Dad Academy

Chapter 2221 rolled up

PS: Please give me a monthly pass, it will fall out of the top 100.

Liliu couldn't hold her head high at Little Red Horse Academy that night. She was sent back to rewrite her homework, which made her feel very embarrassed.

She almost wanted to go crazy, thinking that she was such a big girl, how could she be allowed to rewrite her homework? !

But she just thought about it and didn't dare to get angry. After all, she didn't have the confidence.

So this night she was really arrogant in front of her girlfriends, no longer as majestic as usual. She wanted to go home early, but she was reluctant to leave so soon, but wanted to stay here and play for a while.

She thought that if she left the little red horse and saw these melons, she would be able to regain Da Yanyan's momentum.

Unexpectedly, when I returned home, I couldn't even raise my head at home.

Zhu's mother immediately told Shen Limin about Liuliu's homework, and even mocked Liuliu a few times, which almost made Liuliu go crazy.

But she held back.

Because she claimed that she wanted to be a well-educated big Yanyan and not care about Mama Zhu and Papa Zhu.

She went straight back to her room and went to bed.

Zhu Xiaojing thought she was just shy of seeing people, so she temporarily hid in the bedroom to digest for three minutes. As a result, she didn't come out after more than ten minutes, so she went in to take a look and express her condolences to Da Yanyan.

No matter how shameless Da Yanyan is, she is still a child, and a girl at that.

But he saw Liliu lying on the bed, surrounded by various dolls, motionless.

Zhu Xiaojing walked around to the other side of the bed, and then noticed that Liuliu had fallen asleep.

She turned the durian over and tucked it into the bed.

Liuliu just muttered impatiently, did not wake up, and continued to sleep soundly.

Zhu Xiaojing suddenly felt a lot more relaxed. The little guy finally went to bed early one night instead of making a lot of noise.

She packed up the dolls on the bed and stuffed a few of them into Liuliu's bed. Then she touched Liuliu's forehead uneasily to feel the temperature, fearing that Liuliu would catch a cold or develop a fever due to the rain.

Fortunately the temperature is normal.

The next day was a sunny day, the morning sunshine was warm, the trees were fresh and pleasant, the yard of Little Red Horse was quiet and quiet, the doors and windows of the sentry box were closed, and Lao Li hadn't come yet.

Now that the comic studio has moved away, the academy is very quiet during the day, no one comes and goes, and Lao Li doesn't have to stay here every day.

He can come if he wants to, and he doesn't have to come if he doesn't want to. He can come back in the evening after the Little Red Horse Late Night Academy opens.

But most of the time, you can still see Lao Li in the academy, because he likes to stay here.

On this day, before Lao Li came, the chirping of birds rang out in the woods in the academy, soft and clear, as if signs of spring were popping up in all directions after one night.

"hurry up--"

A shout broke the silence in the academy. Zhang Tan hurriedly came out of the building, followed by Xiaobai carrying a schoolbag three or four meters behind him.

Xiaobai was in a hurry, holding her schoolbag in one hand. The schoolbag was about to hang to the ground, and she couldn't care less. She was holding an egg in the other hand and was eating it.

She responded vaguely to Old Man Zhang and hurriedly followed.

The two of them traveled all the way and finally arrived at elementary school.

As soon as the car stopped, the school bell was heard, and Xiaobai was stunned in the car.

"Oh, it's late."

"It doesn't matter, it's only a few minutes. Go quickly, there's still time. Maybe you can get to the classroom before the teacher starts class."

Xiaobai quickly picked up his schoolbag, got out of the car, and rushed to school.

Zhang Tan also got out of the car and saw Xiao Baifei running to the school gate. He held his head high and said a few words to the school security guard before being let in.

Xiaobai entered the school gate, waved to Zhang Tan through the fence, and continued to run to the classroom with sparks and lightning.

Hope she won't be criticized by the teacher.

The children overslept today and cannot wake up. This is the result of staying up late and not sleeping.

After Zhang Tan watched her go away, he returned to the car and went to the company.

At nine o'clock, he leisurely walked into the conference room carrying a thermos cup. The conference room was already full of people, and most of the top managers of the film and television company were there.

As soon as he arrived, the meeting began.

The theme of today’s meeting is the establishment of film and television projects throughout the year.

Apart from the film projects "The Matrix" and "Deadly ID" that have already been launched this year, there are no other new projects.

These two projects alone are definitely not enough. There are so many people in the company, so they all have to work.

A film and television company cannot be all big projects, but also have small projects that are combined with each other and share risks. This is the long-term solution.

The topics reported at the meeting were film and television projects.

"Mr. Zhang, fellow leaders, let me report on the film project "Northeast Police Story"..."

Zhang Tan had read the project establishment reports of these projects before the meeting, but there were no detailed on-site reports, so he still listened carefully. After all, this required real money to be invested.

The morning passed unknowingly, and when the meeting ended, it was almost one o'clock at noon.

"That's it for today's meeting. Let's adjourn. Is there still food in the canteen?" Zhang Tan said, and the last question was addressed to Wang Wenming, who was sitting at the edge of the conference table.

Wang Wenming said: "We are all ready. Leaders can just go directly to the cafeteria."

Everyone ended the meeting and left one after another. Some were happy, some were depressed, some were excited and some were deep in thought.

Not all of today's film and television projects have been approved, some have been turned back and failed.

Of course, those who don’t pass are inevitably frustrated.

A total of five film and television projects were approved, but two were rejected.

Not all of these approved projects will be started immediately. Each one has its own planning timeline, which depends on the subsequent progress. If the team building and casting go smoothly, the project will be launched soon.

After lunch, Zhang Tan returned to the office and was going to lie down on the sofa to rest for a while.

As soon as I sat down, there was a knock on the door. It was a burly young man who was present at the morning meeting. He had a project, but it just didn't pass.

"Mr. Zhang, can you spare me a few minutes? I thought about the three points you gave me at the meeting and wanted to report my thoughts to you. Do you think it's okay?"

Zhang sighed: "Come in and sit down. Didn't you have lunch?"

The young man said: "I'm not hungry yet, I'll eat later."

He took advantage of everyone's meal time to think about his unapproved project, and rushed to report his further ideas to Zhang Tan.

Zhang Tan quite appreciated this kind of enthusiasm for work, so he gave him some time to see what he could figure out in such a short period of time.

When he finished his work in the company and returned to Little Red Horse Academy, as soon as he entered, he saw Xiaobai and Liuliu talking loudly in the yard.

After listening carefully, I found out that it was Liuliu who was laughing at Xiaobai for being late for school today.

With Xiaobai's character, Xiaobai certainly won't sit still and wait for death, so Xiaobai is also fighting back fiercely. The point of the counterattack is that Liuliu got half of his homework wrong last night.

The two low-level people are very involved. Every word you say, and a word I say, expose each other's shortcomings, and they want to step each other into the dirt.

Xi'er stood aside and kept trying to persuade her: "Don't make a fuss, don't make a fuss~~"

She couldn't understand why Xiaobai and Liuliu were arguing about this. Yes, top students didn't understand the tears of underachievers.

Zhang Tan thought that the three of them were the only ones in the academy, but when he glanced around, he actually spotted Dudu, who was scooping water from the sand pit.

It rained last night and there was water in the sandpit. Dudu was scooping out the water so that the children could dig and play in the sand today.

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