take the people away."

The village chief was a little embarrassed and glanced at her sadly, probably complaining that Aunt Huang was trying to undermine him in front of Zhang Tan.

"That was done by outsiders, not from our Huangjia Village at all. If you don't believe it, ask Xiaobai. She often plays in Huangjia Village and has never been in danger. This shows that our security is pretty good... …”

At this point, he quickly glanced at Zhang Tan and continued: "It's just that tonight's incident was too sudden. I don't know where two groups of idiots came from... No, idiots, actually fighting in a group. It's really unexpected. It’s not as good as it was. It’s my fault that I alarmed Mr. Zhang and Secretary Zhang. I didn’t scare Xiaobai, right?”

he asked cautiously.

Zhang Tan felt that the village chief in front of him was comparable to Liliu. Both of them had excellent acting skills, and they could vividly interpret the attitude of an official villain.

"It's okay, it's okay, Xiaobai wasn't scared."

Zhang Tan thought to himself, don't say that Xiaobai was not scared, Xiaobai was not scared, but Xiaobai was excited. The scene below is being restored. The character playing house is the Robin who was fighting. You said she was scared. Not scared?

"That's good, that's good. If you get scared, I won't feel at ease." The village chief's acting skills were so good that he was about to cry.

Aunt Huang could hardly hold back her laughter. She pretended to be busy at work, turned around and faced the files on the wall, pretending to check them.

Zhang sighed: "Thank you, village chief, for your concern. Village chief, if you have something to do, just talk directly."

The village chief hurriedly said: "Ah, that's it, Mr. Zhang. In order to prevent similar things from happening again, the Huangjia Village Committee held a village committee meeting overnight and formulated public security management measures. Next, we will..."

The village chief talked eloquently about the next steps for Huangjia Village to put an end to fights and similar incidents. Zhang Tan listened for a while and couldn't help but interrupt: "Village Chief, you don't need to tell me these things. Your village committee has decided Just do it.”

The village chief said with a smile: "Master Zhang, you have rich management experience. You have so many companies under your control and tens of thousands of employees. Please give us some suggestions."

"I can't make any suggestions. Just do what you village chiefs have decided. I understand what you mean. It is really difficult to prevent this kind of thing tonight, but didn't they stop it as soon as it happened? Huang Yuan and the others all have a sense of responsibility. , Huangjiacun is full of people with a sense of justice."

Zhang Tan understood the purpose of the village chief's visit. Because the fight had alarmed Zhang Hui, his superiors would definitely come to meet with them tomorrow to discuss the issue.

The village chief has a strong political awareness. Following his words, the village committee held a meeting in the evening and formulated some public security management measures, which was very fast.

But it was impossible for him to find Zhang Hui to report to work, so he came to Zhang Tan. Reporting to work was an excuse! Taking a stand is the real purpose.

The village chief also knew the purpose of his visit. Zhang Tan understood, so he stood up and left. At the same time, he kept inviting Zhang Tan to sit at the village committee when he was not busy and give advice on their work.

After sending him away, Aunt Huang finally finished checking the files. She and Zhang Tan looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

"I'm going back. Aunt Huang, you should go home from get off work early."

Zhang Tan went out and saw a little boy standing at the door, looking at him with intense eyes.

"Xiao Xiaobai? What's wrong?"

The person who came to the door was Xiao Xiaobai. She had finished playing house.

"Will little aunt come back in the evening?" Xiao Xiaobai asked.

"No, she won't come back until tomorrow." Zhang Tan said.

"Oh~ Then my parents and I will go home to live~~"

Xiao Xiaobai turned around and left.

Zhang Tan deliberately said: "It's already so late, why don't you stay at my house? Although your little aunt is not at home, I am here and I can tell you a bedtime story."

It was okay not to speak, but as soon as he spoke, Xiao Xiaobai couldn't help but speed up his pace, and with a swish of small steps, the person disappeared.

This little guy!

Xiao Xiaobai's parents are here and waiting for her downstairs.

If Xiaobai was at home, they would have to go back empty-handed tonight, but fortunately, Xiaobai was not at home tonight, and Xiaobai was willing to go back with them.

"You guys escort me, escort me back, like this, like this~~~"

Xiao Xiaobai is a drama queen and hasn't had enough playing house. She still misses playing the role of Robin who fights and fights. On the way home, she walked in front, hands clasped behind her back, raised her head and chest, with a look of sadness and indignation, looking forward to death!

Her parents walked behind and were responsible for escorting this vicious little baby. They were also required to say something from time to time to heighten the atmosphere.

"Be honest!" Bai Zhiqiang had to say.

"Slowly! Hurry up if you don't want to go!" Yang Yi said while suppressing a smile.

Xiao Xiaobai turned around and said: " want to call me Robin~"

Yang Yi said: "Robin, you have been arrested! Do you know you are wrong?!"

Xiao Xiaobai said firmly as he walked: "I won't tell you even if you kill me! ╭(╯^╰)╮!"

Yang Yi couldn't help rolling her eyes.

Ten o'clock in the evening, in the bedroom, beside the bed.

"Be honest, close your eyes and go to sleep! Otherwise I will throw you into the trash can on the roadside."

"╭(╯^╰)╮~Huh~~~You lost me, and my little aunt picked me up."

"You are Robin now and you don't know my little aunt at all."


Finally, he finished dealing with this little drama queen and ordered her to sleep. Then Yang Yi came out of the room quietly.

In fact, she really hoped that this little drama queen would get on top. It would be much easier to coax than usual. She didn't even need to coax, she could just give orders directly. Despite her unruly behavior, she carried out every order seriously. , completely interpreting Robin's nature of being strong on the outside but hard on the inside, bullying the weak and afraid of the strong.

Xiao Xiaobai was sent to transform into a little boy asking for votes, bowing and asking for a guaranteed monthly ticket.

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