Dad Academy

Chapter 2287 I recommend her to be the monitor

Seeing Liuliu raising her little hand high, Teacher Xiaoliu knew what she wanted to say without asking. If nothing else happened, she should have recommended herself to be the monitor.

"Teacher Xiaoliu, I recommend Dudu to be the monitor of Class 2. Dudu is a serious child, she is very responsible, and she likes to help others..."

Liuliu began to detail the advantages of Dudu. In her description, Dudu was a perfect child.

Teacher Xiaoliu was a little surprised. She thought that Liuliu was going to recommend herself, but she didn't expect that she was going to recommend Dudu.

She looked at Liuliu, who also looked at her, then nodded firmly towards her and said, "You must give me some face."

Teacher Xiaoliu almost collapsed. She was a little touched at first, but she was almost broken by these words. Shen Liuliu was worthy of it.

She originally intended to let Xiaomi and Xiaobai take charge of one class, but now Luoliu recommends Dudu, and Dudu looks serious. Thinking about it carefully, Dudu is actually a very good candidate, serious, responsible and careful. Be helpful.

If Dudu is allowed to be the squad leader, then it will be a great affirmation for Dudu. I believe she will be very motivated.

"I also want Dudu to be the monitor."

Some children began to echo, and it was Xiao Du who spoke.

Xiao Du seemed to have made a good start, and then children continued to support Dudu as monitor.

It can be seen from this that Dudu is very popular in Little Red Horse. Everyone likes her and no one hates her.

But unlike Liliu, I like her very much and dislike her very much. I have a clear love-hate relationship with her.

Teacher Xiaoliu discussed it with other teachers and finally decided to let Dudu be the monitor of Class 2.

As for class one.

Just as Teacher Xiaoliu was about to assign him directly, he saw a little boy jumping up and raising his hands high, shouting: "I~I! Me! Teacher Xiaoliu asked me to be~"

Everyone looked intently and laughed, it turned out to be the three-year-old Xiao Xiaobai.

Teacher Xiaoliu also smiled. It is a good thing to have confidence, but it is impossible to be a monitor.

Teacher Xiao Liu encouraged Xiao Xiaobai and told her to grow up quickly. As long as she grows up to 8 years old, she will be the monitor.

Xiao Xiaobai secretly made up his mind to grow up to 8 years old as soon as possible.

"Xiaomi will be the monitor of Class 1." Xiaoliu said, worried that the children would come forward to recommend themselves too late.

Xiaomi perked up and had a smile on her face. When she heard that she was the class monitor, she immediately said crisply: "I will work hard to take good care of the children in class one."

Immediately, she said to me, Xiaobai, "It will definitely be difficult for me to do my job well by myself, so, Xiaoxiaobai, would you like to help me?"

When Xiao Bai heard this, his eyes lit up, his whole little face was in high spirits, his little head was buzzing like a chicken pecking at rice.

Some are happy and some are sad.

One child cried without warning.

It was a little girl. At first glance, it turned out to be Tian Xiaoya who was recovering from illness recently.

Tian Xiaoya was assigned to class two, and Dudu immediately went over to comfort her and asked her what was wrong.

"Are you sick again?"

Dudu put his hand on Tian Xiaoya's forehead to feel the temperature. The temperature was normal and there was no fever.

Tian Xiaoya cried and said: "Cheng Cheng is in class, I will never hear Cheng Cheng's story again."

As soon as she finished speaking, the expressions of the other children who were assigned to the second class suddenly changed. Some of the children who were weak in endurance were already crying and looked like they were going to cry too.

Cheng Cheng looked at everyone and looked at Teacher Xiaoliu with his eyes.

Just as Teacher Xiaoliu was about to speak, Luoliu stood up.

"Children, children, don't cry, you are crying! I tell you, Class 2 can also go to Class 1 to listen to Cheng Cheng telling stories, and we can also invite Cheng Cheng to Class 2 to play duck."

Teacher Xiaoliu continued: "Yes, Liliu is right. Although we are divided into Class 1 and Class 2, it does not mean that Class 1 cannot go to Class 2, and Class 2 cannot come to Class 1. When Cheng Cheng told the story, everyone You can go and listen, she can tell stories to Class 1 or Class 2."

After everyone heard this, they felt relieved.

Today, Cheng Cheng’s story has become a major feature of Little Red Horse Academy, and every child doesn’t like to hear it.

After the classes were divided, Teacher Xiaoyuan took the children of Class 2 to the Class 2 classroom to get familiar with them.

"Everyone, please follow me in an orderly manner." Teacher Madoka warned.

Dudu immediately took the lead in demonstrating, "Everyone, line up like me~"

Everyone listened to her, except one.

Student Dayan Yan and Chen Liuliu came to Xi'er with a sad face and said, "Xi'er, we are leaving. From now on, we will be in two classes. You have to protect yourself."

Without waiting for the confused Xi'er to speak, she came to Cheng Cheng again and said sadly: "Cheng Cheng, you should also take care of yourself, drink more water, eat more, and don't go to the woods alone. From now on, we will There are only two classes, you have to protect yourself and be careful of that melon boy Xiaobai, you know?"

Before Cheng Cheng could speak - Cheng Cheng was speechless and had nothing to say to her - she went to find other children.

After she acted like this, a sense of sadness spread among the children again.

Xiaobai couldn't stand it anymore and urged: "Come on, hurry up, I'll beat you!"

Liuliu snorted coldly and walked out of the classroom, but then her head popped out of the window and said loudly to Xiaobai in the classroom: "Xiaobai - I'm leaving. You have to take care of yourself in the future. Drink more water, eat more, and don't bully other children. From now on, we will be in two classes! 嘤嘤嘤~~~~"

Xiaobai raised his fists and chased after him. With a swish of the pomegranate, he ran away first. When Xiaobai ran out of the classroom, he only saw a fleshy little figure quickly and nimbly crossing the yard and slipping into the second class classroom.

You can run fast! Xiaobai snorted coldly.

"Xiao Bai~ Can you come here?" Teacher Xiao Liu greeted Xiao Bai with a smile, invited her to the reading area, and the two sat down face to face.

Xiaobai didn't know why.

Teacher Xiaoliu said: "Xiaobai, don't mind if I don't make you the monitor this time."

Xiaobai was originally the squad leader of Little Red Horse, but now that it is divided into two classes, Xiaobai is no longer the monitor. If it is not explained clearly, Xiaobai will be very disappointed.

After all, no one would be happy if they were fired from their position.

Xiaobai was not as sad as expected, but comforted Teacher Xiaoliu not to worry.

"It doesn't matter, they are all my dolls."

Xiaobai always sees clearly, so what if they are divided into two classes, aren't they all her dolls?

Teacher Xiaoliu smiled happily and told her: "Although you are not the monitor of Class 1 and Class 2, I would like to ask you to help them more in the future. You can manage both classes."

Xiaobai nodded and said: "Teacher Xiaoliu, if you need my help, I will definitely help. I know it without you telling me. Moreover, I believe Xiaomi and Dudu can be good monitors."

Teacher Xiaoliu was overjoyed and felt that Xiaobai had really grown up and had transformed from the three-year-old scarred and cute Mr. Luo Zikang who often fought with Luo Zikang into a sensible and sensible young lady.

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