Dad Academy

Chapter 2085 Looking for someone

At this moment, West Chang'an Street is already brightly lit, and the entire Pujiang City is shining.

Xiaobai searched West Chang'an Street through the binoculars. He didn't see the little flower seller, so he thought she must have gone to have dinner.

So he changed his target, turned his telescope, and looked around.

She saw groups of young people passing by in groups on West Chang'an Street, white-collar workers in suits and ties carrying briefcases home from get off work, and busy traffic on the street...

The various stalls under the overpass are very lively. Some sell fried dumplings, some sell cut cakes, and some sell barbecue... All kinds of people are buying in front of the stalls, including many who have just come off work from the CBD business district. White-collar workers.

Suddenly, she saw a small figure standing in front of a stall selling fried dumplings!

It's the little girl selling flowers.

Her basket had not left her hand, it was still slung in her arm.

She stood in line in the crowd, her little one had no sense of existence at all, and she almost went unnoticed.

I saw the aunt selling fried dumplings put four fried dumplings into a paper bag and handed them to her. She handed the money in her hand at the same time, then stood on the sidewalk and found a remote corner. Gobble it up.

The bamboo basket was not placed on the ground, but was still slung on the arm. There were still more than half of the flowers in it that had not been sold.

The four fried dumplings were eaten quickly. Even for a child, such a small amount is not enough.

But Xiaobai saw the little girl wiping her mouth after eating, throwing the packaging bag into the trash can, staring at the fried dumpling stall for a few times, walking away with the flower basket, walking around under the overpass, and met The man came forward and asked weakly, pointing to the roses in the basket.

Many people waved their hands and walked away quickly.

As she shuttled through the crowd, Xiaobai turned his binoculars and locked onto her figure, almost losing her several times.

Unknowingly, her heart was tied to the little flower seller. Every time the little girl came up to ask passers-by to buy flowers, her heart would also be lifted. When the flowers are sold, she will be as happy as a little girl. If the flowers are rejected, she will also be sad.

"What are you looking at?"

Suddenly, a voice sounded beside him, which startled Xiaobai and almost fell off the stool. He was immediately hugged by a strong arm and placed on the ground.

The old man is here.

"Ouch, I almost fell to the ground."

Xiaobai was just stunned.

Zhang Tan apologized to her and asked what she was watching that made her so fascinated.

"She's a little girl selling flowers, old man. Xiwawa and I have been watching her selling flowers all afternoon. She was still selling flowers at night, and she didn't have dinner. She must be very hungry..."

While speaking, Xiaobai's eyes were sparkling, as if there were splashes of water.

"The little girl selling flowers? Let me see."

Zhang Tan stood in front of the telescope, but couldn't find it. Xiaobai went over to help look for her, but couldn't find her either. The little girl seemed to be no longer under the overpass, and she was nowhere to be seen on West Chang'an Street.

Xiaobai was so disappointed that he kept talking about the little girl selling flowers during dinner.

"You think it's hard for her, right?" Zhang Tan asked, he understood Xiaobai's mentality.

She had been caught in the rain before, so she didn't want to see others getting wet and always wanted to hold an umbrella for them.

Xiaobai nodded, "She is so young. She has been selling flowers for a whole day and still hasn't sold out. She must be very tired. She didn't even have dinner, she just ate four fried dumplings..."

Xiaobai's words were filled with concern and concern for the little girl.

Teacher Jiang said: "If you care about her so much, go find her."

Xiaobai's eyes lit up and he asked, "Is it okay?"

Teacher Jiang nodded and Zhang Tan said, "Of course, I'll go after dinner."

Xiaobai nodded happily and said immediately, "Let's go now. Can we bring her some food?"

Zhang Tan was stunned and immediately agreed.

Teacher Jiang had already stood up and went to the kitchen to get a flower bowl with a lid, filled it with rice and vegetables.

He put it in a bag for Xiaobai, carried it on her arm, and told her to pay attention to safety when going out.

"I know, thank you grandma."

Xiaobai followed Zhang Tan out. At this time, children from Little Red Horse Academy had already arrived one after another. They met Xiaoxiao and Xiaonian in the yard. Xiaoxiao kept trying to run into the sandpit, but Xiaonian kept stopping her and stopped her. She went to play in the sand.

When Xiaobai passed by, he shouted: "Guawazi, don't play in the sand~~~"

When Xiaoxiao and Xiaonian heard this, they both looked over and watched Xiaobai and Boss Zhang leave the compound.

It is very lively under the overpass at the moment. It is the peak period of the crowd. Various stalls are dazzling, people are passing through, and the atmosphere is full of fireworks.

"She was just there, buying fried dumplings to eat."

Xiaobai pointed to a fried dumpling stall, but at the moment, there was no little girl selling flowers there at all.

The two looked around under the overpass but couldn't find her.

"Old man, are you tired?" Xiaobai asked.

"I'm not tired."

"Then let's go over there and have a look."

Xiaobai refers to West Chang'an Street, the CBD and bar street.

"Okay, I think so too."

"Hoho, let's go quickly."

The two of them climbed onto the overpass. Zhang Tan stood at the highest point, overlooking Xichang Street, trying to search for the little girl selling flowers.

But he took it for granted that it was night and there were so many people coming and going on West Chang'an Street that he couldn't find a child.

We can only get off the overpass and search step by step on the street.

"Xiaobai, are you hungry?"

Zhang Tan was worried that Xiaobai was hungry. After all, they had just gone out without eating, and they were all hungry now.

"No worries, let's find the little girl first."

Xiaobai smiled and took the lead.

"Old man, I'll look here, you look over there, do you want it?"

Standing at the intersection of the overpass and West Chang'an Street, Xiaobai said.

"Don't get it!" Zhang Tan said decisively.

There was such a huge crowd, how could he let Xiaobai go find someone alone? She was still so young, what would she do if she was lost?

This little kid is careful but very big. He really thinks of himself as an adult.

"Oh, I didn't even know I had to tell you. This way we can find him quickly."

"That won't work. You are still a child, so I don't worry. Grandma told me to take good care of you. Let's look here together first. I feel she should have gone here."


With a helpless look on his face, Xiao Bai and Old Man Zhang walked to the right. There were many bars along the way, and young men and women in fashionable clothes came in and out, chatting and laughing.

This is the life of another group of people in Pujiang. It is completely different from the hawkers under the overpass before, and it is also completely different from those in Huangjia Village.

"Mom's shop."

Xiaobai stopped and pointed to a bar at hand.

This is Tang Yu's bar, but she usually won't be in the bar. The place is left to the professional store manager. She doesn't come here very often, but every time she comes, she will visit Xiao Bai.

"Want to go in and see if mom is here?" Zhang Tan asked.

"No, I'm busy."

So the two of them continued on the road. Finally, after walking for more than ten minutes, they finally saw a small figure carrying a flower basket in the crowd. She was so small that she had no sense of presence in the crowd. People passing by were also being questioned by her. When I was deciding whether to buy flowers, I discovered that there was such a person.

"It's her!" Xiaobai said in surprise.

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