Dad Academy

Chapter 2206 Self-contained Ecology

The principal saw Zhang Tan, chatted with him for a few words, and then left in a hurry. There would be a freshman assembly later, and he was going to speak on stage, so he had to prepare now.

"Liuliu, where does your smoke come from?"

As soon as the principal left, Shen Limin asked Liuliu. Of course he knew where the cigarettes came from. This pack of cigarettes looked like the pack he smoked last night.

Liuliu was caught, but he didn't panic at all. He took out the bag of Huazi from his pocket, handed it to Shen Limin generously, and said: "Dad Zhu, keep it. When you are under great pressure, you can take it. I won't I will tell Mama Zhu.”

Shen Limin was speechless. Hearing this, did he still have to thank her? Thank you for being such a considerate little cotton-padded jacket.

Zhang Tan couldn't help but admire Liuliu's quick wit. He originally thought that Liuliu was going to be criticized, but in a few words, he perfectly avoided his problem. Even if Shen Limin didn't feel moved and didn't shout a sweet little cotton-padded jacket, it would be wrong. Conscience.

Regardless of Shen Limin's will or not, he must accept the cigarette and not let Liuliu hold it.

He was about to reach out and take it away when suddenly Luoliu took the cigarette away and asked Zhang Tan: "Boss Zhang, are you stressed? Here you go, take a smoke!"

Zhang Tan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and declined: "Thank you, I don't smoke."

Liuliu didn't force himself and returned the cigarette to Shen Limin, telling him to keep it well and smoke one when he was under pressure.

Shen Limin felt that he could no longer keep up with this child's brain and was about to catch up with him in terms of emotional intelligence.

Everyone returned to the classroom. Tan Jin'er took Xi'er to the first grade, where she met Dudu and Dudu's mother Sun Dongdong, as well as Cheng Cheng and Cheng Cheng's father Meng Guangxin.

Wu Mei, the head teacher of Grade 1, has not yet arrived. The parents gathered together to chat, and the children gathered on the other side to chat.

Xiaomi and Ding Jiamin are also there.

Many people knew Zhang Tan. After all, he was a celebrity in the class, and the topic quickly began to revolve around him.

Not long after, class teacher Wu Mei arrived, and the first parent-teacher meeting of the school year officially began.

After finishing, everyone walked out of the classroom. Under the leadership of Wu Mei, they gathered on the playground and stood in the area designated by the class. The opening ceremony was about to begin.

Parents do not need to participate and can go back, but most parents choose to stay and stand behind the children's formation to watch together.

Zhang Tan and others chose to stay, and also met Ding Jiamin and Meng Guangxin.

The children have started a new semester, and for Little Red Horse Comics, it has also started a new development journey.

Xin Xiaoguang has been very busy in these few days. This kind of busyness is not only work-related, but also social-related. People keep finding him through various channels, with the same purpose, which is to establish a relationship with him.

He shied away some things he could, and dealt with some things he had no good way to deal with first.

In particular, some people from the original magazine often came directly to his office to find people to report on.

As the second-in-command of Little Red Horse Comics, Xin Xiaoguang has become the target of many people’s fawning.

These days, he has a meal every day after get off work. Once, Teacher Madoka came to chat with him and gently reminded him to stay awake and not do anything wrong.

Liu Xiaoyuan was a little worried that Xin Xiaoguang would be corrupted by sugar-coated bullets and cause him to do wrong things.

In the past, at Little Red Horse Comics Studio, they were very low-key and hidden behind the scenes. Unlike now, they are standing in front of the stage. Everyone in the industry is paying attention, including those who are jealous, resentful, those who watch the show, those who flatter, and all kinds of people. It's a big test for Xin Xiaoguang and the others to appear in person.

Xin Xiaoguang comforted Liu Xiaoyuan to relax. He knew very well and could handle things clearly.

He is just dealing with these people now, he has not promised anything, and he has not confiscated any gifts from others.

Fortunately, he didn't accept other people's things, otherwise the trouble would be even greater.

After taking over the business of the original magazine, Zhang Tan began to integrate the two companies. To integrate, some people would inevitably move to new positions, which meant that some people would have to be transferred to other positions or even have their salaries reduced and demoted. So naturally, Some people are dissatisfied and even resentful.

On this day, Zhang Tan received several reporting letters in his mailbox. The target of the reporting was Xin Xiaoguang. The content was nothing more than accepting gifts and embezzling public funds.

Zhang Tan was shocked when he saw this, but quickly calmed down. Without evidence, he couldn't just believe a few words.

He didn't intend to investigate the matter of receiving the gift in detail. This is not a public house, so why does he care so much about receiving and not receiving gifts? The other party's report letter did not list the details of the gifts. There was no time, place, or gifts. Zhang Tan wouldn't believe it based on just a few words.

As for the misappropriation of public funds, it is easier to investigate. The company's financial director reports directly to him. You only need to ask the other party to investigate, and the results will be available soon.


None of the things mentioned in the report email are true.

Zhang Tan was relieved when he heard the news.

He and Xin Xiaoguang have worked together for many years, they are colleagues and even friends. He does not want Xin Xiaoguang to fall down here.

He came to the company, called Xin Xiaoguang, closed the door and chatted with him for a long time.

Being framed and reported made Xin Xiaoguang very angry. He didn't expect to encounter such a thing. He had never encountered it before.

When he told Teacher Xiao Yuan about this in the evening, Teacher Xiao Yuan was frightened for a while. Only yesterday he told Xiao Guang to clear things up and not do anything wrong.

"It's okay, it's okay. This is all a false accusation. The boss told me mainly to remind me." Xin Xiaoguang said.

Even so, Liu Xiaoyuan still warned: "Xiaoguang, you must keep a close eye on the big issues of right and wrong, stand firm, and tighten the switch mentally. Don't relax. Even a little laxity in your mind is very dangerous. If the switch is loose, something will happen sooner or later. Boss Zhang tells you these things to show that he values ​​you and doesn't want you to go astray. You are his confidant. Let's not talk about other abilities. First of all, your position must be clear. You must be firm and don't let him have ideas that you may sway. The company has just entered a new stage of development, and it is the time for you to show your talents. If you fall behind at this time, if you don't say anything else, just your ambition, you What should I do with my ideal?!..."

After a phone call, Xin Xiaoguang realized it more clearly, and couldn't help but be extremely grateful to Liu Xiaoyuan. He had a good wife at home and a husband who did nothing wrong.

Zhang Tan also took the opportunity to adjust the company's personnel in place, eliminate what should be done, and adjust what should be adjusted. After everything was in place, he formulated the company's development strategy.

It turns out that the magazine has an online comic base, and Zhang Tan also has a similar comic website, which is directly connected to the Little Red Horse Galloping APP.

Now the two comics websites are going to merge and learn from each other's strengths.

What Zhang Tan valued most about the original magazine comic base was its massive comic resources, but there had been no traffic import before, resulting in tepid success.

Now that Zhang Tan has imported all these massive comics to the Little Red Horse Comics website, the website resources have been enriched immediately, and with the help of the traffic of Pentium APP, it has become even more powerful.

At the same time, after discussing with everyone, Zhang Tan decided to build the website into an open comics base, open to the whole society. Everyone can serialize their own comics on the website. Readers pay to watch it, and the website shares the share with the author.

In this way, the website has two different business models coexisting. One is the comics made by the company, which follows an elite model; the other is comics made by netizens, which is similar to the ancient imperial examination system and needs to be collected from a large number of original comics. Stand out from the crowd and keep the website original and dynamic.

Little Red Horse Comics Company is no longer just an original comic company, but also a comic platform with its own ecosystem.

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