Dad Academy

Chapter 2296 Didn’t I tell you not to come?

PS: It’s the end of the month, send Xiaobai to ask for monthly tickets~~~~

After Wang Dashan was called by Zhang Tan, he immediately recognized him and said hello with some embarrassment. He did not expect to meet again in this way, which was so disrespectful.

Zhang Tan asked with concern: "Is the injury serious?"

At the same time, he handed him a pack of wet wipes.

Wang Dashan looked really embarrassed now, with a gray face, his clothes and hair were in a mess, his nose was bleeding, and his face was broken.

Wang Dashan was so embarrassed that Zhang Tan saw him in such a mess, and if it hadn't been for Zhang Tan, he would have been even worse.

"It's okay, it's just a skin injury." He said, took the wet tissue in Zhang Tan's hand and wiped the nosebleed. The wet tissue was immediately stained red.

As soon as he lowered his head, he saw a little girl handing over a small blue cartoon handkerchief.

"Wipe it for you." Xi'er said with concern.

Wang Dashan was stunned, the child's kindness warmed his heart.

"Thank you, I have this. I don't need your handkerchief." He said, holding up the wet tissue in his hand.

Xi'er groaned and put the handkerchief back into her trouser pocket.

"How did the fight start?" Zhang Tan continued to ask Wang Dashan.

Wang Dashan thought for a while and told Zhang Tan the details.

"Hey, my enemy at work got grudged and came here..."

After listening to his story, Zhang Tan was speechless. He didn't expect that Wang Dashan's life and work would change so much in the past few days.

He looked at Robin and others not far away, and asked Wang Dashan: "What are you going to do now?"

Wang Dashan hesitated for a long time and said unwillingly: "Forget it, let them go, just pretend it didn't happen. He was beaten, and I also beat him. It's not too bad after all."

Zhang Tan saw his reluctance and asked, "Why didn't you wait for the police to come? There were so many of them beating up one person. You are the victim."

Wang Dashan asked hesitantly: "Will this be classified as a fight?"

Zhang Tan said: "How can this be considered a fight? I have never seen one person fight with so many people. And there are so many people at the scene who can testify for you. You were the one who was beaten. They were beaten by another group of people." What you did has nothing to do with you.”

Wang Dashan's expression changed, and Huang Yuan immediately said knowingly: "Yes, you were beaten the whole time, how can it be considered a fight? Look at your guitar being smashed, and you have no one to eat with. How can this be considered a fight?" Are you worried? Don’t worry, we can testify for you. There are so many people at the scene, and they all have righteous hearts and cannot tolerate small things."

"Yeah, don't worry, we'll vouch for you."

The people around him spoke out one after another, all of them righteous.

Wang Dashan felt warm in his heart, but Robin and others felt a little bit in their hearts.

Robin quickly complained: "We were beaten badly too!"

Others echoed, showing the injuries on their bodies and faces.

Huang Yuan smiled and said: "That's dog-eat-dog. What does it have to do with Wang Dashan? I think you are two groups of evil forces fighting each other. You deserve to be beaten to death."

Robin quickly complained.

"I don't know them at all! These people come to beat people out of nowhere. Wang Dashan - I can apologize to you. Let's forget it for today. Otherwise, when the police come later and classify it as a fight, I'm afraid we will all be detained. Why lose both sides!"

As soon as he cried out that he was wronged, another group of people with unknown origins quickly defended themselves.

"No, brother, we are a few friends who came to Huangjiacun for dinner. We happened to pass by and saw that brother being beaten by so many people. He acted bravely. We don't want the commendation, but at least don't let the hero bleed and shed tears!" He seemed to be the leader of the group, a young man.

At this time, someone in the crowd said, "Don't make up lies. I clearly saw you beating someone who was singing, and that guy next to you broke the guitar!"

The speaker pointed to a small man. This man had always lowered his head slightly and remained silent, his presence was very weak, but now he became the target of public criticism, and he suddenly felt uncomfortable all over.

Wang Dashan also saw it and couldn't help but let out a sigh and said to Zhang Tan, "I know this person."

Zhang Tan asked: "Is he also an enemy?"

