Dad Academy

Chapter 2232 Hot Potential

"Hello, can I take medicine?"


"Can I take medicine?"

When Xi'er heard that the other party was a bunch of crooked nuts, she immediately showed off her Tan's English.

It's a pity that people were confused when they heard it and didn't understand the meaning at all.

Until Xiaobai helped explain and said: "Xiwawa is asking what your name is?"

After saying that, she turned to Xi'er and lectured: "You melon, can you speak more accurate English? I'm a crooked nut and can't understand your English. You'd better stop speaking."

Xi'er said confidently: "I can speak English."

Xiaobai said angrily: "The English you speak is hard to understand."

Xi'er is still confident: "I can understand it all."

Xiaobai said: "They didn't understand."

"Yes, it's because they didn't understand, and it's not that I didn't say it right, hiahia~"

Xiaobai was speechless.

At this time, Xiaomi whispered to them: "They can understand what we are saying, so keep your voice down."

Xiaobai and Xier glanced at this group of so-called crooked nuts.

The old man in the lead, the chairman, didn't want to look at them, because it was really difficult to pretend not to understand when they looked at each other.

However, since we have just introduced each other in Chinese, is it too late to say that we don’t understand?

Although they are foreigners, they are foreign Chinese. They can speak English and Mandarin, but Tan cannot understand English.

Although the other chairman wanted to chat with Zhang Tan, but seeing that Zhang Tan was currently receiving guests, even though he was receiving a group of children, he still showed great respect and asked Zhang Tan to go ahead.

Zhang Tan was very impressed by the other party's attitude, so he asked them to stay in the company for a while, and he would make time to come over during the discussion.

The old chairman was overjoyed and expressed his gratitude to Zhang Tan repeatedly.

The name of this old chairman is Yu Jianguo.

When they were about to separate, Yu Jianguo took out his business cards from his pocket and handed one to Zhang Tan. He then took out several more and handed them to Xin Xiaoguang, Aunt Huang and others.

Suddenly he saw several children looking at him eagerly with their little heads raised, so he also handed them his business cards.

Xiaobai rubbed his hands together, took the business card, looked at it seriously, called Yu Dong, and solemnly put the business card into his pocket.

"Yu Dong~hiahia~" Xi'er also followed Xiaobai's example and called Yu Dong and put down his business card.

This title for Yu Dong was what Zhang Tan had just called Yu Jianguo.

Liuliu suddenly ran away, and soon ran back in a hurry, and solemnly handed Yu Jianguo a tissue with her name, phone number, and her occupation written on it.

Yu Jianguo took a look and saw what was written on the tissue:

Shen 66, second grade of elementary school, singer and actor.

The writing is crooked, but I can understand it at least.

Yu Jianguo smiled and said: "Ah, you are actually a singer and actor. I am disrespectful. Xiao Shen, you are so young, but your achievements are already so extraordinary."

Liuliu suppressed a smile, nodded complacently, and said, "I haven't acted for a long time. I sing every day. I like singing more now."

Dudu said to her: "But you are not as good at singing as you are at acting. You are going the wrong way, you..."

Luliu covered Dudu's mouth with one hand and dragged her away.

It wasn't until they were far away that they could no longer hear their voices. Then she gave Dudu a painstaking education. The core idea was, how could she undermine her sister outside?

Then, everyone saw the two arguing fiercely.

It took a while to come back.

By this time, Yu Jianguo and his party had already left.

Zhang Tan led a group of people to his office.

Liuliu ran around in the office and stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window to look at the scenery outside.

Dudu saw a bag of golf clubs on the ground and couldn't help but move it and help Boss Zhang find a place to put it.

Xin Xiaoguang arranged for the staff to bring fruits and drinks and placed them on the coffee table in the office, asking everyone to rest here.

Everyone is indeed a little tired after walking all the way and needs a rest.

When the children saw the bear drinks, they sat down on their own without being greeted. Xiaobai gave them to everyone, one bottle each, and they were all drinking the bears and chatting at the same time.

Lao Li said: "Zhang Tan, if you have something to do, go and do it first. You don't have to stay with us all the time."

Aunt Huang also said: "Yes, Zhang Tan, go and do your work. Chairman Yu was having a discussion just now, probably about cooperation. Go and have a look."

Upon hearing this, Xiaobai immediately advised: "Old man, go quickly. We are not children, so you don't need to take care of us. I will take care of you here. We will take care of the principal, Auntie Li, and Li Baibao."

Liuliu nodded and said: "Teacher Xiaoliu and Teacher Xiaoyuan take care of us, and Brother Xiaoguang takes care of Teacher Xiaoyuan, so that we can take care of each other. How wonderful, hahaha~ I am really a genius."

Xi'er said: "Brother Xiaoguang has no one to take care of him."

Everyone glanced at Xin Xiaoguang.

Xin Xiaoguang said: "No, I don't need it. I don't need anyone to take care of me."

Luoliu spoke again. This child always stirred up something when he spoke.

"You are very strong, Brother Xiaoguang. I feel so pitiful for you, but you don't want to cry at all. Dudu wants to learn from you. Dudu——"

Dudu was pinching candied fruit, and this was already the second one she had pinched, but she didn't eat it herself, but fed it to Xi'er beside her.

When he heard Liuli calling him, he couldn't help but said angrily: "I'm not going to cry!"

Luoliu laughed.

She just takes the opportunity to retaliate, even if it's her best friend, it's still hurtful.

Zhang Tan left and came to the conference room where Wu Shiying was having a discussion with Yu Jianguo and others.

As soon as he opened the door and appeared, everyone in the venue stood up and gave up their seats. The person sitting opposite was Yu Jianguo.

Before arriving, Zhang Tan had received a text message from Wu Shiying and roughly knew the purpose of Yu Jianguo's trip.

Although it was a visit to study, I actually wanted to look for opportunities for cooperation.

Yu Jianguo also opened a comic company. On the other side of the Pacific, the comics published by the company are distributed in Europe and the United States.

The comics of Little Red Horse Comics are mainly concentrated in the Chinese market, and their exposure to surrounding markets such as East Asia and South Asia is limited.

Not to mention Europe and the United States.

Yu Jianguo's comic company's business does not involve Asia, but only in Europe and the United States. He accidentally obtained an issue of the comic magazine "Fantasy Night of the Tang Dynasty" and highly praised the comic "The Last Valkyrie" that was being serialized in it, and saw the hidden meaning in it. business opportunities.

I believe this comic will also sell well in Europe and the United States.

He searched all the way through "The Last Valkyrie" before discovering Little Red Horse Comics, and then he seemed to have discovered a huge treasure trove!

"Zootopia", "Kung Fu Panda", etc., he believes that they all have the potential to become hits in the international market.

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