Dad Academy

Chapter 2172 Drinking Nene to find Brother Zhe

Looking at the high remuneration demanded by Anthony, Zhang Tan suddenly said something in his heart: Good guy, with this money, I can pay for hundreds of pomegranates.

Seeing this, Zhang Tan stopped reading and asked Smith: "What do you think of the salary requirements?"

Smith was obviously very familiar with this contract and said directly: "It is relatively high, but we think it is acceptable."

Zhang Tan: "I have the same view as you on the salary requirement. It is very high, but it is acceptable. However, he also asks for a share of the box office. Do you agree with this?"

Smith looked at Zhang Tan and said, "Zhang, do you know that today's international superstars are no longer satisfied with fixed salaries, and participating in box office sharing is gradually becoming mainstream. This is bad news for the producers, but There is no way, nothing can be done. As far as the company is concerned, no one wants to give out such a large share of the box office. This is eating our flesh."

Zhang sighed: "I understand what you are saying, but is Anthony an international superstar? He has not yet reached that level of fame. Perhaps you can say that he has a certain box office appeal overseas, but in China, he He is just an ordinary actor with no reputation, and I firmly disagree with him asking for such a high box office share."

Smith sighed, "Zhang, please think about it again."

Zhang Tan: "Don't think about it. This is my bottom line. The box office share has nothing to do with him. He will either get a fixed salary and leave after filming, or he will leave now."

"Is there no room for negotiation?"

"I have already compromised on the script, but I can no longer compromise on the salary."

"Okay, then I'll discuss it with Anthony."

"There is no need to discuss. Just tell him directly that this is our attitude. There is no need to discuss the box office share. He will either accept it or not. There is no third option."

Smith thought that Zhang Tan would object, but he didn't expect that he would be so determined. According to Zhang Tan, there was no room for negotiation on the box office share.

It's a little hard for him to understand. If he doesn't find actors with certain box office appeal, wouldn't Zhang Tan be worried about the box office of "The Matrix"? !

As for Smith's Art Life Group, they actually don't want to give Anthony a share of the box office, but as long as it helps boost the box office of "The Matrix," they can't let go of any favorable factors.

He said helplessly: "Okay, Zhang, I understand your attitude. I think if this is the case, Anthony's side may be in trouble."

Zhang Tan: "Then start Plan B."

Smith: "Plan B candidates may not necessarily have lower conditions than Anthony's requirements."

Zhang Tan smiled and said nothing.

The day after Smith left, news came. Anthony said that he couldn't accept it, the cooperation was ruined, and another starring role must be chosen.

Now Teacher Jiang has to take care of three children every day. Zhang Tan usually goes to the company in the morning to handle work and comes back at noon. In the afternoon, he takes care of the three children so that Teacher Jiang can take a nap at noon.

When Zhang Tan was at the company in the morning, Xiaobai and the other three were playing in the Little Red Horse Academy. The three of them were in the comic studio, chatting with the brothers and sisters, watching them draw, and playing with figures and figures from various comics. doll.

For children, the comic studio is really a paradise, with all kinds of cartoon images, both human and animal.

Figures and dolls are everywhere, and they are changed every few days, so you can find something new every time you go.

"Brother Zhe, who is this?"

On this day, Xiaobai, Xi'er, and Xiaobai stared at Xu Qizhe and stood beside him to watch him draw on the computer.

The image of a female character has come out. It took Xu Qizhe two days to complete it. Today is the final touch-up.

This female figure is dressed in ancient costume, has long hair and sword eyebrows, has a slender and tall figure, is graceful and full of heroism.

"Brother Zhe, is this your mother?" Xiao Xiaobai asked seriously.

She also followed Xiaobai and Xi'er's example and called Xu Qizhe Brother Zhe.

Xiaobai: "This is a sister, how can she be Brother Zhe's mother!"

Xu Qizhe nodded and was about to agree with Xiaobai's words when he heard Xiaobai say again: "Brother Zhe is older than this little sister!"

Forget it, no more praising Xiaobai.

Xiao Xiaobai asked curiously: "Brother Zhe, how old are you?"

This kid just asked, and he put his head very close, almost touching Xu Qizhe's face.

Xu Qizhe had to stay away a little, otherwise he was worried that he would be drunk by the tangy milk smell.

"I'm 26 years old."

Xiaobai said: "You are older than my old man, Brother Zhe, why don't you get married?"

Xi'er replied: "Brother Zhe doesn't have a fat girlfriend yet, how can he get married, hiahiahia~"

Xiao Xiaobai also laughed, as if she understood.

Xiaobai asked: "Brother Zhe, why don't you find a girlfriend? I think you are cool."

Xi'er said: "Liuliu said that Brother Zhe's coolness lies in his trousers."

Xu Qizhe asked her: "Who said that?"

Xi'er: "Liuliu said it."

"Did Liuliu say that?"

"It's really what Liuliu said."

Xu Qizhe remembered Liliu. One day she would come back and she would have to explain.

People kept passing by outside Xu Qizhe's office. Through the glass wall, he could see that Xu Qizhe was surrounded by children and was very engaged in chatting.

Xu Qizhe is the team leader and has seven or eight people under him, so he has a separate office.

Xiaobai pointed at the character on Xu Qizhe's computer and asked, "This young lady is also very cool. Who is she?"

Xu Qizhe told her that this was the Valkyrie, a god.

He clicked, and the picture of Valkyrie disappeared, and the next picture of the character he had just drawn flashed out.

When Xu Qizhe saw it, he was so frightened that he quickly turned it off.

But it was too late, the children all saw it.

"Ha, who is this? I've seen it all."

"hiahia, I saw it too."

Xiao Xiaobai also laughed and said that he saw it. I don’t know if she really saw it or if she just participated.

"That person is also from the comics. Why don't you go eat some fruit? There are a lot of them outside." Xu Qizhe wanted to push them away.

Xiaobai and Xi'er were both gossiping and didn't want to eat the fruit, but Xiaobai was a little greedy, so she raised her hand and asked to eat the fruit.

Xiaobai and Xi'er accompanied her outside and told Brother Zhe that they would come back later and don't lock the door.

"Little aunt, I want to drink Nene~"

Although Xiao Xiaobai's voice was very small, Xu Qizhe still heard it.

"What are you telling me to live with? You're talking to Brother Zhe." Xiaobai responded.

Xiao Xiaobai turned around and glanced at Xu Qizhe, who was frightened by the sight.

Fortunately, Xiao Xiaobai didn't really come to him, otherwise he really wouldn't know how to explain to his friend.

After Xiaobai and the others left the office, Xu Qizhe opened the picture that had just flashed by again. It was a blonde girl with big boobs. She was really big. This was Avro from "The Last Valkyrie". Dite, also known as the Goddess of Love.

He looked at it carefully, checking every detail, wondering if this character was too exposed. Sometimes you can't design a character based on your own preferences. What if a child is led astray.

Xiao Xiaobai said: Please vote for me

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