Wang Dashan smiled awkwardly and explained: "I think he is an enemy, because I was singing in the subway tunnel a few days ago, and this man wanted to steal the backpacks of a father and daughter. We worked together to subdue him and sent him to the police station. This man probably had a grudge. In my heart, I have always wanted to wait for an opportunity to retaliate, but this time he caught the opportunity."

The leading young man over there quickly explained: "No, brother, you must have recognized the wrong person! My brother is not a thief. He has a serious job and is a courier!"

Wang Dashan said: "We don't have to argue whether he is a thief or not. When the police come later, they will find out after checking that he was caught nearby."

Zhang Tan then said, "That's just right. Let's hand it over to the police as well."

Several people over there heard this and begged for mercy one by one. At this time, police officers from five or six police stations finally arrived, including an acquaintance, Ding Jiamin.

Ding Jiamin immediately saw Xiaobai, Xi'er and Xiaobai who were waving enthusiastically to her. She was just wondering why they were here, how dangerous they were, and then she saw Zhang Tan beside them.

She was not the leader this time, but a man beside her was. She whispered to him for a few words, and then the two of them walked towards Zhang Tan together.

Seeing Zhang Tan chatting familiarly with the policemen at the police station, the expressions of Robin and the thieves changed.

After the police heard the outline of what happened from Zhang Tan, they planned to take the person back to make a record.

The policeman leading the team hesitated and asked Zhang Tan: "Are you free? I want to make a note as well."

Without waiting for Zhang Tan to speak, Huang Yuan immediately smiled and said: "Leader, Mr. Zhang has not seen the whole process. He came from behind. I was there the whole process, and I am free. I will make the transcript with you. If it is not enough, There are many people here who were present throughout the whole process.”

The policeman couldn't help but smile and said: "That's good, let's go."

Some police officers shouted to the people eating melons around them, telling them to disperse.

Huangjia Village was already crowded, and this time happened to be during dinner. A rare incident like a group fight occurred. Everyone was full of curiosity and gathered around to watch the show.

Seeing that the matter was over at this moment, everyone dispersed. Those who should eat should eat, and those who should go home should go home.

Ding Jiamin and others led a group of people in front, while Zhang Tan walked behind with Xiaobai and the others. The three children were whispering to each other, chattering excitedly, and their eyes occasionally drifted to Ding Jiamin in front of them, full of envy.

At this moment, Ding Jiamin was wearing a uniform. She was heroic and majestic. She was their idol. Just now, Xiao Xiaobai took the opportunity to touch her uniform several times.

At this moment, another group of policemen came hurriedly from the direction they came from. There were about seven or eight people. The leader was a middle-aged man. Ding Jiamin thought he looked familiar, but he didn't think about it. However, among the seven or eight people, There was one she knew who was exactly what they were good at.

However, their leader was at the end of the list at the moment, like a little follower. When he saw them, he quickly winked.

When the two groups of people met, they were all a little surprised, and the scene was a little silent. At this time, a clear voice sounded:

"Grandpa - are you here?"

Everyone looked around and saw a little girl sneaking over from behind.

As soon as the old man who was called Grandpa saw the little girl, a kind smile immediately appeared on his face.

"Is the fight over?" Zhang Hui asked.

Xiaobai nodded, pointed to the group of people beside him and said, "Look, they were all arrested by Sister Xiao Min. She is the police officer we called, she is so majestic and miserable!"

Zhang Hui looked at Ding Jiamin, who smiled, not knowing how to answer and not recognizing Zhang Hui in front of him.

She had heard that Xiaobai's grandfather was a big shot, but she had never seen him before. It was difficult to connect the old man in front of her with the big shot she had seen on TV.

Zhang Hui asked with concern whether Xiaobai was injured.

Xiaobai simply said that he was not hurt, and then started to chatter about the fight. There was no nervousness on the little guy's face, but he was full of excitement and excitement.

Zhang Hui likes the little girl's character.

Xiaobai changed the topic and complained to Zhang Hui: "Oh, uncle, you are here anyway? Didn't I tell you not to come? How dangerous it is."

Xiaobai was nagging and complaining, but Zhang Hui looked kind.

After hearing her words, the few people who followed Zhang Hui had strange expressions on their faces.

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