Dad Academy

Chapter 2274 Reaction

Little kid Tan Xier is talking!

Her singing has no technical skills, but is full of emotion. Her voice is clear and full of innocence. It can heal people's hearts. It can also heal the hearts of kittens and cats. Didn't you see the little orange cat lying on Lao Li's coffee table?

This little orange cat was originally squeezing among the crowd to occupy the front row seat to watch Xiaobai and Xi'er sing. However, because she was too small, she was almost crushed by others, so she quickly slipped back and jumped on Lao Li's coffee table.

It stretched its neck and looked into the crowd. Its little tail was raised high, swaying with the swaying of the children. At the same time, it looked up from time to time. There, the parrot stood in a cage, watching the concert from a high position. .

All the children raised their little hands high and swayed to the tune of Xi'er's singing. At the same time, their little bodies swayed like seaweed.

You hold me and I hold you.

It’s really the size of a concert.

Tan Xier's child is too proud.

During the pause in singing, some children couldn't help but shout out, "Xier, I love you~".

This treatment made the child Tan Xier happy, so after singing one song, he sang another one amidst the shouts of the children, and then the third song was a duet with Xiaobai.

In the fourth song, Liuliu also joined.

The fifth song became a chorus.

I didn't sleep this late at night. I stood in the yard singing, and the atmosphere was very lively.

It is spring now, the temperature is already very warm, the nights are cool, the temperature is neither high nor low, the stars and moon are in the sky, the cool breeze is refreshing, and there is singing and dancing in the Little Red Horse Academy.

Some parents came to pick up their children. When they walked in and saw this scene, they were surprised, but they did not disturb them. Instead, they stood outside and let the children have fun.

As the night progressed, parents came to Little Red Horse one after another and picked up the excited children one by one.

Bai Zhiqiang and Yang Yi were at Little Red Horse Academy that night. They wanted to take Xiao Xiaobai home, but Xiao Xiaobai refused to do so. She had to sleep with her little aunt that night.

She has not yet expressed her admiration and deep love to her little aunt.

She wanted to lie on the bed and tell her little aunt her little thoughts.

Yang Yi had no choice, because she felt that if Xiao Xiaobai had to be taken away, it would be impossible to persuade her to go home voluntarily unless she was knocked unconscious and shipped away.

For the sake of Xiao Xiaobai's physical and mental health, Yang Yi left her at Little Red Horse Academy and let this little fangirl stay with her idol.

Xi'er also wanted to stay at Little Red Horse Academy and confidently told her sister that she would sleep in her room tonight.

Yes, her own room is at her godfather's house.

It was past ten o'clock in the evening, and most of the children in the Little Red Horse Academy had already gone home. A few of them were a little later and followed Teacher Xiaoliu to the dormitory on the second floor.

Xiaobai and the others were also called home to go to bed.

This night was like usual, four children crowded into a room to listen to Zhang Tan tell a bedtime story.

Zhang Tan responded to their calls and told a story about an ice and snow princess.

After he was done, he was kicked out of the room and told that the four little girls wanted to whisper and the men should leave quickly.

Zhang Tan felt deeply that it was a waste of time and money, so he went out and returned to the study. It was impossible for him to go to bed before the children went to bed. He would stay in the study room for a while before going out to see if they were asleep.

In the room at this moment, Chen Sisi was thanking Xiaobai and Xi'er.

When Chen Sisi saw the scene of them cheering for Chen Sisi at the award ceremony, she was so moved that she cried at the time.

At this moment, she sincerely thanked Xiaobai and Xi'er again.

Xiaobai touched her little head and said, "You're welcome. We are good friends. Your mother will come back to pick you up soon."

Chen Sisi looked at her with bright eyes and nodded heavily.


Suddenly, Xi'er also stretched out her little hand and touched her little head, encouraging her to be brave and not to be afraid.

Chen Sisi's eyes were bright, and she was grateful and happy. She was grateful for their help to her, and happy that she had such a good friend.

Suddenly, another small hand touched her head, and immediately a sound of milk purring sounded.

"Don't be afraid, we are good friends~"

It's Xiao Xiaobai.

When she saw Chen Sisi looking over, she quickly retracted her hand with a guilty conscience, but tried her best to look serious.

Chen Sisi was silent for a moment and also thanked Xiao Xiaobai.

"I'm so happy~" she said.

It can be seen that she is really happy.

That night, four children crowded into a bed and chatted until late.

Fortunately, the next day was a weekend and there were no classes. Otherwise, everyone would be late, and the one in kindergarten would definitely not be able to get up.

However, although it is the weekend, for Bai Jianping, it is still normal work.

The nature of his work means that he has no concept of weekends. As long as the film and television projects are not completed, he has to go to work every day.

On this day, he came to the crew early as usual. The crew's logistics prepared breakfast, but the amount was not large, because most of the crew usually came to the crew after having breakfast. They prepared these just for the small number of people who came to the crew with an empty stomach. prepared by people.

As usual, Lao Bai went to the kitchen to check the breakfast. After the usual inspection, he would arrange the purchasing tasks for the day.

But as soon as he appeared today, someone immediately congratulated him.

"Good morning, Master Bai, congratulations~"

A crew member walked past Bai Jianping and greeted him with a smile.

Lao Bai was stunned for a moment, nodded, and wanted to ask him what he was happy about, but the young man in charge had already left.

He felt that the other party must have made a mistake.

Before he had even taken two steps, someone came up to him and congratulated him.

This strange scene continued into the kitchen, and the breakfast chefs all congratulated him when they saw him.

Lao Bai couldn't help it anymore and asked, "What happy event do I have?"

A breakfast chef said: "Your little boy won an award, we all saw the news!"

It suddenly dawned on Bai Jianping that he couldn't help but sigh. Xiaobai seemed to be more famous than him in the crew, but Xiaobai had never been to this crew before.

"Your little Bai is so amazing. He won the Golden Melody Award at such a young age. How many singers will never win this award in their lifetime," someone said.

Bai Jianping waved his hand and said, "It's a fluke."

Another person said: "This is not a fluke. That Xi'er also won the award and is Xiaobai's good friend. Two people won the award at the same time. This is not a fluke."

Someone else immediately echoed: "This is called good people attracting each other."

Everyone was talking to each other, talking about it. Bai Jianping said modest words, but his tail was raised in his heart.

But when he thought that Xiaobai's melon boy went to the pancake and fruit shop to see her aunt last night, but did not come to his home to report the award, Lao Bai suddenly felt unhappy and felt that his uncle's authority was not fully respected.

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