Dad Academy

Chapter 2225 Construction Site

PS: Okay.

Xiaofang's mother and Xiao Songqin's mother have decided to work at Xiaohongma Late Night Academy. The first day of work is scheduled to be next Monday.

The principal, Aunt Huang, took off the recruitment notice posted on the outer wall of the academy that night. Someone happened to be looking at it, so she asked why and was told that the staff was full and the recruitment was over. The other party looked very disappointed, only blaming himself for seeing it too late.

The next day was Saturday, but Xiaobai didn't sleep in. Instead, he got up early and wore a black sportswear from top to bottom.

In the yard, Tan Xier, a child who had just arrived from home, was also wearing black sportswear, the same style as Xiaobai's. The two of them bought it together at the time.

Moreover, the child Tan Xier put on her pink helmet and held one in her hand. When she saw Xiaobai coming, she handed it to Xiaobai and asked Xiaobai to put it on too.

Safety first.

Today is the day of construction and renovation of Building No. 2. It is an auspicious day and several children will come to witness it.

Well, Zhang Tan and others are here to witness, and Xi'er and Dudu, who will be arriving shortly, are witnesses + supervisors.

Zhang Tan specially invited them, and the reward was two meals and enough bear drinks.

Then, somehow the news of the reward leaked out and Luoliu heard about it, so Luoliu volunteered himself and insisted on coming to help.

What? Nothing you need her help with?

fine! Now that she's here, there's always a place for her to be useful.

If she really doesn't have one, then she can learn on the spot and make herself useful.

It just so happens that she is also studying in school now and growing up day and night, so she is familiar with this matter.

Xiaobai and Xi'er put on their helmets and looked around Building No. 2. Xi'er kept pointing and had the aura of pointing out the country.

The design company and construction team have not arrived yet.

Lao Li came. He rolled out the trolley from the guard box with a smile, moved the small coffee table out, set up the gantry array in the yard, and watched the construction while making tea.

"It's Dudu——"

Xi'er immediately noticed Dudu outside the academy.

Dudu, accompanied by her father, also came to the little red horse.

She also wore a sports suit, but it was blue. She also wore a safety helmet with her sleeves rolled up. She walked vigorously and sonorously. She looked full of energy, full of vigor, and ready for a big fight.

She ran all the way into the academy, shouting: "Has it started? Has it started?"

"No, no~ Dudu, don't be anxious~" Xi'er told her. The two got together, and Xi'er reported to her and told her the findings of her just on-site observation.

After Dudu heard this, he still looked around Building No. 2. After walking around, he exchanged opinions with Xi'er.

She also came to Lao Li and saw him drinking tea. She said anxiously: "Li Baibao, are you still drinking tea? You have to pack your things. Your little house is going to be knocked down."

Lao Li smiled and said, "Don't be anxious."

"Your little house is going to be demolished and rebuilt. Stop drinking tea and go pack your things and move. I'll help you move."

After Dudu finished speaking, he was about to go to the guard box.

Lao Li ignored the tea in his hand and quickly got up to follow. What if he was negligent and his home was stolen.

Lao Li told Dudu that there was nothing wrong with his post being demolished and rebuilt, but not today, so don't worry.

He stood in front of Dudu, preventing her from entering, and said, "If you move my house today, I will have no place to stay, and I will be homeless."

Dudu thought about it, and she didn't want Li Baibai to be homeless.

"That's fine~ But you have to be prepared."


Dudu finally turned back, and Lao Li breathed a sigh of relief.

Not long after, Liliu also came.

This guy was carrying a big bag, which contained a bear drink, three oranges, two apples, several packages of beef jerky, and some other snacks that Zhang Tan couldn't name.

She bought this with the New Year's money arranged by Zhu's mother in advance, and specially sent it to express condolences to Dudu and Xi'er who worked hard.

They have to do physical work today and must be very tired. Luliu still cares about the little sisters.

Before the construction team arrived, she shared three oranges with her friends.

If it hadn't been for Xiaobai's reminder, Liuliu would have finished all the snacks he brought before the construction team arrived.

Six or seven construction workers showed up. The leader was a young man who was the foreman. The other one was the person in charge of the design company. They also came. The two first reported the construction plan to Zhang Tan in detail, including what was going to be done today. What work to do.

Xiaobai, Xi'er, and Dudu couldn't help but gathered around to listen, listening very seriously.

After confirming with Zhang Tan that there was no problem, the construction team started work and moved the equipment into the building.

When Dudu saw this, he also ran to help carry the equipment, which shocked the construction workers.

