Dad Academy

Chapter 2161 Handing over New Year’s money

Xiao Xiaobai was held in Zhang Tan's arms. He stared fearfully at the big rooster running wild on the ground. Then he looked at his aunt and Xi'er who had run away. They looked unhappy.

The little baby was almost snatched away by the big rooster!

Zhang Tan returned home with Xiaobai in his arms. Xiaobai and Xi'er were already watching TV. When they saw them coming back, they laughed awkwardly.

Xiao Bai ran up to them as soon as he landed and accused them of being fat rabbits, causing the baby to almost be caught by the big cock.

"Xiao Xiaobai, we didn't know the big cock was so bad~" Xiao Bai quibbled.

Zhang Tan said, "If you use firecrackers to blow up people's chicken coops, can they be angry?"

"Don't worry!" Xiaobai said.

Xiao Xiaobai snorted coldly. Anyway, she had concluded that her little aunt had tricked her. Now she wanted to draw a clear line with her little aunt and no longer be good friends.

Zhang Tan is going to visit Baijia Village this time. Because there are many households that need to be visited, there are also a lot of things that need to be picked up to avoid having to keep coming back to get things.

He carried gifts in both his left and right hands. He couldn't take the rest, so he asked Xiaobai and Xi'er to carry some.

Xiao Xiaobai followed slowly behind with his hands empty, looking around curiously as he walked.

Zhang Tan led the way and first came to Bai Jianping's house.

"Uncle - I'm here to wish you a happy new year -"

As soon as Xiaobai arrived at the door, he shouted loudly.

Bai Jianping went out to greet them and welcomed several people into the house.

"Happy New Year, uncle~ I wish you good health."

Xiaobai was the first to pay New Year greetings to his uncle.

"Happy, happy, you are happy too. Study hard in the new year and make progress every day."

"Happy New Year to Uncle Bai, I wish you a long life." Xi'er sent her special blessing. She wished everyone a long life, which is related to longevity.

"I also wish you a smile, health and happiness." Bai Jianping said.

He sent the two people into the house, looked down, and saw a little one walking up and standing in front of him, staring at him with his little head raised, with a serious look on his face, as if he wanted to make his little self look like a Like an adult.

Even if you can't really look like an adult, you should at least look like a big child like the little aunt and Miss Xi'er in front of you.

"Uncle*\u0026%¥ # ¥%"

Xiao Xiaobai thought about a lot of things, but as soon as he said them, he started to babble. Are you too excited?

Xiaobai turned around and said, "Let's try again, calm down."

Xiao Xiaobai's face turned a little red. She nodded and started again.

This time I made it clear and sent my blessings.


"I'm your grandfather! Not your uncle!" Bai Jianping said angrily.

This stupid kid.

Xiao Xiaobai was stunned, scratched his little face, pretended not to hear, and passed the test like this, quickly ran into the house, and caught up with his aunt and Miss Xi'er.

She followed the two of them and bowed her hands to her family members, grandma, father, mother...

It looks like he is already a child from outside, not his own.

"Come and sit, come and sit and have some snacks."

Malanhua greeted them warmly.

Although the melon seeds are longer and the melon seeds are shorter on weekdays, during the Chinese New Year, customs must be respected, and Malanhua takes them very seriously.

Xiao Xiaobai came forward eagerly and stood in front of the fruit plate, indulging in various snacks and eating happily, like a little mouse.

"Auntie, I wish you happiness."

Xiaobai took the time to send New Year greetings to everyone, followed by his uncle and then his aunt.

"Happy New Year to you too. You are one year older. You should be more sensible and study hard, you know?"

Xiaobai murmured and said, "Okay, I will definitely study hard. Auntie, you must be happy every day. You must eat on time, have a good rest, and don't always work. You also go dancing with your uncle."

Normally, Malanhua would have complained, but today was a different day, so she said, "I know, thank you for your concern."

"Auntie, I love you."

This sudden sentence made Malanhua freeze on the spot, and her emotions suddenly surged.

Thousands of words, combined into one sentence: "Our little flower has grown up."

Xi'er also came to give them blessings. After that, Zhang Tan led them to the next house without staying too long.

Almost every household in Baijia Village has to visit them. After all, people come to pay them New Year greetings early in the morning.

Xiao Xiaobai focused on eating snacks, but others were listening in all directions. When he saw his aunt and others were leaving, he immediately followed him and continued making soy sauce.

Her mother quickly shouted: "Xiao Xiaobai, won't you stay at home with us to receive the guests?"

Xiao Xiaobai's mouth was full of snacks and he was speechless. She just looked back at her mother who was trying to save her, babbling a few words, and then chased after her little aunt without hesitation.

Most of the morning was spent in Baijia Village paying New Year greetings. It was around 11 o'clock in the morning before Zhang Tan returned home with the children who were still very excited.

Teacher Jiang told them that many people came to pay New Year greetings in the morning, many of them from other villages.

"Grandma, look, I received a lot of red envelopes."

Xiaobai generously handed all the red envelopes he received to his grandma.

The child Bai Chunhua, who regarded money as dirt, never thought of keeping the New Year's money. Even if he didn't give it to his grandma, he would still give it to the old man.

She carried it with her and felt it was a burden.

"This is the New Year's money everyone gave you. Keep it for yourself." Grandma Jiang said kindly.

"hiahia, I also have lucky money." Xi'er said.

This is another child who regards money as dirt. The first time he receives a red envelope, he must hand it over.

Under the words and deeds of the two people, Xiao Xiaobai also regarded money as dirt, and she also took the initiative to give the new year's money with both hands.

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, everyone pays New Year greetings in the village. Starting tomorrow, everyone will go out to visit relatives and friends.

I had basically completed the first day of New Year greetings in the morning, but I didn’t expect that people coming to the house to pay New Year greetings again.

This is a young and capable girl, and her tone of voice is full of enthusiasm.

"Teacher Zhang - I'm here to wish you a happy new year~"

Zhang Tan took a closer look and saw that it was Zhao Xin.

"Zhao Xin? Happy New Year."

She has played Mo Di, and her hometown is in the county where Baijia Village is located, dozens of miles away from Baijia Village.

"Haha, I'm here to wish you a happy New Year. Happy New Year to Grandma Jiang, Happy New Year to Jin'er, Happy New Year to Xiaobai, Xi'er, hey, there's also Xiaobai, is this it? Haha~"

Xiaobai and Xi'er looked at her carefully for a moment before they recognized that it was the young lady who invited them to eat spicy hotpot.

As for Xiao Xiaobai, when he was greeted by name, he stared at Zhao Xin in surprise, trying to find any traces of her that he had seen her.

"Thank you, come and sit."

Zhang Tan really didn't expect Zhao Xin to come. They went to the county town a few days ago and originally wanted to contact her, but they learned that she was filming in Pujiang and did not come home, so they gave up the idea.

"When did you go home?" Zhang Tan asked.

"I just went home yesterday afternoon. The crew is very busy filming right now. I only have three days off. I have to leave tomorrow afternoon." After Zhao Xin finished speaking, she couldn't hide her regrets. The Spring Festival has a special meaning for everyone. The three-day holiday It’s too short, so I can’t spend time with my family or visit relatives and friends.

There’s only one chapter today. I’m feeling dizzy after drinking at a social gathering in the evening, so I’ll go to bed first.

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