Dad Academy

Chapter 23 Treasure

Near the gate of the academy, I heard the news broadcast coming from the small house on the gate. Lao Li was watching TV and eating noodles.

"Are you eating?"

"Hey, hey, that's right. Mr. Zhang is back. Where is the car parked?"

"Put it in the parking lot."

"Park directly in the academy, saving parking fees."

"It's not safe, kids are coming and going."

The academy is very spacious, but parking is not allowed. This is a rule. Although Zhang Tan is the boss, he consciously cannot break the rule.

Every time I park my car in the academy, it's always a bit unsafe, with children running around.

"Uncle, come on, come on."

Xiaobai stood under the mulberry tree and waved to him. Is this kid specifically watching over him? Highly doubt it is.

"What?" Zhang Tan walked over and asked.

"Come quickly, the kids want to watch an episode of cartoons."

The little face is full of hope.

"Emm~~ Just watch it if you want. Let Teacher Xiaoliu turn on the TV for you."

"Xiao Liu is in a state of silence."


"Hmph, go and ask Mrs. Liu what you want to do. Do you want to make the children happy? I feel like a ghost today."

"What's wrong? Why are you making will-o'-the-wisps again?"

After just a few words, the flames started to show up. Are you a red boy?

"嘤嘤嘤~~~My cock is missing!"

Zhang Tan thought hard and then remembered that the chicken sounds like a cricket, and there was a big black cricket in the glass bottle that Xiaobai was holding that day.

As he returned to his room, he asked casually: "Lost? What happened?"

Xiaobai trotted to catch up and whispered in Sichuan dialect: "I seriously doubt that Luo Zikang did it."

Zhang Tan took out the key from his bag and opened the door. He turned around and said to Xiaobai who was standing at the door: "You can't doubt others without evidence. Come in and sit down."

Xiaobai nodded, took off his little shoes, and raised his little feet to show him: "Uncle, look, I'm wearing the new socks you bought. I ran as fast as a shuttlecock today."

What is the second dick? ?

"Wear your slippers." Zhang Tan found her little slippers.

"Kill the drag boy." Xiaobai put on his little slippers happily.

Zhang Tan: [_?]

He put down his bag, went into the bathroom to wash his hands, and was busy at home. Xiaobai stood in the living room, chatting.

"I'm going to take a shower. How about you sit here by yourself? I'll prepare some snacks for you and turn on the TV for you."

"What? Do you want to take a bath?" Xiaobai asked in surprise, shaking his head quickly, "Then I'll go, I'm a girl."

After saying that, he ignored Zhang Tan's attempts to stay and left, as if he was afraid that he would do something wrong.

This kid has a very strong sense of prevention.

That's fine. Zhang Tan locked the door and came out of the shower. Suddenly he found a handful of boiled peanuts placed on the small stool in the living room.

When was it put there? Zhang Tan hadn't noticed it before.

He grabbed the peanuts in his hand and peeled one open. The plump peanuts lay in the shell. In Xiaobai's words, they smelled fragrant.

Putting on short pants and a gray T-shirt, Zhang Tan went out and heard the cry of a child when he went downstairs.

In the school, it is not uncommon for children to cry. Children cry every day. However, this cry is somewhat familiar. It seems to be Xiaobai's!

He walked down the stairs three steps at a time, and when he got to the first floor, he saw Xiaobai crying.

"What's wrong? Why is Xiaobai crying?" Zhang Tan asked, how could Xiaobai, such a strong and optimistic boy, cry like this in the blink of an eye.

Xiaobai's eyes were filled with tears. She glanced at him and stood there crying. Xiaomi and Meng Chengcheng were comforting her, and the cute little girl Meng Chengcheng was also wiping her tears silently.

Also crying was Luo Zikang, but this time he didn't cry as loudly as Xiaobai.

It was just the opposite last time.

Zhang Tan guessed that the two of them were fighting again?

Teacher Xiaoliu explained to him that, sure enough, the two fought again, and this time Xiaobai lost and was beaten, so he cried like this.

Momentum can intimidate people, but it cannot guarantee victory.

Teacher Xiao Liu and others were already dealing with it, but Zhang Tan did not participate. After a while, Teacher Xiao Liu figured out the cause and effect and came over to tell him.

The reason for the incident was that Xiaobai's calling chicken was lost, leaving only the empty bottle. She suspected that Luo Zikang did it, and the two had a quarrel.

Zhang Tan was speechless and said not to doubt people without evidence, but Xiaobai Tongxie still couldn't hold back and took the initiative to find Luo Zikang.