Lao Li quickly took the little cutie away and told her that she didn't need to do these things, she just needed to stay well.

Dudu agreed, but as soon as Lao Li turned his head, she rushed over again.

Lao Li hurriedly followed her and warned her: "Ms. Zhao, you are a child. These tasks are not yours to do. You are too young and not strong enough. It is very dangerous."

Dudu said: "I didn't do any work. I just stood here and looked. Do you think I didn't do anything?"

Lao Li had to admit that she was right. She really just stood aside and watched and did not work.

But Lao Li was still worried. He pointed to Liuliu, who was eating and drinking at the coffee table in the distance, and said, "Look at Liuliu, can you just eat and drink like her? Don't come here, it's a bit dangerous."

Dudu glanced at Liuliu outside and said nothing, but curled his lips. Miss Zhao's life aspirations are different from Liuliu's. Liuliu can be lazy, but she can't. She has to find something to do.

Now, she especially likes to watch the construction team working, just like children love to watch the excavator work.

Dudu found her goal in life. She vowed to tell Lao Li that she would build such a construction team when she grew up. She would be the team leader and take everyone to construction every day. Happy Duck.

Lao Li had nothing to say.

This life ambition is indeed very special. It can only be said that everyone has their own ambitions. There is no distinction between high and low in work. If they are top performers, they will all have a bright future.

"Eh? Why didn't you speak, Grandpa Duck?" Dudu asked curiously.

Seeing how cute she was, Lao Li touched her helmet and said, "As long as you like it."

"Hahaha~~~ I like it. I will build a very, very tall building in the future to show you." Dudu said confidently.

"I believe it." Lao Li said. For some reason, he felt that although Miss Zhao was young, what she said was very convincing.

The three children brought small stools and sat at the coffee table. They watched the construction team coming in and out of the building without blinking an eye. They were busy and enjoying themselves. They were neither noisy nor fussy. They were very happy to see it, as if there was something strange about it. The magic power can make them forget to play.

Only Shen Liuliu and Da Yanyan didn't look at it. They were just eating the snacks they brought, including two packs of melon seeds. She had already finished one pack, her little mouth beeping like a little mouse.

The morning passed like this. At noon, Zhang Tan treated them to a meal and then treated them to a nap.

It's just that Dudu and Xi'er refused to sleep. Even if Zhang Tan refused to let them go downstairs, fearing that they would be in danger if they ran to the construction site, they refused to sleep. Instead, they stood on the balcony and used telescopes to observe every move in the building.

Zhang Tan tried to persuade him several times, but to no avail, so he gave up. With their supervision, he could be a little lazy.

Aunt Huang was also in the yard at the site, keeping an eye on the construction progress.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Zhang Tan was sitting in the living room watching TV when the bedroom door suddenly opened and a child came out.

It's Xiaobai.

She woke up from her nap, her hair was a little messy and she looked a little confused.

When she saw the old man, she sat down next to him and watched the TV with a cute expression on her face, her eyes wandering.

In the study, Xi'er and Dudu were talking. Their thin voices came out, but they couldn't be heard clearly.

In the bedroom, Liliu was still sleeping soundly, showing no signs of waking up.

After sitting next to Zhang Tan for a while, Xiaobai finally recovered. She went to the study room, discussed something with Xi'er and Dudu, and came out to tell Old Man Zhang that they were going downstairs to the yard.

Zhang Tan told them not to go to the construction site in the building because it was very dangerous.

The three little ones agreed wholeheartedly.

Zhang Tan took them out.

After leaving the door, Xiaobai remembered Liliu who was still sleeping in the bedroom.

"Hey Duck, it's Duck, Dudu is still here." Dudu also remembered this little sister.

Xi'er was also reminded that Liliu was there.

After discussing it, the three decided to let Liuliu continue to sleep.

Anyway, she won't be able to help much when she wakes up, she will only eat.

Zhang Tan took them to the yard again. Lao Li and Aunt Huang were chatting. They wanted to take a look inside the building to check the progress.

Zhang Tan satisfied them and then took them out to sit in the sun and chat.

"Zhang Tan——"

A shout came from the gate.

It's Li Xiaoxiao.

Lao Li also noticed that his daughter was coming, and was a little angry. He clearly saw that his father was here, but instead of calling him father, he called someone else!

"Dad, you are here too." Li Xiaoxiao finally noticed Lao Li, this cheap dad.

Lao Li pouted, noncommittal, and didn't even want to speak! It's better to look at Miss Zhao more and you will feel happy.

