Dad Academy

Chapter 2167 My old man is back!

"Let's stay one night today."

"No, I have to go to work tomorrow."

"Are you so busy at work?"

"It's like this across the country."

"Then go back after lunch."

"I should treat you to dinner. Let's eat at a restaurant in town."

"How can you go to a restaurant during the Chinese New Year? Meals are prepared at home."

Tan Jin'er's brother-in-law drove her and Zhang Tan back to the village on a tricycle. Along the way, they met many villagers, who all stared curiously at Zhang Tan and Tan Jin'er in the car.

If her uncle hadn't introduced her to others, few would have recognized that this was Tan Jin'er back then.

That thin and frail girl with yellow hair is now as graceful and graceful as the one in the painting. She is so beautiful.

Tan Jin'er smiled all the way to the greetings, and her face almost froze with laughter.

Returning to her uncle's house, Tan Jin'er saw that the house was deserted and there was no fire to make food, so she once again suggested eating at a restaurant in the town.

"Jin'er, please don't look at the fact that I don't have a fire in my house. It's not that my uncle is stingy, but the two brothers Tan Zhongwen told me yesterday that they will prepare a table of wine and food for you today. It is almost ready."

Tan Jin'er was a little embarrassed. At this time, Tan Zhongwen came over and said, "Jin'er! Boss Zhang! Come to my house for dinner. It's already prepared. Uncle, you can come with us."

Tan Jin'er subconsciously looked at Zhang Tan. Her uncle was urging her to have a meal.

"Everything has passed. It's been several years. There's nothing you can't let go of when you're young." Her uncle persuaded her.

Zhang Tan thought for a while and whispered to Tan Jin'er: "Just go."

When she first arrived, Tan Jin'er sent Spring Festival gifts to people's homes. According to customs, people must entertain a table of food and wine, and they cannot let the guests leave hungry.

Moreover, Zhang Tan felt that her uncle was right. Let it go. We will have very few interactions in the future. Now that we have this opportunity, let it go.

Tan Jin'er listened to his words and nodded. Tan Zhongwen and her uncle were happy and invited them to their home.

The two wives of Tan Zhongwen and Tan Zhongxiang were busy in the kitchen, and the two children were playing in the living room. The older one was running around, and the younger one was lying in his swaddle, sucking the pacifier, and kicking around with his hands and feet.

Tan Zhongxiang brought the food out from the kitchen and said, "It's ready to eat. Please sit down first."

A large table of dishes has been placed on the dining table, as well as a bottle of wine.

"Boss Zhang, have a drink." Tan Zhongxiang asked.

Zhang Tan said: "No, I have to rush back to Pujiang in the afternoon, so I drove here."

"Drink some, uncle." Tan Zhongxiang said, pouring a full glass of white wine for his uncle.

The last dish was served on the table, and Tan Zhongwen and Tan Zhongxiang's wives also came out of the kitchen and sat on the table.

This meal was a bit awkward to eat, but fortunately, Tan Jin'er's uncle and Zhang Tan had a lively atmosphere, so we finished it smoothly.

After sitting for a while and drinking a cup of tea, Zhang Tan and Tan Jin'er planned to leave.

When leaving, Tan Jiner finally said thank you to the two brothers Tan Zhongwen.

The two brothers blushed, and the elder brother said: "I'm sorry, sister, it was the brothers who did something wrong in the past. If you want to blame us, we don't blame you. We will help take care of your hometown. Don’t worry, you must come in and sit down next time you go home, and take Xi’er with you.”

Tan Jin'er had some feelings.

"Well, thank you."

Zhang Tan started the car and drove Tan Jin'er away gradually.

The car drove a long way and was about to enter the mountain col. Tan Jin'er turned back and looked at Tanjia Village, which was located in the mountains, and watched the village disappear from the field of vision.

Zhang Tan said while driving: "You can come back anytime you want."

Tan Jin'er hummed and then said thank you to Zhang Tan.

Without Zhang Tan's company, she might not have the courage to come back.

This trip worked out very well, everything we needed to do was done, and there were unexpected surprises.

The knot in Tan Jin'er's heart gradually untied, and her mood improved. The sun shone in through the car window and fell on her face, making her whole person look much brighter and cheerful.

Xi'er's call came in time.

"Sister, what are you and your godfather doing?"

The plane for the two of them left at 3:30 in the afternoon and landed in Pujiang at 5 o'clock. When they returned to Little Red Horse, it was already 6 o'clock in the evening.

It was already dark, and as soon as the sun went down, the temperature dropped sharply.

The lights were on in Little Red Horse's yard, but there were no children. Old Li was also nestled in the guard box watching TV.

Zhang Tan greeted him and went upstairs with Tan Jin'er. The lights were on in the corridor on the third floor, but the door was closed. At the other end of the corridor, a warm light shone from the door, and the sounds of children playing could also be heard. came.

Zhang Tan and Tan Jin'er came to the door and saw Xi'er and Xiao Xiaobai playing house in the living room.

The two of them were sitting on the floor, cooking with small shovels and small pots.

Xiao Xiaobai held a green plastic spatula in his hand and stir-fried in the pot with graceful movements.

Xi'er kept putting vegetables from the bamboo basket into the small pot, including large pieces of beef, carrots, cabbage, eggplant, etc.

These dishes are all made of toys and can be disassembled into pieces.

Xi'er put a carrot into the small pot, shoveled the carrot with a small shovel, and the carrot broke into two pieces. Then she shoveled the carrot in half, and it broke into two pieces again...

"Has the baby added salt?" Xi'er asked seriously.

"*\u0026%No~" Xiao Xiaobai took the time to answer while busy cooking.

"Mom, add salt."

Xi'er put down the bamboo basket, picked up a bottle of so-called salt, and poured it into the small pot.

When playing house, Xi'er likes to be a mother the most, but she can also be a father.

“Add more~*%¥%”

Xiao Xiaobai must have inherited her aunt's style and likes to add more salt when cooking.

"Don't eat too much salt, it will make you thirsty. If you are thirsty, you have to drink water. If you drink too much water, you will wet the bed, which is not good for the baby's health."

Xi'er says one thing, regardless of whether what others say makes sense or not, you just have to say whether she justifies herself, right? Yes or no?

The two were so busy that they didn't notice Zhang Tan and Tan Jin'er at the door. They didn't look up until they heard the noise. Xi'er happily called her sister, dropped the salt shaker, and rushed out.

Xiao Xiaobai muttered something, took the salt shaker out of the small pot dissatisfied, and put it aside.

When Zhang Tan passed by, he said: "It smells so good. What kind of food are you frying?"

While Xiao Xiaobai continued to stir-fry, he raised his head and introduced to his uncle that this was beef stir-fried with carrots, which was delicious.

"It's time to eat, come and eat~"


Zhang Tan responded and went to the kitchen without looking back. He saw Teacher Jiang cooking and Xiao Bai helping.

Well, the so-called help is actually chatting with grandma, and there is nothing to do.

"I'm back."

Zhang Tan had to speak, otherwise he would not be noticed.

Xiaobai suddenly turned around, with surprise on his face, and said cheerfully: "It's my old man who's back!"

This subconscious sentence really made Zhang Tan feel particularly warm.

No matter where you are, there are always people at home waiting for you, looking forward to your return. Then you are not a duckweed, but a tree with roots. Wherever you go, you have a home and love.

Xiao Xiaobai asked for monthly tickets while cooking

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