Dad Academy

Chapter 2152 My sister is crying

One night, the village chief went to the village committee to handle matters. When he went out, he saw several dogs walking in the alley, standing at the entrance of the alley, staring at him.

The village chief was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but think to himself, he doesn't really know, does he?

Then he smiled dumbly, feeling that he was neurotic.

He hummed a little tune, ate and drank, and walked slowly to the village committee in the sunshine. Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he spotted a child hiding in the far corner and looking at him.

It’s Baiguaguanaguawazi.

The village chief didn't pay attention and left.

Bai Guagua followed the village chief all the way. When she saw him entering the village committee, she retreated and ran all the way to report the news to Xiaobai.

But in vain, Xiaobai was not at home, and neither was Xi'er.

Xiao Xiaobai was there, and so was Dunzi. The two of them were reading picture books under the sun, and Dunzi was teaching Xiaobai.

Tan Jin'er came back from the river carrying a bucket filled with washed clothes.

She wore waterproof and warm gloves on her hands and waterproof boots on her feet. There was a layer of dense sweat on her forehead, and her whole person was full of youthful atmosphere.

She put down the bucket, raised her hand to wipe the sweat from her forehead, said hello to Bai Guagua with a smile, and started to dry the clothes.

In the sunshine, she looks like a hard-working snail girl.

Xiaobai, Xi'er, Zhang Tan and Teacher Jiang were not at home. After breakfast, they went to the back mountain to clean the graveyards of Bai Yuxin and Jiang Ping before the Chinese New Year.

Dunzi did not go with him this year because he was given a more important task, which was to take care of Xiaobai at home.

Xiao Xiaobai, a little melon boy, came early in the morning, came hungry for breakfast, and then stayed, refusing to leave at all, and even drove her mother away.

She also wanted to follow Xiaobai to the back mountain, but she was not allowed to do so, so she almost lost her strength and cried.

While Tan Jin'er was drying her clothes, she looked curiously at Xiao Bai, who was drying her clothes: "What picture book are you reading?"

Xiao Xiaobai picked up the picture book and mumbled a few words, wanting to name the picture book, but she didn't know the words and didn't remember what Dunzi had just taught her, so she stood up anxiously, held the picture book as if to offer a treasure, and handed it to Tan Jin'er. forward.

Tan Jin'er took one look at it and said, "It's "The Hungry Little Snake."

"Hungry instigator~" Xiao Xiaobai muttered, "Hehehehe~~"

This was what her little aunt taught her, and she just remembered it.

The little girl raised her little face and smiled cutely. Tan Jin'er touched her little face and asked her to read the picture book.

Xiaoxiaobai jumped up and down, continued to ask Brother Dunzi to tell her, and invited Bai Guagua to listen together.

Tan Jin'er took a look at the back mountain. It was still eight o'clock in the morning. The back mountain was shrouded in clouds and fog. It was unclear where Zhang Tan and the others were in the mountain.

She has never met Xiaobai's mother, but she feels sorry for Xiaobai's experience. Children without parents are very pitiful.

She couldn't help but think of Xiao Xi'er, and herself, and then she thought of her parents who were thousands of miles away. Have their tombstones been cleaned?

I am really an unfilial daughter. I haven’t visited my parents’ graves for more than a year.

Thinking of this, Tan Jin'er felt extremely guilty.

After drying her clothes, she moved a chair and sat down in the yard, basking in the sun while looking at the three children.

She held her mobile phone and had several unread messages from colleagues and friends, asking about how she was going home and sending her New Year's greetings.

There was also her best friend Xiaoyan. Xiaoyan told her that she had been on blind dates every day during the past few days when she was home, and she couldn't help but complain a few more words to Tan Jin'er.

Tan Jin'er comforted her for a while, and before she knew it, it was nine o'clock in the morning. The sun was shining brightly, and the clouds and mist in the mountains were quickly dissipating, revealing their true colors.

