Dad Academy

Chapter 2255 Placement

"Don't touch!"

"Don't touch-"

"Don't touch it, I'm going to get angry——"

"Spoiler! Which melon boy is grabbing my butt??"

"Let go! Let go! What you're holding on to, Guawazi, is my pants!!"

Xiaobai in the pile of dolls was happy and distressed. Countless pairs of little hands stretched out towards her without thinking. The key is that many of them did not touch the banner, but touched her body.

She looked at Xiaomi next to her. Xiaomi was also facing the same trouble.

"Liuliu-I saw you-" Xiaobai suddenly shouted.

“It’s not me duck—I’m here!!”

Liuliu's voice sounded from the outermost periphery. She was standing at the feet of Boss Zhang and asked what she had to do to get this banner. She never expected that even from the end of the world, she could be blamed for this.

Seeing this, Xiaobai shouted in his heart that he had made a mistake. He didn't expect that Liuliu was not crowded into the crowd this time, otherwise he would have been blinded.

With the help of their teachers, Xiaobai and Xiaomi were finally freed from the pile of dolls.

Their hair was messed up and their clothes were in a mess.

Xiaobai muttered something, and it was definitely not a good thing.

In view of the two people receiving such awards, Aunt Huang felt it was necessary to ask them to tell the children about their deeds.

But unexpectedly, Xiaobai and Xiaomi rejected this proposal without thinking.

They don't talk about it.

"Sisi is still talking like that! What's there to talk about?" Xiaobai said.

Xiaomi also said: "We would rather not have the banner, we just hope that Sisi will not suffer like that."

When Aunt Huang heard this, she couldn't help but secretly thought that she was really old and confused, and she might as well be sober as two children! We should look for light in the midst of suffering, but we can't do bad things for the best, otherwise it will change.

After accepting the banner, everyone's conversation naturally turned to Chen Sisi, who was hospitalized.

The children clamored to go to the hospital to visit the little girl.

After discussion among the teachers, and with Zhang Tan's consent, several representatives were sent to the hospital.

The hospital where Chen Sisi is located is not far from Huangjia Village. There is a dedicated person to accompany her in the ward, and there are police standing guard at the door 24 hours a day. It can be said that the protection is very comprehensive.

Chen Sisi's physical condition has improved significantly. She is no longer sallow and thin, but has vitality and energy.

At this moment, she was sitting on the bed watching TV, with a nurse beside her peeling oranges for her.

The cute voices of the little animals in cartoons could be heard in the ward. Child Chen Sisi watched intently and giggled from time to time.

"Sisi, eat an orange."

The nurse lady handed the orange to her mouth.

Chen Sisi didn't even look at it, she opened her mouth and ate it. Her eyes continued to stare at the cartoon, and her soul was taken away by the little animals in it.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and Chen Sisi's attention was instantly diverted, and she stared at the door nervously.

The door was pushed open a crack, and Xiao Bai's head stuck out.

"Aha, you woke up, we came to see you!" Xiaobai laughed.

When Chen Sisi saw it was Xiaobai, her nervous look disappeared and she breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, her eyes froze and she was stunned, because after Xiaobai came in, there was an endless stream of children coming in behind her.

Xiaomi, Xier, Liuliu, Dudu, Chengcheng, Xiaolizi, Xiaowei...

Like skewering candied haws on a stick, the children came one after another.

Everyone came to visit her.

Aunt Huang and the nurse who led the team chatted quietly and asked about Chen Sisi's physical condition. After learning that she was almost completely back to normal, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

However, she immediately thought about what Chen Sisi would do after she was discharged from the hospital.

You have to ask Ding Jiamin about this.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Ding Jiamin hurried to Little Red Horse Academy to take Xiaomi home.

Aunt Huang stopped her in advance and asked about Chen Sisi's placement.

Ding Jiamin told Aunt Huang that Chen Sisi's mother was still in a drug rehabilitation center and would not be able to get out for a while, otherwise all her efforts would be wasted, so Chen Sisi would be temporarily placed in a full-day nursery.

When Aunt Huang heard this, she felt relieved.

When Ding Jiamin picked up Xiaomi, it was already raining heavily in the sky.

On duty tonight are Xiao Songqin’s mother Jiang Fang and teacher Xiao Liu.

The two took the children who could not go home for the time being to the dormitory on the second floor and took care of them to lie on the bed and sleep for a while.

There was lightning and thunder outside the house and the sound of rain. Many children could not sleep and were scared when they heard the thunder.

Teacher Xiao Liu closed all the curtains and played soft pure music. For some children who couldn't fall asleep, they and Jiang Fang personally went to the battle, sitting by the bed and whispering comfort.

Unconsciously, the bedroom gradually became quiet.

At Xiao Zhang's house on the third floor, Xiao Bai, draped in a silk banner, had just come out of grandma's room and returned to his own home in a high-spirited manner, walking around and looking at the walls.

She was thinking about where this pennant should be hung.

"I suggest hanging it in the living room, on the wall facing the entrance, so that whoever comes to our house can see your banner at a glance. You can tell whether it is powerful or not." Zhang Tan suggested.

Xiaobai thought for a while, looked at the place, nodded with a smile and said it was awesome.

That’s it, it’s hung on the wall of the living room facing the entrance.

Just do it, Xiaobai immediately went to get the toolbox for Old Man Zhang. Zhang sighed and said thank you, he stayed up in the middle of the night and asked me to knock on the wall.

He took out a hammer and nails from the tool box, banged them a few times, and hung up the banner.

Xiaobai smiled with his gums exposed.

She might not be able to sleep this night.

"Huh? Old man, where will Sisi go after she is discharged from the hospital?" Xiaobai suddenly remembered this question. When he went to see Chen Sisi tonight, Chen Sisi said that she would be discharged from the hospital soon.

But her mother is not at home. Where can she go after she is discharged from the hospital?

Zhang Tan told her about the police station's arrangements for Chen Sisi.

Xiaobai pondered for a moment, nodded, and did not ask this question again.

Listening to the sound of rain outside, the little angel gradually fell asleep.

Within a few days, Zhang Tan learned from Ding Jiamin that all the individuals they sent had been punished for dereliction of duty. Even the Zhou office who came to Little Red Horse that day had received a serious warning from the party, and all the people in their office this year had been punished. The first and best evaluations have been cancelled.

This person was rescued. If he had not been rescued, I am afraid some people would have been imprisoned.

As for Ding Jiamin, her superiors later gave her a meritorious service reward.

Zhang Tan saw that she looked unhappy, so he asked, "What's wrong? Someone in the institute is making things difficult for you? Are you being squeezed out?"

Ding Jiamin quickly said no.

"It's just that I went to the day care center to see Chen Sisi today and found that she looked depressed. I asked the teacher there and they said that Chen Sisi is a bit introverted and keeps to herself. She doesn't play with other children and doesn't fit in."

Judging from some of Chen Sisi's previous behaviors mentioned in Xiaobai, Chen Sisi, a little girl, should be relatively introverted and shy, and not very courageous.

Zhang Tan instantly thought of Xiaomi in the past, who was also placed in a nursery by the police station. Because he was surrounded by a strange environment, he was also depressed and very vigilant. Later, he was sent to Little Red Horse in the evening, and the child became cheerful.

So Zhang Tan asked, "How about sending the little red horse to the little red horse at night? Stay here for one night and then send it back to the nursery the next day."

Ding Jiamin's eyes lit up.

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