Dad Academy

Chapter 2146 Shouting to the Village Chief

This was the first time for Xiao Bai to sleep with Xiao Bai and Xi'er at the same time. He was so excited that he couldn't sleep. He tossed and turned and couldn't help but say something from time to time. His eyes were bright, as if they would shine at night. .

This child hasn't done enough during the day, he has too much energy.

Fortunately, Xiaobai and Xier's energy is also very good.

Oh no, Xi'er is already drowsy, but the reality does not allow her to sleep now.

Xiao Xiaobai would touch her twice from time to time and come over to talk to her. His breath would tickle her face.

"Xiao Xiaobai, are you afraid of the night owl's beard?" Xiao Bai suddenly asked.

When Xiao Xiaobai heard the sound, he immediately turned around, faced his little aunt, and curiously asked what a night owl beard was.

Xiaobai told her that it was oooooooo.

Xiao Xiaobai knew now and couldn't help but crawl under the quilt. She immediately thought that her little aunt and sister Xi'er were on her side. She was too safe and was not afraid of anything, so she boldly said that she was not afraid.

"Hoo ho ho, do you want to hear a story?" Xiaobai asked.

Xiao Xiaobai said excitedly that he wanted to listen, and called Xi'er to listen too.

Xi'er cheered up now. If it was to listen to a story, she could stay awake first and then fall asleep after listening to the story.

Moreover, this is Xiaobai’s story, which is rare.

"Then I'm going to start talking. Children, please listen carefully."


So cute.

Xiaobai's voice sounded, slow and eerie. After listening to it for a while, Xiaobai and Xi'er realized that it turned out to be a ghost story! ! !

The two little listeners couldn't help but hugged each other. Xiaobai squeezed into Xi'er's arms, and Xi'er hugged her tightly, warming each other and giving each other a sense of security.

Finally, someone screamed, tearing apart the fragile sense of security between the two of them. With a swish, Xiaoxiaobai slipped his head into the bed and buried himself in Xi'er's arms.

The two of them were so frightened by Xiaobai's ghost story that they didn't dare to say a word or show up. They were trembling and miserable, like two little partridges.

Xiao Xiaobai discovered that her little aunt is a bad person.

"Ba Shi~ Go to bed and tell me."

Xiaobai could sleep peacefully and fell asleep quickly.

But Xiao Xiaobai and Xi'er were still trembling in the dark.

The two of them didn't know when they finally fell asleep. Unknowingly, when they woke up again, it was already the early morning of the next day.

Xiaobai cried when he opened his eyes, which woke up Xiaobai and Xi'er.

The door outside was pushed open, and Tan Jin'er and Zhang Tan came in one after another.

"Why is Xiaobai crying?" Tan Jin'er asked. She sat on the edge of the bed and looked at Xiaobai in the middle of the bed.

The little white hair was messy, like a confused little lion, with his mouth pursed and tears streaming down his face.

Xiaobai and Xi'er, who were sleeping in the same bed, were also completely awake, looking confused. They didn't know why Xiaobai was crying.

"Don't cry, don't cry."

Tan Jin'er leaned over, held Xiao Xiaobai's soft and warm little body in her arms, and comforted her softly.

This is not a difficult thing for her. This was how Xi'er was brought up by her in the past. At that time, Xi'er was even younger than Xiao Xiaobai is now.

Xiao Xiaobai seemed to feel the sense of security in Tan Jin'er, and gradually stopped crying, lying in her arms and sobbing, looking so pitiful.

Zhang Tan looked at Xiaobai and Xi'er, and saw that the two of them looked confused. They looked like they didn't know why Xiaobai was crying.

He immediately looked at the sheets. Could it be because he wet the bed?

But he immediately rejected this idea, because Xiaobai's pants were dry, and Xiaobai and Xi'er didn't show any abnormality.

Seeing that there was no use for him here, he was about to leave, but Tan Jin'er also said to him: "Zhang Tan, you go to the kitchen. There is no one to look after the kitchen. I will come here."


