Dad Academy

Chapter 2177 Liuliu’s full support

Today, the company's financial director suddenly mentioned this to Zhang Tan. Only then did Zhang Tan pay attention to the Singapore stock market.

Although he does not trade in stocks, he does not know everything about the stock market.

After carefully studying the stock market situation, Zhang Tan found Industrial Jack's stock and saw that the stock was in turmoil.

July last year was an important node. Before that, the stock price had been rising amid fluctuations. After reaching the highest peak in July, it began to fall. Although there were several rebounds during the period, both big and small, the overall trend was downward. .

Especially this year, around the Spring Festival, with the sharp decline of the market, Industrial Jack's decline has intensified and has fallen below the listing price.

Industrial Jack is a new stock that went public on New Year's Day last year.

Zhang Tan soon discovered that Industrial Jack’s circulating shares accounted for nearly 80% of the total share capital, and the shareholders were very dispersed. The largest holder was founder Liu Qiang, who only held 15% of the shares. The second largest shareholder was a local An investment company holds 10% of the shares, and then there are some small shareholders, none exceeding 2%.

Zhang Tan studied for a while, closed the website, and went downstairs to the comic studio, where the lights were bright and there were many people working overtime on projects.

As soon as he walked into the courtyard, a director called him, named Ren Zhicheng.

Director Ren worked with Zhang Tan in the movie "The Wind".

He took the initiative to call and chat about the current situation.

After directing "The Wind", he made two subsequent films. One was successful and the other received mediocre response, which can be regarded as average.

He was interested in The Matrix.

There have been rumors about this project for a long time, but there has been no follow-up progress, and no one has heard about who will be the director.

Ren Zhicheng adhered to the principle of taking advantage of the opportunity, so he called and checked the situation. If there was hope, he would go for it. If there was no hope, he would contact Zhang Tan to establish a relationship.

Naturally, Zhang Tan would not give a definite answer, because the "Matrix" project is currently stuck in a dilemma.

After he proposed a Chinese starring role, Smith and his team behind him objected, and there was no further communication.

Maybe I need an opportunity.

Someone would give me a pillow when I felt sleepy, and soon the opportunity arose.

Liu Qiang, the boss of Industrial Jack, contacted Zhang Tan, first asking about the progress of the "Matrix" project, and then wanting to withdraw because the project period was too long.

His withdrawal does not mean that he will not participate in the project, but that he will withdraw from investment. He is no longer an investor, but only a special effects producer.

There are three investors in the "Matrix" project, one is Zhang Tan, one is Art Life Film and Television, and the other is Industrial Jack.

Zhang Tan holds 49% of the shares, Art Life Film and Television holds 26%, and Industrial Jack holds 25%.

Liu Qiang's business has been miserable. Now that the stock market has plummeted, more than half of his company's market value has evaporated. It looks like it will continue to fall. There are huge risks in the company's cash flow. He now doesn't dare to invest in projects anymore.

To survive, the first priority is to recycle cash flow.

What's more, the progress of the "Matrix" project is slow. Looking at it, it is possible that it will take several years.

If that's the case, then Liu Qiang really saw a ghost.

So he wanted to quit, which Zhang Tan could understand very well.

But understanding is understanding. When it comes to business, Zhang Tan said, "Then the three of us will have a meeting to discuss it."

Liu Qiang: "That's right, I have communicated with Art Life Film and Television. How about the afternoon online meeting?"

"Okay." Zhang sighed.

In the afternoon, the three investment parties met, Zhang Tan, Liu Qiang and Smith.

If Liu Qiang wanted to quit, Zhang Tan and Smith actually didn't have much choice. According to the contract, if he forced his way out, the loss would only be more than one million.

If you don't want to lose more than one million, you need to obtain the consent of the other two parties. Only by unanimous consent can he escape unscathed.

So the two actually agreed, but now they have to face another problem: after Liu Qiang withdraws, who will buy the shares he vacated?

Smith was the first to say: "Art Life Film and Television is also having difficulty with cash flow and has no ability to increase investment."

Liu Qiang immediately looked at Zhang Tan with a pleading look on his face.

Zhang Tan also plans to continue to cooperate with Liu Qiang. Industrial Jack's special effects capabilities are among the best in the industry, and the future cooperation will be long-term, so even if we can't make friends, we can't spoil the relationship.

However, it is impossible for him to pay more to take over this part of the shares without getting some benefits.

Zhang Tan's condition was that he would choose the starring role.

Smith looked stunned and asked, "Does it include nationality?"

Zhang Tan smiled and said, "Of course."

"Then we don't agree."

This online meeting broke up unhappy, and none of the three parties got what they wanted.

As soon as the line went offline, Liu Qiang called, begging Zhang Tan for support.

Zhang sighed: "Don't be anxious. From the bottom of my heart, I agree with your withdrawal. However, you have also seen that Art Life Film and Television does not agree with the conditions I proposed. Of course, if you want to withdraw, there is not only one path." , you wait two days.”

It didn't take two days. Liu Qiang received the news the next day that Xiaohongma Film and Television and Art Life Film and Television planned to terminate their cooperation and asked for his opinion.

Liu Qiang almost laughed out loud when he saw the news. Yesterday, he begged the other party to agree to his withdrawal. Today, the situation has changed. He does not need to ask for their consent. As long as the three parties agree to disband, the previous agreement will automatically be invalidated.

He couldn't wait.

At the same time, I also understood what Zhang Tan said yesterday, that there is not only one way to exit. It seems that Zhang Tan was already considering the possibility of terminating the cooperation yesterday.

"It is not disbandment, but the termination of cooperation with Art Life Film and Television."

In Little Red Horse's study room, Zhang Tan was answering the phone, one after another. His calls and messages had not stopped since the news of the termination of cooperation on the "The Matrix" project.

This time it was Yu Qin, the boss of Zhongcheng Film and Television, who called to inquire about the status of the project and, more importantly, to express his support.

"Brother, if you still want to continue this project, I am willing to participate. I will invest as much as you say. Can you count me in?"

Facing such a voice, Zhang Tan felt a little moved in his heart.

Not only Yu Qin, but also film and television companies such as Pujiang Film Studio and Kuxun Video all called to express their support and willingness to cooperate.

The fruits of Zhang Tan's years of hard work in the film and television industry are finally showing.

He not only received calls from the CEOs of these film and television companies, but also many people in the circle. Those who were close to him called, and those who were more distant sent messages.

Zhang Tan was moved, but also a little funny. It was just a project that had gone bad. Why did he seem to have reached the end of the world?

This is actually his fault. Who told him that his previous projects were one hit and another, not to mention that the project became "obsolete", even if it was a box office loss.

So when such a big project goes “bad”, it is of course a big deal for everyone.

The phone was already hot, and as soon as I put it on the table, the phone rang again.

Zhang Tan decided to turn off his phone after answering this.

He picked it up and saw that it belonged to Dayanyanliuliu.

As soon as the call was connected, Liuliu said loudly and firmly: "Boss Zhang—Boss Zhang! Don't be sad, I'm here and I will support you! If you have a bite of food from me, I won't let you go hungry." , do you want me to act for you, I don’t want money, I support you—”

For Liliu, being able to get half of the food in her mouth is a real support.

Needless to say, Zhang Tan was completely moved by this wave. The 5 billion box office heroine whom he touted was indeed a conscience.

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