Dad Academy

Chapter 2117 George, George

"Little aunt, why do you want to kill pigs?"

"Pig is so cute."

"Pig pig snoring~"

"Is it Peggy Pig?"

"I like Peggy so much."


Along the way, Xiaobai, who was holding a sword, kept whispering to Xiaobai. She and the piglets were good friends, especially the piglet named Peggy. When they were in the city, they would talk to her every day. Want to watch Peppa Pig on TV.

But why did everyone kill Peppa Pig as soon as they arrived at Baijia Village?

She really couldn't understand.

"It's Peppa Pig, not Peggy. Hohohoho~ Peppa Pig and I are good friends." Xiaobai said with a firm tone.

"You are holding the sword, are you going to kill Peppa Pig?" Xiaobai asked, then remembered that Xiaobai went home to get the sword, maybe not because she wanted to defend herself, but to kill her good friend.

Xi'er came over and said to Xiaobai: "Xiaobai, we used to like to watch Peppa Pig, and Peppa Pig was also our good friend."

When they were younger, they also loved watching Peppa Pig, especially jumping into puddles and mud puddles, which they imitated. As a result, Xiaobai was picked up by her aunt and beaten until she was beaten to pieces and urinated, and she ran away.而她,人见人爱的喜娃娃,被姐姐带回家洗了澡,换了衣服,没挨揍,甚至没有挨骂。

Xiaobai often said later that she liked Sister Jiner so much and wanted to replace her aunt.

But after I got a little older, I never said anything like this again.

Although her aunt had all kinds of bad things, she still couldn't bear to do this.

"Wow, are you also good friends with Peggy Pig?"

Xiao Xiaobai held up the sword and was so surprised that his eyes widened when he looked at Xiao Bai and Xi'er.

"Yes~ We are also good friends. Later we grew up, but Peppa Pig didn't grow up. I didn't even know how to yell at her!"

As Xiao Bai said this, he pushed Xiao Xiao Bai's sword away, almost poking her in the face.

She and Xi'er also watched Peppa Pig grow up, but at that time, Peppa Pig had just come out, and now, they have grown up, but Peppa Pig is Peppa Pig, and has not grown up. Fatty.

"Today the village chief's family is not going to kill Piggy Peppa Pig, but Piggy George." Xiaobai said.

When she talked about Piggy George, she couldn't help but think of Wang Xiaoyu, Shi Baobao, Liu Changjiang, Jiao Dashuai, Mei Fangfang and Xiao Wang.

"George~" Xiaobai muttered. She also knew Piggy George, a smaller pig.

She didn't expect that Piggy George, whom she had just seen on TV the night before, would be killed by the village chief today. The day before yesterday, Piggy George was jumping into puddles with Peppa Pig.

The three of them chatted while walking to the village chief's house. They kept meeting villagers along the way. Many of them were unknown to Xiaobai, or they had known each other before, but they had been away from Baijia Village all year round and had forgotten their names.

But these people all know Xiaobai, and some even know Xier. When they see them, they will greet them warmly. Many people invite them to sit at home, or bring some snacks, fruits, etc. from home to them. in hand.

The New Year is coming soon, and every household has stored enough New Year's goods. This is the time when the family has the most snacks. There are various categories, some bought in the town, and some made at home, such as persimmons, which are sold in The wild persimmons picked in the mountains spent a winter making golden persimmons. When you take a bite, they are sweet, soft and delicious. Children especially love them.

After walking less than a few dozen meters, Xiaobai and the three of them had gained a lot. Their pockets and trouser pockets were full. They each held a persimmon in their hands and were eating with gusto.

Xiao Xiaobai's clothes and trousers are smaller, and her pocket is also smaller. The same amount of snacks can't fit in her pocket. The snacks always stick out, and she pulls her pants down. After taking a few steps, she has to lift them up. Mention it.

But this little girl is so happy. She has never felt so much love and affection. Everyone here likes them and puts delicious food in their pockets.

Suddenly, a loud squealing sound came from not far away.

The three of them immediately stopped and looked at the sound, which was right in front of them, but they couldn't see the scene because it was blocked by the house.

Only the sound of squealing pigs came.

The pig's squealing is so loud that it scares children.

Xiao Xiaobai subconsciously clenched the sword in her hand, but she still didn't feel safe enough, so she took two steps forward and approached Xi'er who was close to her, almost touching her.

Xi'er looked back at her and pretended to be calm, but actually she was beating a drum in her heart.

Mainly because she wasn't wearing a helmet.

If only I were wearing a helmet.

She subconsciously hid behind Xiaobai, and Xiaobai who grabbed her clothes also hid behind Xiaobai.

"Don't be afraid! I will protect you."

At this moment, Xiaobai looked like a young lady. She walked forward with her two little sisters who were scared and wanted to watch. As soon as she got closer, she saw several old Bais catching pigs, grabbing their legs and pulling them. Some pull their tails, and some hold their heads.

She just glanced at it, and then quickly locked her eyes on the person watching the excitement. The person also looked over and stared at her.

It's her old man.

Is her old man here?

"Go back quickly, don't come here, there's nothing to see." Zhang Tan waved his hand and told them to go back quickly. Killing pigs is too cruel for children and will give them nightmares.

Especially when Zhang Tan saw the two cowards behind Xiao Bai, he was so frightened that he even followed them to watch the fun.

"Xiao Huahua - it's Xiao Huahua! She's back."

"It's little Huahua, the baby is here too."

"I already knew that Xiao Huahua was back. Guagua told me yesterday."

There were many children watching the excitement around. When these people saw Xiaobai and Xi'er appearing, they gathered around and chatted with her.

"Who is this? Little Huahua, is she your sister?"

Some children noticed the existence of Xiao Bai holding a sword.

"It's me..."

Xiaobai originally wanted to say that she belonged to my sister, which was how she introduced her before, but the old man told her last night that Xiaobai was not her sister. Xiaobai called her aunt, so she should be called Xiaobai... What's going on? She suddenly forgot and couldn't remember.

"This is Xiao Xiaobai, and I am her little aunt."

"Xiao Xiaobai?"

The children surrounded Xiaoxiaobai and looked at them condescendingly, which made Xiaoxiao very nervous. She clenched her sword tightly and was wary of these melons.

"Don't scare Xiao Xiaobai, go away and don't surround her."

Xiaobai drove the children away, and everyone dispersed to continue watching the pig killing.

The Nian Pig has been pressed on the long chopping board. It seems that it feels the danger and knows that it is a critical moment of life and death, so it howls very fiercely and struggles with its life.

Xiaobai immediately held up the children's smart phone watch, asked to record the video, and showed it back to Luliu.

Xiao Xiaobai's eyes widened in horror, watching this scene. Xi'er no longer dared to look at it. She turned around and held Xiao Xiaobai in her arms, so that she could no longer watch.

Xiao Xiaobai struggled to show her head, but Xi'er's hold was so tight that she couldn't break away.

"George, George~~~my George~~~"

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