Dad Academy

Chapter 2229 Visit

"Isn't uncle coming to sleep?" Xiaobai asked.

Malanhua said: "He snores very loudly when he sleeps, which makes you unable to sleep, so go to bed later."

Xiaobai quickly said: "I won't be so noisy that I can't sleep. Auntie, you'd better call uncle to come and sleep."

Malanhua added: "Your uncle said he was afraid of disturbing your sleep, so he slept on the sofa outside tonight."

Xiaobai said: "Auntie, then buy a big house."

Malanhua lay down, her whole body relaxed, and she felt comfortable and wanted to moan. She said: "If you have money, buy it for me."

Xiaobai sat up from the bed and said seriously: "Auntie, if you buy a big house, I will give you all my New Year's money, and I will also give you my piggy bank."

"Sleep, sleep, everything will happen in your dreams."

"You don't believe me."

"Believe, believe, I believe what you say."

"Then you are still like this?"

"How am I?"

"You are like this!"

Xiaobai curled his lips, seemingly expressing disdain.

"You're wrong."

"I didn't~"

"I mean, you don't have much New Year's money. Buying a house costs a lot of money, and we can't afford it."

"Auntie, you have opened a shop now, how can you run out of money?"

"You can't make much money, and the house prices are very expensive."

"Oh, you are working so hard but still can't afford a house. Is this a big deal?"

"I don't understand either. Working hard is definitely not enough. Earning more or less has little to do with hard work."


This is different from the education Xiaobai received. The books told them that the more they work, the more they will get, and that labor is glorious. But why are her uncles and aunts working so hard, but they can't even afford a bigger house?

She couldn't figure it out, so she asked her aunt, but she couldn't explain it clearly or explain the logic behind it.

"Don't think about it, go to sleep!" Malanhua heard the creaking sound on the bed opposite, and Xiaobai kept turning over.


Xiaobai sat up on the bed again.

"Let's go tell uncle to go back to his room and sleep."

"...If you want to shout, go ahead."

Without saying a word, Xiaobai immediately stood up, walked to the door in the dark, opened the door, and saw that the living room was also dark.

Xiaobai stood at the door and said to the dark living room: "Uncle~Uncle, are you asleep?"

The living room was very quiet, so Bai Jianping must not have slept. If he had slept, he would have heard his snoring.

"You haven't slept yet?"

Bai Jianping's voice sounded in the darkness.

"Uncle, is it cold to sleep outside? Come and sleep in your room."

"...I'll sleep outside. It's not cold. You go to bed quickly."

"It's very cold outside, you'd better come to the room quickly."

"I covered myself with a quilt. It's not cold. Go back to your room and sleep."

Bai Jianping did not return to the room in the end, and Xiaobai returned without success. He went back to bed and complained to his aunt about how his uncle had become such a fool.

Malanhua guessed the result and said nothing, just telling Xiaobai to go to bed quickly.

The room was quiet for a while, then Malanhua's even breathing sounded.

She fell asleep quickly.

I am busy in the store day and night. Although I don’t need to run around as much as before, it is still a lot harder.

She lay on the bed and fell asleep soon.

Xiaobai listened quietly to her aunt's breathing, with her eyes wide open in the darkness, feeling extra familiar and safe.

She also fell asleep unconsciously.

The next day, Xiaobai was woken up by someone.

When she opened her eyes, she saw Xiwawa standing beside the bed, smiling like a flower, calling her to get up.

Xiaobai thought he was dreaming, but he was in a dream at this moment. He rubbed his eyes and saw that Xiwawa was still beside the bed and had not disappeared.

"Xiba, are you here?" Xiaobai asked.

Xi'er hiahia smiled and told her that he was here to wake her up.

Xiaobai was pulled up from the bed by Xi'er in a daze. The little guy was helping her get dressed and kept coaxing her, which was quite helpful.

It was only when Xiaobai got dressed and got out of bed that he felt that he was being coaxed by Xiwawa as a baby?

But she had no evidence either.

Malanhua was preparing breakfast. When she saw them coming out of the room, she said, "Are you up? You want Xi'er to wake you up! Look at Xi'er, she gets up early every day and doesn't need to be woken up at all."

Hier hiahia smiles.

But suddenly I heard Aunt Ma say: "Xi'er is younger than you, but she is much more diligent than you."

Xi'er: "..."

Both Malanhua and Bai Jianping had to go to work, so they had breakfast early. After rushing to feed Xiaobai, they drove Xiaobai away and asked her to go back to Little Red Horse.

Xiaobai was pushed out of the house in a daze and rushed to the corridor.

She still had an egg stuffed in her mouth that she hadn't finished eating.

The small schoolbag was forcibly carried on Ma Lanhua's back.

Pushing and pushing her away.

Xiaobai watched helplessly as her aunt locked the door and went downstairs to go to work, saying she was dropping her off at Little Red Horse.

Xiaobai finally came to her senses. She was kicked out of the house by her aunt! ! !

It's really too much.

She did not go directly to Xiaohongma, but was invited by Xiwawa in the corridor to sit at Xiaotan's house, have breakfast, chat, and plan today's arrangements.

Today is Sunday, no school, you can play.

"Xiaobai, were you kicked out by Aunt Ma just now?"

Xi'er really doesn't care about anything. I know she's curious, but can she stop being so curious first?

"No, no!"

Of course Xiaobai would not admit it.

"Xiaobai, can you have some more breakfast?"

In the kitchen, Tan Jin'er stuck her head out and asked.

Xiaobai replied: "I'm full, I don't want to eat anymore."

Xi'er warmly invited: "You can eat this made by my sister, it's delicious."

Xiaobai asked: "Did your sister do it?"

"Yeah, yeah, it's delicious. Eat one."

Xi'er gave Xiaobai a small yellow biscuit-like thing, and told her that it was a pumpkin pie, made by her sister herself, and praised it for being delicious.

Xiaobai took a sip and found it was sweet. He immediately knew why Xiwawa was so boastful about it, because it was sweet.

Tan Jin'er brought a glass of warm milk to Xiaobai and asked her to drink it while chatting and eating with Xi'er.

Xi'er got up early, but ate slowly, and it took a long time before she finished eating.

"Today we agreed to go see Brother Xiaoguang and Brother Zhe." Xiaobai said.

Today, their plan was for Old Man Zhang to take them to Little Red Horse Comics Studio to visit Xin Xiaoguang and others after the move, and also to visit the new comic studio.

After moving to a new home, Xiaobai and the others haven't visited it yet.

When the two of them came out of their homes and arrived at the Little Red Horse Academy, they found a small figure playing football in the yard. He was shouting energetically and running with great vigor, leaving a mark at every step.

Dudu is here.

Since she didn't see Xiaobai and Xi'er, she started playing football by herself and waited for her little girlfriends to arrive one after another.

Xiaobai said: "You guys have some fun first, and I'll put my schoolbag in it."

She quickly went upstairs and reported to her grandma first, then returned home and reported what happened last night to the old man. After putting down her schoolbag, she hurried downstairs to play football.

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