Zhang Tan also told Xiaobai and Xi'er to get up and get dressed so as not to catch a cold, and then went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

In the room here, Xiao Xiaobai finally recovered and began to moan. After Tan Jin'er's questioning, he finally revealed the reason why he was crying so early in the morning.

It turned out to be that I was so tired from being hugged all night!

Tan Jin'er immediately looked at Xiwawa.

Xiwa's eyes rolled around and hiahia giggled.

She has the habit of hugging people when she sleeps, and is slimy like a koala. If there was no Xiaobai last night, then she must have been holding Xiaobai.

However, Xiaobai already had experience. Every time before going to bed, he would put a doll in Xi'er's arms and try to let her hold the doll.

"Oh~ don't cry anymore. Sister Xi'er likes you. She wants to hug you because she likes you." Tan Jin'er comforted Xiao Bai softly.

Xiaobai and Xi'er got dressed and got out of bed. Xi'er was apologizing to Xiaobai, while Xiaobai ran to brush his teeth and wash his face.

Although Xiaobai cried when he got up, he became a good man again after having breakfast.

Her mother came to see her and asked her if she wanted to go home. Today they were going shopping in the county town.

Children love to go shopping, but Yang Yi miscalculated and Xiao Xiaobai was not tempted at all.

Shopping with my little aunt and the others is not as fun.

She was determined not to go and wanted to stay here and continue playing.

The little aunt was crying and laughing, which really made the dolls want to stop.

Yang Yi came back disappointed. She seemed to have no attraction to the baby anymore, which made her so disappointed.

Other people's babies always cling to their mothers, why wouldn't her babies be like that?

In the morning, Zhang Tan was going to the tea factory. Tan Jin'er and others had no problem staying at home, so they were invited to go to the tea factory with them.

Teacher Jiang doesn't go, she prefers to bask in the sun in the yard.

Clothes and sheets were dried in the yard, swaying gently in the breeze. The big rooster and the hens were walking around in the yard, looking for food on the ground.

When Xiao Xiaobai saw the big rooster, he quickly sneaked away and panicked.

Fearless human pups are also afraid of large roosters.

Xiaobai rushed out with a broom, stood on the big stone pier in the yard, and shouted in the direction of Dunzi's house: "Dunzi - Dunzi -"

The next moment, I saw a figure running out of Dunzi's yard in the distance, climbed onto the firewood pile, and waved to Xiaobai.

Xiaobai continued to shout: "Come on - come on! Let's go out and play -"

Without saying a word, Dunzi immediately climbed down from the firewood pile, crossed the field ridge quickly, and ran over.

Zhang Tan took them with him and drove off. When passing through the village, the village chief was waiting on the roadside on his motorcycle. When he saw their car coming, he rode in front and went with them.

It snowed for a while last night, but then stopped, so there was no heavy snow cover in the fields today, and the remaining snow did not melt from yesterday.

Especially in the mountains and forests, looking from a distance, you can see patches of white mixed in the green woods.

Several children were chattering in the back seat. Tan Jin'er was sitting in the passenger seat, admiring the scenery along the way. Zhang Tan glanced at it accidentally and found that her profile score was very high, and her nose was straight.

Xi'er kept sizing up the village chief a few meters in front of her. She endured it again and again, and finally couldn't bear it anymore.

She pressed down the car window, and suddenly a gust of cold wind blew in. Xiaobai and Xiaobai, who were the first to bear the brunt, had their hair blown up by the wind. The cold wind poured in from their collars and shivered.

Xiwa stuck her head out of the car and shouted to the village chief who was riding a motorcycle in front of her: "Village Chief - Village Chief, wave - you are riding a motorcycle without a helmet - it's so dangerous!!! You put it on quickly!" helmet--"

I'm not in a good mood today. I only wrote one chapter and there is no second chapter. Sorry.

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