Dad Academy

Chapter 2284 Tears and laughter

"Sisi, you have to be obedient and follow dad. Don't wait here for mom. It will take a long time for mom to heal."

Facing her daughter, Chen Ning was helpless and finally said these words.

She knew that for Sisi, following her father was the best choice. Following her would bring too many uncertainties. She herself had no confidence that she could take good care of Sisi.

But after saying these words, she felt sad for her own stupidity and the harm she had caused to Sisi.

Chen Ning cried and said to herself that she finally lost her daughter.

Chen Sisi hugged her and cried. The little girl didn't want to follow her father away, but her mother repeatedly told her to leave.

After leaving the drug rehabilitation center, Chen Sisi still cried non-stop. No matter how Chen Jin comforted her, it didn't work.

Chen Jin bought her the ice cream she liked to eat, but Chen Sisi held it in her hand and refused to eat it. She kept crying sadly.

"Dad, let's not abandon mother. We must stay with her. She is sick." Chen Sisi said pitifully.

The little girl doesn't want to leave, but wants to stay here and accompany her mother from the hospital.

She likes her father very much and likes to live with him. These days with her father are very warm and happy.

She likes this kind of life.

But as soon as she thought of leaving her mother and leaving her alone here to treat her illness, she felt so sad that she couldn't control herself.

She has also been sick, and knows how sad and helpless it is to have no one to accompany you when you are sick.

In so many difficult days, without her mother's warm embrace, she doesn't know if she would have grown up.

Yes, her life with her mother was always difficult, always unstable, and displaced, but she did not lack love or care.

Her mother has always been very kind to her and strives to do the best for her.

She envied other children for having new clothes, envying them for being able to go to school together with their schoolbags on their backs, envying them for being able to eat ice cream.

She is also greedy, envious, and wants to make friends. Sometimes she will be sad about it, but it is only for a while.

As long as she comes back to her mother, she will always try to make her happy, tell her jokes, and buy her beautiful hairpins on the roadside.

They will also look forward to the future together, going to see the sea and whales together in the future.

Many nights, they dreamed of their dreams together. She was responsible for writing down these dreams, and agreed with her mother to realize them in the future.

Although they haven't achieved one yet.

But the days are still very long. She is still young and her mother is still young. They have a future.

Thinking of these, Chen Sisi burst into tears.

She has lived with her mother since she was born and has become accustomed to having her mother by her side. She cannot bear to live without her mother.

Just like she cherishes the days when her father is around.

Chen Sisi felt heartbroken when she thought of her mother treating the disease alone without anyone to accompany her.

It's easy to go with her father, just leave, but she has to choose to be strong and wait, and spend the long winter with her mother.

Chen Jin was moved by the little girl's warmth. He also had tears in his eyes and cried happily while holding Sisi in his arms.

Although his daughter did not choose to leave him, his daughter's choice made him extremely proud.

At this moment, Chen Jin didn't need to think too much and decided to respect his daughter's choice.

His daughter could be so sensible, and Chen Jin couldn't lag behind, so he decided to stay and spend the long winter with Chen Ning.

He knew that although Chen Ning asked Sisi to go with him, she felt extremely reluctant to let go. In her heart, she desperately hopes to have relatives by her side. In that case, she will be more motivated to successfully detoxify.

If they really left, Chen Ning would have no support and no worries, and maybe the situation would be even worse.

And with family and love, she has the motivation to overcome all difficulties.

When Chen Jin took Chen Sisi back to the drug rehabilitation center, met Chen Ning again, and informed her of her decision, Chen Ning burst into tears.

"Are you going to stay in Pujiang?" After crying, Chen Ning asked Chen Jin.

After the divorce that year, they had almost no contact again. They didn't know each other's current situation. Chen Ning once thought that Chen Jin had already started another family.

This time he suddenly came to Pujiang, which surprised her. And now Chen Jin proposed to stay in Pujiang to accompany her, which shocked her even more.

Her almost dying heart finally felt a little ripple.

She even had a little bit of expectations that she shouldn't have.

She quickly extinguished this expectation. This was not what she should have, because every time she had expectations, they would always be shattered immediately.

Facing Chen Ning's question, Chen Jin remained silent.

Chen Ning smiled, and there was an indescribable taste in that smile, a mixture of five emotions.

"It's okay, just take Sisi away." Chen Ning said.

Chen Jin seemed to be lost in memories and remained silent.

Chen Ning laughed at herself. Sure enough, don't fantasize when you shouldn't.

"Sisi is a very insecure child. In the future, you must..."

Chen Ning began to detail Chen Sisi's living habits and told Chen Jin to take good care of her daughter.

"She is a greedy little girl and likes to eat everything. You can give her food, but you have to control it."

"She is timid and shy, but she really wants to make friends. You should enroll her in kindergarten, encourage her more, and help her integrate into the collective life of the children."

"She likes colorful hairpins very much. They are very cheap. Buy a few more for her. She will be very happy."

"She was not good at eating. I was reluctant to teach her before. You must educate her well."

"She likes to watch dancing. After dinner in the evening, you can take her outside to watch square dancing."

Chen Ning chattered, minding her own business.

Chen Jin remained silent until...

"Okay, I remember."

Chen Ning said: "There are some more, I'll think about it again, you wait a moment."

"Don't think about it yet."

"Please note it down and take good care of Sisi."

Chen Jin shook his head.

Chen Ning said: "Girls have a lot of thoughts, you can't still be so ignorant about girls."

Chen Jin said: "I won't be able to learn it for a while. I will still need your help in the future."

"I'm not around..." Chen Ning suddenly stopped talking and cast her surprised eyes at the man in front of her.

Chen Jin continued: "You are right, I have never understood a girl's mind, so I still need your help to take good care of Sisi. You have to treat the disease well and try to get out as soon as possible. Sisi should have a father and a mother. Indispensable."

"You?" Chen Ning looked at him with wide eyes in disbelief.

Chen Jin said: "I will stay in Pujiang during this period until you recover. After that, let's go to Hangzhou together. A change of environment should be a good thing for you. Everything can start from scratch. We are still so young and Sisi is still so young. It’s too late.”

"But, I..." Chen Ning was speechless, with a cry in her tone.

Chen Jin looked at her with a hint of tenderness.

"Speaking of which, we all made mistakes at the beginning. We were too young and didn't understand responsibility. You must have gone through a lot of difficult moments after I left, otherwise you wouldn't have contracted... this."

When Chen Ning heard these words, she couldn't control her tears.

She suddenly felt that the man in front of her had really matured and was no longer the boy who had grown up before.

"I'm sorry, I left you mother and daughter in Pujiang for two years and never came to see you. I, I... I'm sorry!"

As Chen Jin spoke, he couldn't help but have tears in his eyes.

Chen Ning's tears were flying and she cried: "No need to be sorry, no need to say sorry~"

There was hope in her voice.

Chen Jin handed her a tissue and said, "Wipe it, you are still so crying."

When Chen Ning heard this, she couldn't help crying but laughing.

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