Dad Academy

Chapter 2210 Untitled

I met Xiao Songqin and her parents selling roses on West Chang'an Street during the last Lantern Festival. At that time, Xiao Songqin's parents said that after school started, Xiao Songqin would no longer go out to sell flowers, but would instead focus on studying. As expected, at least Xiao Song Qin was not selling flowers tonight.

Xiao Songqin wanted to come to Xiaohongma to visit Xiaobai and others. When she walked to the door, she felt that it was not good to go empty-handed, so she used the little New Year's money she had to buy two boxes of flower cakes on the roadside.

The things are not expensive, but everything about her is particularly precious.

The flower cake is a bit sweet, and Xi'er especially likes it.

Xiaobai also took one herself, took a bite, squinted her eyes and smiled and said it was so sweet, and then organized and distributed it to everyone. It was definitely not possible for every child in the Little Red Horse Academy to get one, so she ran home and rummaged through the boxes. , dug out all the snacks and fruits at home, put them on the trolley, mixed them with flower cakes, and distributed them to every child.

She even contributed all her breakfast milk, just to match Xiao Songqin's flower cake, and said to the outside world that it was Xiao Songqin who invited everyone to eat.

The children were very innocent and cute. After eating Xiao Songqin's snacks, they all ran to express their gratitude to her, one bite at a time.

Xiao Songqin originally wanted to clarify and explain, but was interrupted several times by Xiaobai. Seeing that the children were happy and cute again, she stopped obsessing about these things and felt better.

Xiao Songqin received a warm welcome at Little Red Horse and was taken to visit everywhere. In particular, Building No. 2 was ceremoniously introduced to her and told her what it would be like in the future.

In order to describe the future in detail, Xiaobai asked Xi'er and Dudu to explain it to Xiao Songqin.

Luoliu was even more up to speed. He pushed the mobile karaoke machine over without saying a word, handed the microphone to Xi'er, and then, with Dudu's surprised eyes, told Dudu to push the mobile karaoke machine.

Dudu, the lover's family, is responsible for pushing this machine, no matter who is holding the microphone.

Fortunately, Dudu is generous and easy to talk to, and he also likes to push and move things.

After listening to two first-grade primary school students vividly explaining the planning of Building 2, Xiao Songqin expressed high recognition and expectations for it. Immediately, Shen Liuliu, deputy monitor of Xiaohongma, said that he would sing a song to welcome Xiao Songqin's arrival. .

Then, the deputy squad leader's mouth was covered by the squad leader, and then he teamed up with police officer Xiaomi who maintained order and escorted her away.

Xiao Songqin stayed at Xiaohongma for about an hour and then left.

Xiaobai and Xi'er asked her to stay here to play for a while, but Xiao Songqin said she was going home, so they stopped trying to stay and watched her leave Xiaohongma and disappear into the alleys of Huangjiacun.

"New books are here~" Xiaomi said to her girlfriends.

New books were distributed after school started, and the children cherished them very much. They were afraid that the book covers would be damaged or stained by daily use, so they often had to wrap the covers of the new books.

After new books are distributed every semester, everyone will go through such a procedure.

Xiaomi is best at packaging new books, fast and beautiful.

Xi'er was also very attentive and careful in her work.

Although the cover of Dudu's new book is not so exquisite and beautiful, it is strong and durable.

As for Cheng Cheng, he only watched his best friends doing this the whole time and remained motionless.

"Cheng Cheng, do you want me to pack new books for you?"

It was Liuliu who asked this question.

Cheng Cheng looked at her and declined Liuliu's kindness. On the one hand, he didn't believe in Liuliu's craftsmanship, and on the other hand, she didn't intend to pack new books.

She is clean and fragrant every day, and her books are still clean and neat even after one semester.

She can keep it well without a book cover.

Xiaobai looked at Liuliu's new book and saw that Liuliu had just finished wrapping the Chinese language documents, and the wrapping was terrible.

When other children wrap their books, the more they wrap, the more delicate they become, but the more they wrap, the uglier they become.

For this skill, he even volunteered to give it to Cheng Cheng!

Xiaobai almost stopped laughing at her.

She held back her smile, not wanting to hurt Luoliu's self-confidence, but after Liuliu took a look at her new book, she laughed at her ugly bag.

"Xiaomi's is so beautiful." Liuliu said, then handed over her math book and asked Xiaomi to do her a big favor.

Xiaomi was easy to talk to, and since he had already finished all the wrapping, he readily took the book from Liliu.

"Hiahia, mine is fine too." Xi'er said, and immediately went over to look at Xiaobai's new book, and asked: "Xiaobai, do you want me to help you?"

Xiaobai: →_→

She was really embarrassed to ask her first-grade primary school friends to help her pack new books, but she couldn't be compared with Liuliu. Liuliu had already invited Xiaomi, so she invited Xi'er to give Xi'er a chance to show off. .


Zhang Tan's project to invest in Tianji Times Animation Production Company was progressing rapidly. On this day, he was invited to lead a team to the animation production company for a discussion.

Tianji Times is located in Suzhou, not far from Pujiang River. It is located by a lake in the urban area. The environment is beautiful and can indeed bring creative inspiration to people.

Zhang Tan's team consists of eight people, including Xin Xiaoguang, Wu Shiying, Li Xiaoxiao, and two executives from the original magazine.

Most of the original magazine's executives left, but a few remained. Zhang Tan didn't want to do everything at once, but wanted to build his own team. He couldn't replace all of them with his own people at once. After all, the business still needs people who are more familiar with it. to manage.

They received a warm welcome in Tianji Era. They set off in the morning. After arriving in Suzhou, they had a banquet, took a break at noon, and then visited the company in the afternoon.

Tianji Era also has its own office building, which is eight stories high, which is enough for an animation production company.

Little Red Horse Comics has actually never cooperated with Tianji Times, but the other party has bid for projects such as "The Legend of White Snake", but has never won the bid.

This time Zhang Tan plans to use "The Last Valkyrie" as a project to promote the first cooperation between the two parties, and Tianji Times is naturally happy to see it happen.

This discussion not only talked about animation projects, but also talked about the company's listing work and stock purchase matters.

The guests had a great time, and they all achieved their goals and got what they wanted.

Originally, Tianji Shiji wanted to entertain Zhang Tan and his party again in the evening, and it seemed that they would not get drunk until they got drunk, but Zhang Tan and his party returned to Pujiang in the evening.

This high-level meeting set the tone and direction, and the subsequent specific work will be done by the people below.

Although there will be many differences that need to be resolved during the process, the overall goal of both parties is the same, which is to sign a strategic joint venture and cooperation agreement as soon as possible.

Three days later, good news came from Li Xiaoxiao. All the contents of the joint venture had been finalized, which meant that the joint venture agreement could be signed.

The two parties chose a good day and held a ceremony at the Tianji Times headquarters in Suzhou. The other party also invited many media to make it grand and enthusiastic.

In the dazzling flash, Xin Xiaoguang signed a joint venture agreement with Tianji Era Action Production Company on behalf of Little Red Horse Comics Company.

Afterwards, a media meeting was held immediately to answer reporters’ questions.

After this public and grand signing ceremony, the listing process of Tianji Times has also accelerated suddenly. The previously stuck links are no longer obstacles, and the company will soon be able to ring the bell to go public.

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