Li Xiaoxiao didn't care, she was here to see Zhang Tan. Knowing that Zhang Tan was undergoing renovations here, he stopped by to take a look at the site.

"How long will construction take here?"

"The construction period is half a month." Zhang Tan replied, and then asked: "Are you looking for me?"

Li Xiaoxiao nodded, stood up and walked aside, followed by Zhang Tan.

The two of them walked into the woods, obviously wanting to avoid the crowd and talk about private topics.

Xiaobai's eyes had been secretly falling on her old man. When she saw that her old man had gone to the woods, she winked at Xiwawa, meaning that she wanted Xiwawa to follow him and take a look.

But she can use the Fudoki doll today.

Xiwawa is concentrating on watching the construction, and exchanges words with Dudu from time to time, looking responsible and professional.

Xiaobai patted Xi'er's shoulder and reminded her to go quickly.

"What are you doing, Xiaobai~"

Unexpectedly, Xi'er was impatient.

Xiaobai had black lines on his forehead and had no choice but to take action on his own.

It's just that her target is too big and easy to be discovered.

So she wandered to the edge of the grove, poked her head in, and pricked up her ears, hoping to hear some wind noise and see some clues.

But unfortunately, she heard nothing and only saw the two people walking side by side.

She was so anxious that she cast a spell and asked Big Zhao and Xiao Zhao to get on top of her. She muttered and muttered that she wanted to use Big Zhao and Xiao Zhao's clairvoyance and Shunfeng Er.

After the ritual of praying to the gods was over, she shivered for a while. After watching and listening again, it seemed that it really worked! !

In the grove, Li Xiaoxiao was talking to Zhang Tan about work, and after that, they talked about another thing.

"Didn't I tell you a while ago that there was a stock market crash in the Singapore stock market?" Li Xiaoxiao.

Zhang sighed: "Remember, it seems to be worse now."

Li Xiaoxiao nodded: "Yes, it's even worse now. You asked me to pay attention to Industrial Jack. I have never forgotten it. Now Industrial Jack's stock price has dropped by half, and it is already the lowest price in history."

Zhang Tan just asked her to pay attention, but didn't say why. Of course Li Xiaoxiao had his own judgment, but he just didn't listen to what Zhang Tan said.

After Zhang Tan heard this, he carefully inquired about many details, and then said, "I will study it further."

Li Xiaoxiao couldn't help but ask: "Do you want to acquire the outstanding shares of Industrial Jack?"

Zhang Tan had nothing to hide from her and nodded: "I really think that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Industrial Jack's film special effects technology is very good, but our domestic area is weak. Starting from scratch would take too much time to research by ourselves, and we cannot keep up with our competitors." , so acquiring a special effects company with mature technology is the most effective way.”

Li Xiaoxiao had already guessed that this was the case, but it was only confirmed today.

She continued: "Are special effects companies important?"

Zhang Tan said: "I estimate that special effects will be an inseparable part of future movies. The next ten years will be the decade when special effects will show their talents, or even longer. We must seize this opportunity."

Li Xiaoxiao nodded and said nothing more.

The two came out of the grove. Li Xiaoxiao sat for a while, chatted with Aunt Huang, and asked why Huang Liangliang didn't come. When he learned that the date was gone, he planned to go back.

Lao Li was waiting for this opportunity, and immediately took the opportunity to say: "Xiao Xiao, you should learn from Berry and find a boyfriend, so that you won't have to be busy with work on the weekends, it will be more pleasant to bask in the sun and fall in love. "

"I know~"

Li Xiaoxiao waved his hand and left quickly.

Lao Li watched her leave and sighed.

He had a daughter when he was old, so he naturally doted on her. Others at his age would have become grandfathers long ago.

He had always dreamed of having a child, but it was no use just worrying. His daughter doesn't seem to be in a hurry at all. She hasn't talked about a boyfriend so far, and she hasn't even been seen getting close to any boy.

Lao Li even talked to Zhang Tan several times about this, hoping that Zhang Tan would help Xiao Xiao look for him and if there were any young talents he could help introduce.

Zhang Tan readily agreed and introduced two of them, but they failed.

Lao Li himself also asked his friends to keep an eye on young people of marriageable age. Although Zhang Tan didn't know the specific situation, it turned out that he knew, so it didn't work out.


Dudu saw that Lao Li was a little sad, so he came over and said, "When the little lady finds a boyfriend, she will marry her into his family, and you won't be able to see her. You'd better not marry her out."

When Lao Li heard this, his mood immediately improved. Isn't it because Miss Zhao still cares about him?

Today the two chapters are combined into one

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