Dad Academy

Chapter 2294 The dog comes to report the news

For several days, Xiaobai couldn't find Wang Dashan who was singing. He looked everywhere with binoculars and couldn't see it.

On this day, Xiaobai, Xi'er, and Xiaobai ate and drank at their uncle's house again. The meal was ordered for takeout. Xiaobai encouraged Bai Jianping to order food from a restaurant, and the four of them ate at home.

After eating, he left the dishes on the dining table without clearing them away, saying that he wanted to rest and then clean up.

Bai Jianping leisurely watched the current affairs news, with a glass of beer in hand. This was his daily allowance. Once he drank it, it would be gone. He would have to wait until the next day to drink another cup. This was not the amount that Malanhua set for him, but that of Xiaobai, a melon.

The melon boys were happily drinking their aunt's bear drinks and leaning their heads in front of the tablet to watch cartoons. Suddenly, a shadow blocked the door of the house. The four people in the room looked up and saw a gloomy face. Malanhua stood there, staring at them eagerly.

Malanhua suddenly came back from the pancake and fruit shop, and when she saw the three of them, she immediately went crazy.

I drank her bear drink for five or six days in a row and couldn't even buy it.

Then, without any suspense, the three of them were kicked out of the house by Malanhua and escorted downstairs by herself.

Even Xiao Xiaobai, the biological granddaughter, was no exception. She was shouted at and kicked out of the house.

Xiao Xiaobai was confused the whole time. This was the first time she was treated like this by her grandma. She hadn't reacted yet, and she probably wouldn't be able to react for a long time. This change was too big, and she was afraid that it would hurt her waist.

Her little aunt, who had experienced many battles, comforted her and told her to get used to it, because that was what her aunt was like.

"What are you muttering about?!!! Talking bad about me??"

Malanhua's cold voice came from behind.

Xiao Xiaobai quickly denied it, but Xiao Bai calmly waved his hands and said that there was no such thing.

Malanhua snorted coldly and said nothing more. She personally escorted the three of them to the pancake and fruit shop. She went to the shop herself and threatened them to return to Little Red Horse immediately.

"If I catch you guys playing on the street, I'll spread your butts one by one."

"If you don't want to play, we won't play." Xiao Xiaobai quickly expressed her attitude. She was frightened by her grandma tonight.

A three-year-old child doesn't need to be scared.

After all, not everyone is like Mr. Bai.

When Mr. Xiaobai was three years old, he dared to fight against his aunt, and of course he got beaten a lot.

"hiahia, goodbye Aunt Ma." Xi'er obediently waved goodbye to Malanhua. She is so obedient and cute, and she always smiles. Most people would not bully her, except Malanhua.

I saw Malanhua saying, "Would you like to come in and have some pancakes?"

When Xi'er heard this, she stopped laughing immediately, lowered her head and pretended not to hear, and ran away in a hurry.

Seeing this, Xiao Xiaobai quickly lowered her head and took small steps in a hurry. As long as she couldn't see grandma, grandma would definitely not be able to see her.

Malanhua watched them escape and told Xiaobai, "Don't play on the road, understand? Take Xi'er and Xiaobai back quickly."

"Xiao knows Nao~"

Mr. Xiaobai Shiran left and called out to the two cowards in front who were hurrying on their way.

"Go slowly, do you want to eat candied haws?"

The two little ones who were busy walking immediately stopped and looked back, looking at her expectantly.

"No money~" Xi'er said honestly.

Xiao Xiaobai hurriedly rummaged in his trouser pocket, found a small smooth stone, and handed it to his little aunt.

The little aunt rolled her eyes and asked her to put it away.

She has money, and she has a ten-dollar piece of paper Feifei on her body.

The three of them immediately got into a small shop nearby and came out after a while. When they came out, everyone already had a bunch of candied haws in their hands.

At this time, two dogs ran over.

Xi'er and Xiao Xiaobai hurriedly hid behind Xiao Bai.

Xiaobai looked at the two dogs in front of him, one black and one white. They were half-grown dogs, wagging their tails and begging for mercy.

She subconsciously blurted out: "Hey, Xiao Xiaobai and Xiao Wang! Where do they live?"

Xiao Xiaobai: ⊙(◇)?

Two dogs barked twice and jumped ahead to lead the way.

"Oh? You said you found the uncle who sings?" Xiaobai was surprised, "Quick, lead the way!"

The two dogs led the way one behind the other. After walking for a while, they stopped and turned back to wait for them.

"Little aunt, why is she called Xiao Xiaobai? I am Xiao Xiaobai!"

Xiao Xiaobai kept asking her little aunt in confusion.

But her little aunt kept pretending not to hear it until she got tired of being asked, and then said: "Your little mouth is so chatty that you can't eat candied haws and just talk? Don't you like to eat candied haws? Then give it to Xiba."

Hearing this, Xiwawa really looked over and stared at Xiao Xiaobai's candied haws, her eyes shining.

As long as it's sweet, Xi'er will be a little desperate, and it's not impossible to say that the baby takes food from her mouth.

Xiao Xiaobai immediately felt the threat, and quickly protected the candied haws, turned around, and turned his back to his aunt and Xiwawa.

"I eat, I eat, I want to eat~" she shouted loudly. A louder voice could show her firm heart.

"Then don't instigate words." Xiaobai was proud that he had solved this little trouble. He followed a dog named Xiaobai and another named Xiaowang, and finally found the road under their leadership. Wang Dashan who sells and sings on the side.

It's just that Wang Dashan's expression at this moment is completely different from what he saw a few days ago. Not only is he unshaven, he is also listless.

Xiaobai just glanced at it and said to his little follower: "He has lost his soul."

"Huh? Is he going to die?" Xi'er was surprised. Isn't this a good living person? Why is he about to die? How did Xiaobai figure it out?

"Huh? Is he going to die?" Xiao Xiaobai is a scholar. He not only imitated Xi'er's words, but also imitated her tone and expression, as if he was a mini version of Xi'er.

Xiaobai Shen Shen said: "His body is not dying, but his soul is already dead."

Xi'er hiahia smiled, "I don't understand~"

Xiao Xiaobai also laughed and said he didn’t understand.

Xiaobai nodded and said to them seriously: "You are right that you don't understand, because you are all stupid children."

After saying that, he no longer talked to the two, but picked two candied haws skewers from his own and threw them to the paw team "Xiao Xiaobai" and "Xiao Wang" to eat.

"Thank you for coming to report. Eat it. It's delicious."

The two dogs took the candied haws of water into their mouths, wagging their tails at Xiaobai as a sign of goodwill, and were then sent away by Xiaobai.

Xiao Xiaobai watched the two dogs go, especially the white dog named "Xiao Xiaobai". She looked away and reluctantly asked her aunt: "Why is it called Xiao Bai?"

Xiaobai didn't reply, but squeezed through the gap in the crowd and stood in the front row, eating candied haws of sugar while watching Wang Dashan's soulful singing.

Xiao Xiaobai and Xi'er also squeezed over and stood beside her, also eating candied haws and listening to songs. As for Malanhua's warning that was still in their ears, they had already forgotten it.

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