Dad Academy

Chapter 2097 The Calm Assassin

"Eh? Hiahiahia Dudu, how did you know that the first aid kit is here?" Xi'er couldn't help but ask.

Dudu didn't answer her because she was busy rescuing Liuliu.

But the others glanced at Xi'er, and Xiaobai said on behalf of him: "We all know it~嚯寯寯~"

Xi'er: "..."

Liuliu was rescued, but she was about to cry.

Because she really felt that this cup of milk tea was so close to her!

And it’s still 50 yuan for milk tea! She has never drunk such expensive milk tea!

And, the most important thing is, she hasn’t had a cup of milk tea this year! ! !

Mother Zhu won’t let her drink! I would rather let her eat meat than drink milk tea, saying it would make her fat and bloated.

People will go through three processes: gaining weight, swelling, and bang!

Mother Zhu said that Liuliu is in the process of gaining weight, so if she gets fatter, she will enter the second stage, the expansion stage, and then, if she is not careful, she will explode with a bang. See you in the west. Rice tofu.

But pomegranate is really really...

"I really want to drink milk tea duck——"

Liuliu shouted while lying on the sofa. Suddenly she felt something cold on her belly. When she looked down, she saw Chubby pressing the stethoscope on her belly.

Liliu was startled, worried that if Pangdudu got stuck with the needle, her belly would probably be deflated.

"Sit down quickly, take a seat, let's continue the meeting."

Xiaobai maintains order, how can the meeting be held in such a mess!

When she went to the old man's company, everyone's meeting was very orderly.

Everyone quickly sat down, leaving only Da Yanyan secretly sad.

"The Chinese New Year is coming soon, how are you celebrating?" Xiaobai asked.

There are only two topics for today's meeting. One is to talk about Xiao Songqin, and the other is to discuss Xiaonian.

Everyone was talking about it, talking about everything. When asked about Xiwawa, Xiwawa plausibly said that she was only in the Xiaonian period, because Xiaonian is only celebrated by children, and she was no longer a child, she was already in her teens. The young lady is 20 years old. What a happy new year she is going to have. She will get married in a few years.

Xiaobai was speechless, Dudu burst into laughter, Xiaomi covered her mouth and snickered, Cheng Cheng glanced at her, his face was troubled, he felt that this child was not very smart, he was holding the little orange cat in his hand and stroking.

Only Liuliu was slumped on the sofa, feeling helpless and not participating in the discussion.

Seeing this half-dead look, Xiaobai stopped asking her questions and just ignored her.

"Let's celebrate the New Year together~" Xiaobai said, initiating the organization.

Xiaomi was the first to respond and said yes.

Dudu responded enthusiastically and said: "We will bring the little dolls, and the little dolls will also celebrate the New Year."

Xiaobai glanced at Liuliu, who was still sad. Forget it, Liuliu was definitely willing. She looked at Cheng Cheng.

Cheng Cheng said expressionlessly: "I am also willing to spend the New Year with Xiaobai."

The little orange cat took the opportunity to break away from Cheng Cheng's clutches, jumped off the sofa lightly, took small steps, avoided Xiwa's capture, ran to the door of the study, and scratched on the door. The people inside the door were very understanding. The ground opened a crack, and the little orange cat immediately got in, and then the door was closed.

The little orange cat was hugged, petted, and stroked by everyone in turn. It couldn't stand it anymore, so it wandered into the study room and hid with the shit-sweeper to avoid the limelight.

"Are you happy with your baby?" Xiaobai asked Tan Xi'er.

"How can I, a big kid, spend the New Year's Eve?" Xi'er was still arrogant.

Xiaobai said directly: "Guawazi, go play by yourself that day, don't look for us."

"hiahia, I'm still looking for you. I'll play with you."

"Then thank you."

"You're welcome, we're good friends."

In the end, only Dayanyan was left.

Da Yanyan is still half-dead. She is finished tonight. She probably dreams about drinking milk tea at night.

"Let's go, go, go, go downstairs and play. If you stay here, you will have a night owl beard."

Xiaobai said hello and everyone went downstairs.

Luoliu took a look and said, "Good guy, just leave her here like this?" ? ?

She quickly restored half a liter of blood to herself and forced to turn on the phone. Suddenly, with a click, the lights in the living room were turned off, and the surroundings were instantly plunged into darkness.

Liuliu screamed, and immediately planned to scold Xiaobai for wetting the bed. Suddenly, the lights came on again, and Xiaobai and others were standing at the entrance waiting for her.

"Hurry up, we need to turn off the lights."

"Come on, come on~"

Da Yanyan was pinched, and she immediately didn't dare to hold it. She quickly strengthened herself and followed Xiao Bai.

Fortunately, he didn't curse out loud just now, otherwise Xiaobai would definitely not be so good.

The living room became quiet. After a while, the little orange cat slipped out of the study. This little guy was very alert now. He first poked his head at the door to make sure that all the shit shoveling officials were gone, and then walked out with brisk steps. .

The lights in the living room had been turned off and it was pitch black, but to it, this was its hunting ground.

The little orange cat crawled forward, arching and hunching along the sofa, with a solemn look on his face. The calm assassin in the night appeared!

Suddenly, with a click, the darkness dissipated and the lights came on.

The calm assassin suddenly lost his cool! It turned around and meowed several times at the scavenger who was doing the damage, expressing its anger and dissatisfaction.

"Hey, did it delay your hunting? I'll just drink some water and go back to the study immediately. You can continue later."

Zhang Tan quickly poured himself a glass of water, returned to the study, and closed the door tightly so as not to disturb the calm assassin's hunt.

I really don’t know what the little orange cat can catch, I’m so curious.

After more than an hour, Zhang Tan finished his work and felt that if he went out now, it would not disturb the little orange cat's hunting. The ones that should be caught should have been caught.

Just in time to see what the calm assassin in the dark is preying on.

He opened the door, looked around, and soon found the calm assassin lying on the sofa, playing with a ball of string.

It's just that this situation is seriously inconsistent with the nickname of the calm assassin.

When Zhang Tan passed by the living room, the little orange cat stopped playing and looked sideways at him. Its head moved with his movements. Driven by curiosity, it jumped off the sofa and followed him all the way.

"What are you doing?" Zhang Tan stopped in front of the bathroom, "I want to go to the bathroom, and you want to follow me?"

The little orange cat tilted her head and looked at him, shook a few whiskers, turned around and walked away.

Perhaps because he really felt that the shit shovel was boring, the little orange cat walked outside the house and went down the stairs, intending to tame the two-legged beasts downstairs.

Although it is also dangerous, it is more fulfilling.

However, when it just walked around the corner, it heard a shout of "ah", which frightened it so much that it jumped three feet high, its hair exploded, turned around and ran away home.

Behind him was Xiaobai's laughter, and he chased it back home.

In the end, the little orange cat failed to escape the clutches and was captured by Xiaobai again and held in his arms.

"Huh? Where is my old man?"

The little orange cat was placed on the ground and acted as the guide, taking Xiao Bai directly to the bathroom door.

"Old man, old man, are you in there?"


"Old man, let me tell you, I thought about Xiaonian inviting Xiao Songqin to come with me. What do you think?"


"I also want to invite Xiaonian."

"no problem."


"Okay, who else, let's talk together."

"And Wan Xiaohu, old man, where do you think we should go to play during the Chinese New Year?"

"Can we discuss it after I come out of the bathroom? It's not convenient to use my brain right now."

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