She thought about it, but couldn't hold it back. She got up and walked to the side of the yard, took out her mobile phone, rummaged through her address book, and found a phone number. After much hesitation, she pressed it.

Watching the phone call being dialed, Tan Jin'er's heart couldn't help but lift.

The phone rang seven or eight times but was still not connected. She felt a little regretful but also breathed a sigh of relief.

Just as she was about to hang up the phone, the call was suddenly connected, and a familiar yet unfamiliar voice came through.

"Hello? Is it Jin'er?"

Tan Jin'er's heart suddenly suddenly filled with those bad memories.

The voice came again on the phone.

"Is it Jin'er? Jin'er, are you going home for the New Year this year?"

Tan Jin'er took a deep breath, exhaled it immediately, put the phone to her ear, and said: "Uncle, I am Jin'er, have you had breakfast..."

"Eat, eat, Jin'er, where are you now? Are you still in Pujiang?"

“I’m celebrating the New Year at a friend’s house in Sichuan.”

"Why did you go to Sichuan? Why don't you go to Pujiang?"

After the two exchanged a few unfamiliar words, Tan Jiner got down to business.

"Uncle, I want to ask you something. If you have time, go and visit my parents' cemetery. It's almost the Chinese New Year. Can you visit their graves?"

"I went. I went there yesterday, and I just wanted to tell you about it. After I went there yesterday, I found that your mother's tombstone was broken."


Tan Jin'er was shocked and immediately felt sad.

"Why did it break? Wasn't it repaired just a few years ago?..."

"Jin'er, don't worry, it was probably broken by a cow. Occasionally there are people grazing cows on that mountain. If no one cares about it, the cows may go to the cemetery. It is entirely possible that the tombstone will be broken. But you Don’t worry, I went to the town yesterday to find a craftsman to repair it, but it won’t be repaired until after the Chinese New Year, and I’ll install it then.”

Tan Jin'er's eyes couldn't help but moisten, feeling sad for her unfilial piety. She hadn't gone home to visit her parents for more than a year, and she didn't even know her mother's tombstone was broken!

The phone call lasted for a while. When Tan Jin'er hung up the phone, she turned around and realized that there was a little friend standing at her feet. It was Xiao Bai.

This little friend raised his face and stared at her.

I don’t know when she came! I don’t even know how long she has been here!

Didn't find anything at all.

Tan Jin'er quickly wiped her eyes, wiped away her tears, smiled at Xiao Xiaobai and said, "Have you finished reading the picture book?"

Xiao Xiaobai nodded and continued to stare at her with his head raised, as if he could see a flower.

Tan Jin'er saw Dunzi telling Bai Guagua a picture book in the yard.

"Go and listen with Guagua." Tan Jin'er said, and she quickly returned home.

Not long after, Zhang Tan and others who had gone to the mountain finally came back.

Xiaobai had a serious expression on his face.

Xi'er wasn't much better.

It seems that the atmosphere during these few hours on the mountain was very solemn, and the children felt a little sad.

After Xiaobai put down his hoe, he came to Dunzi and solemnly expressed his gratitude to Dunzi.

The front of my mother's tombstone is clean, and Dunzi often comes to clean it.

At this time, Xiao Xiaobai had already run to Sister Xi'er, and the two of them were whispering.

Xi'er immediately ran home and found her sister in the kitchen.

"You are back~" Tan Jin'er smiled.

Xi'er said crisply: "You're back, sister, are you crying?"


"Are you crying?"

"No, no."

"Lying will make your nose grow longer~~~"

"...Really not."

"Humph, I'll tell my godfather."

After saying that, without waiting for Tan Jin'er to react, he quickly slipped away and couldn't even be caught.

She quickly got up and followed, only to find that Xi'er had disappeared. She searched everywhere and finally found the two of them outside by a car.

But it was obvious that she was already late, Xi'er had already reported the news.

Sorry for the late update

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