Dad Academy

Chapter 2251 You are more powerful lady

"The winner of the Best Screenplay Award is..."Mo Di", Zhang Tan!"

As the award-winning guest finished speaking, the golden hall burst into applause, and everyone around Zhang Tan sent congratulations to him, including two children.

Zhang Tan stood up with a smile, buttoned up his suit, waved around, then stood up and walked towards the stage.

This time, the script of "Mo Di" beat "The Pursuit of Happiness", which is not surprising.

This kind of award is not all based on box office.

The box office performance of "The Pursuit of Happiness" did exceed that of "Mo Di", but the story of "Mo Di" is not inferior to the former at all.

It makes sense for whoever wins the award.

When Zhang Tan stood up and walked to the stage, there was thunderous applause from many places.

There were exclamations in the Little Red Horse Academy. Various little sounds and little voices were heard. The children were whispering to each other. Many little fools asked whether the Boss Zhang on TV was the same Boss Zhang they knew and whether he was the same person. ? !

Lao Li in the yard was listening to the radio, which was also playing the live broadcast of the Golden Rooster Awards.

Sitting with him was Lao Bai.

Lao Bai did not go home after get off work today, nor did he go to square dance. Instead, he came to the academy to chat with Lao Li and listen to the live broadcast of the awards.

In fact, you don't need to listen to the radio, just listen to the exclamations from the classroom, you can probably know that you have won the award.

At the nearby police station, Ding Jiamin was also watching the live broadcast on her mobile phone.

Tonight, she had to work the night shift at the station. Since there was nothing wrong, she rarely called the police. Instead, she stayed at her work station and watched the live broadcast with the volume down on her mobile phone.

When she saw Zhang Tan winning the award, she was happy for him. At this time, two companions walked by, getting ready to go.

Ding Jiamin quickly put away her phone, stood up and followed her, asking, "Are you going to call the police?"

One of them said: "You don't have to go when you receive a call from the police. Just stay at the station and be on duty. Xiao Zhou and I will go back as soon as we go. It's a small police report. Someone reported a drug addict."

Hearing this, Ding Jiamin relaxed her vigilance.

She nodded, said something careful, and watched them disappear into the night.

She did not return to her work station immediately, but walked around the office and said hello to another colleague before sitting back at her desk and watching the live broadcast on her mobile phone.

As soon as she took out her phone, she saw Zhao Xin appearing in front of the camera in the live video.

She was not familiar with Zhao Xin, but she had met her twice when they were in Little Red Horse. Because she knew that she starred in Zhang Tan's movie "Mo Di", she had a deep impression.

Zhao Xin won the award! With her wonderful acting skills in "Mo Di", she won the Best Actress.

After Zhao Xin took the stage, she held the trophy and gave an acceptance speech while unable to hold back tears in her eyes.

This was her first time as a heroine and she won this award, as if she was living in a dream.

Before she met Zhang Tan, she was just a Shanghainese, wandering around the film and television city, looking for various opportunities to play a small role.

It all started when she treated two children to boiled water that afternoon.

That's when the gears of fate began to turn.

In her acceptance speech, Zhao Xin kept thanking Zhang Tan and director Wang Hao.

It's also to build momentum for director Wang Hao.

After the Best Actress award comes the Best Actor award.

When the award-giving guest read out the name "Zhang Yuyan", the golden hall burst into applause, and many people even stood up and applauded.

It can be seen that Zhang Yuyan's award is indeed welcomed by the public and impressive.

Zhang Yuyan won the Best Actor for his wonderful acting in "The Pursuit of Happyness".

As soon as Zhang Yuyan stood up, the two little girls next to him raised their hands and gave him a high-five.

It's Xiaobai and Liuliu.

Especially the latter, when he high-fived him, he called him dad very naturally.

I almost lost control of Zhang Yuyan.

Only then did I remember that he seemed to have such a cheap daughter.

After Zhang Yuyan stood up and went on the stage, Luoliu immediately said to Xiaobai with a serious face: "Xiaobai, you were hacked, so they gave the award to my dad. This is a balance. Do you know? You don't know!" "

The look in Liuliu's eyes at Xiaobai seemed to be, you little Kalami, you don't understand these worldly things.

Xiaobai was indeed a little confused and didn't understand anything at all. She couldn't tell whether Liuliu was lying to her or whether she had really analyzed it properly.

Zhang Tan said, "Don't listen to what Luliu says."

Xiaobai suddenly realized and glared at Liuliu fiercely.

Liuliu added: "Xiaobai, your father won the award just now. Now it is my father who wins the award. But my father's award is more powerful than your father's award, so I am also more powerful, right?"

Xiaobai nodded and said, "You are even more powerful, lady."

Liliu: "..."

I almost got upset.

As the Best Actor is announced, the Best Director will also be announced.

However, Zhang Tan has lowered his expectations.

Because he felt that it was unlikely that the organizer would award the best director to Little Red Horse Film and Television Company after awarding them the best actor and best actress.

But it's not without hope.

Perhaps, we can also win one between Best Director and Best Picture. As for winning both of these awards, it is almost impossible.

"The winner of this year's Golden Rooster Award for Best Director is... Li Shun!"

As the words fell, Zhang Tan felt a little disappointed. Not far away, Zhang Tongshun and Wang Hao couldn't hide their disappointment on their faces, but they also showed relief and relief after knowing the result.

Zhang Tongshun did not win, and neither did Wang Hao.

In fact, Zhang Tan doesn't have high expectations for Wang Hao. He is still a newcomer. It is unrealistic to win the best director for "Mo Di". Being nominated is the biggest affirmation and makes him famous.

After the announcement of the best director, the remaining award is the best picture.

Zhang Tan looked forward to it.

The one who presented the award for the best film was actress Xu Biling. After opening the envelope, she glanced at Zhang Tan's position, and then said: "The winner of this year's Golden Rooster Award for best film is... " "When Happiness Knocks on the Door"!

Zhang Tan calmed down and applauded, but the two children beside him were not as carefree as he was. They had already jumped up and down. Zhang Tongshun and others not far away also cheered.

As the award ceremony came to an end, Ding Jiamin put away her mobile phone first, and two colleagues who had gone out to perform police duties also returned.

"Is there no problem?" Ding Jiamin asked.

"It's okay, the person has been sent to the detention center. Oh, by the way, Xiao Ding, I would like to trouble you to talk to that person tomorrow."

Seeing Ding Jiamin's confused expression, the other party added: "It's a woman. You can make her relax her vigilance more."

Ding Jiamin suddenly said, "That's no problem."

She looked at the time and saw that it was already past nine o'clock. She would get off work later and set off for Little Red Horse.

When she arrived at the school, the school was very lively. When she went over to take a look, she realized that Xiaobai and Liuliu had also come back. They were sitting on the stage where Cheng Cheng usually told stories, bringing some excitement to the children. intelligence.

The teachers were also standing behind the pile of dolls, listening with great interest.

Ding Jiamin calmly joined in and listened to Xiaobai and Liuliu talk about the grand occasion of the scene.

Thank you Pippi Pig for the 10,000 coin reward for finding the target.

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