He thought that Xiaobai and Luo Zikang got into a fight because of this, but Teacher Xiaoliu said no, the two just had a quarrel and had no intention of fighting.

"Xiaobai wore a new pair of socks today and showed them to everyone. Luo Zikang saw her and said a few words to her, and then the fight started." Teacher Xiaoliu said.

Zhang Tan: "..."

Teacher Xiaoliu further explained that Luo Zikang said that Xiaobai was a country bumpkin and the clothes he wore were ugly.

"And he said..."

Teacher Xiaoliu hesitated to speak.

Zhang Tan: "What else can you say?"

"He also said Xiaobai was a fool."


Xiaobai is so smart.

"She can't read."

"..." Zhang Tan asked curiously: "Is Xiaobai really illiterate?"

Teacher Xiaoliu nodded and said: "It is true that she is illiterate. A child of her age should have gone to kindergarten, but she has not, and the adults at home have not taught her. She only knows a few words now, and she learned them in our academy. .”

Zhang Tan asked again: "Then I often see her holding picture books and reading them with gusto, without even sleeping."

Teacher Xiaoliu: "She was looking at the pictures in the picture book to guess the story."

Zhang Tan suddenly felt a little sour.

"How should we deal with this matter today?"

"Both of them have made mistakes, and they both have to stand and think about their mistakes..."

Zhang Tan didn't say anything. He didn't know how to educate children, so he would leave it to Teacher Xiaoliu and the others.

Since Xiaobai had to stand tonight, Zhang Tan stopped going downstairs to visit the children and watched "Lampburner" at home, starting from the first episode.

When he went to work the next day, Luo Ming made a recommendation for him, and he would try his best to become the screenwriter of "Lampburner".

Because the project is relatively simple, I won’t form a team of screenwriters and will just work on it myself.

Comics have comic language, and animation has animation language. Zhang Tan needs to convert comics into animation, and the plot also needs to be streamlined and compressed. However, his principle is to maintain the original style as much as possible and keep the main plot line unchanged.

This comic can carve out a niche in the market, which has proven its marketability. Changes that are too big would be thankless and damage the charm of the original work.

Zhang Tan spent the whole day thinking about comics in the office, and only started writing when he was about to get off work.

Driving home, I planned to go back to my room to write behind closed doors. When I entered the school, I heard the sound of an uncle. I turned my head and saw that it was Xiaobai. Next to her was a middle-aged woman, dressed simply, with a small bench at her feet. and a cloth bag.

"Xiaobai, it's so early." Zhang Tan said.

The child's eyes are red and a little swollen.

"Are you Xiaobai's aunt?" Zhang Tan stepped forward and asked. He remembered that Xiaobai's file stated that her aunt's name was Malanhua.

"I'm Xiaobai's aunt, hello teacher, my Xiaobai had a fight yesterday, and I'm here to apologize."

Malanhua's face was full of smiles, and wrinkles and folds followed. Xiaobai's Mandarin should be imitated from hers, with a Sichuan accent.

Zhang Tan looked at Xiaobai. The child pouted, lowered his head and remained silent.

"Both children were at fault for what happened yesterday. It's not all Xiao Bai's fault. However, no matter what, we can't fight. Fighting is not good. There are many ways to solve the problem. We can choose a better one, right?"

"Yes, yes, teacher, you are absolutely right." Malanhua nodded repeatedly.

Seeing that Xiaobai lowered her head and said nothing, he stretched out his hand and knocked her little head and said, "You little melon, what are you talking about? The teacher is asking you, right?"

Xiaobai held his head in his hands and said aggrievedly: "I want it."

Malanhua stared at her: "You want it? I want it, you idiot. I asked you if it's right. What do you want?"

Xiaobai continued to hold his little head, puffed out his cheeks, and said weakly: "Que Shi~"

Malanhua said angrily: "You are really a slut! I asked you if you were right, but you still didn't admit your mistake to the teacher!"

"Uncle, I was wrong. Fighting is not my strong point."

After hearing this, her aunt said dissatisfiedly: "You are a big kid, but fighting is not your strong point? Did you just find out? Who can you beat? The dog or the cat in the alley?"

Xiaobai said unconvinced: "Cats and dogs are both my good friends. Why should I fight with them?"

"Who are you good friends with? You're so dirty! If you mess with those cats and dogs again, I want you to look good."

"What kind of wife is it to scare a 4-year-old baby?"

"Can you say another word?!"

"...I like Auntie Duck so much~"

Malanhua glared at her: "You are so charming!"

Thank you Zhan Boyue for the 1,000-coin reward, thank you Tianlong Liankong for the 500-coin reward, and thank you book friend 20180321175648323 for the 100-coin reward.

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