Dad Academy

Chapter 2040 Banner

Liu Changjiang and others were scolded by Liu Huanghe.

Several people stood there not daring to move, and no one dared to say a word.

Normally, everyone would say they knew martial arts and were heroes, but now facing Liu Huanghe, they all looked like kittens, not daring to talk back.

Liu Changjiang is full of rebellion and always goes against his brother, but that depends on the occasion.

He knows when it's okay and when it's not.

Just like now, he'd better not talk back, otherwise there's a high chance he'll be cut.

After scolding, Liu Huanghe looked at Xiaobai and said, "Well done Xiaobai, brave and just."

Everyone shuddered and looked up at him, then at Xiaobai who was being praised.

No, is it such a blatant distinction? He scolded them like crazy, but turned around and praised Xiaobai.

"What? Are you not convinced?" Liu Huanghe said, "Isn't it Xiaobai who made the first move?"

Liu Changjiang whispered: "I was the one who made the first move."

"What did you say?!"

"I was the one who made the first move~" Liu Changjiang said loudly.

"Is it okay for Xiaobai to make the first move?"

"Xiao Bai moved his feet, and Dashuai Jiao also moved his feet. They wanted to trip that person up, but I was the only one who did it."

"...Go away~"

After Liu Huanghe finished scolding people, he also confirmed their original intentions.

"However, you are still children, and it is not your responsibility to catch a thief. You are lucky today. The thief is a bit timid and does not have a knife on him. If you meet someone with a knife, you will be in danger. Wan If you get injured or something, think about how sad your parents will be, are you worth it?"

"Next time you encounter something like this, you must first know how to protect yourself and find the best way. The best way is to call the police and let the police handle it. Professional people do professional things. It is the duty of the police to catch bad people. You Your duty is to grow up healthily.”

Xiaobai understood and concluded: "Let the chickens do the chicken's work, and the ducks shouldn't rush to do it."

Liu Huanghe: "..."

Several other people laughed, which diluted the serious atmosphere just now.

The police came over at this time.

"Hello, you were the one who caught the person just now. It's amazing at such a young age. However, this is too dangerous. If you encounter something like this in the future, call us and don't rush forward by yourself. These people are all good people. dangerous……"

What the police said was similar to what Liu Huanghe said. He affirmed the original intentions of Xiaobai and others, but said that this kind of behavior was inappropriate and would not be tolerated next time.

Wang Xiaoyu nodded repeatedly. At this moment, he felt that his IQ had surpassed Liu Changjiang and others.

"I think so too."

"Yes, that's it."

"You must call the police."

He kept echoing what the police said.

Liu Changjiang and others were a little dissatisfied, but Liu Huanghe praised Wang Xiaoyu with a smile.

In fact, Wang Xiaoyu’s response was right.

"I'm sorry, I still have to ask you to come to the station to take notes," the policeman said.

"We still want to go play." Liu Changjiang said.

Liu Huanghe said: "Let's do this. I'll go to the institute to take notes and let them do their own thing."

"Okay." The policeman said cheerfully.

Xiaobai and others left, and Liu Huanghe followed the police to the station.

He took notes in the office, but when he was done, he was not allowed to leave, but asked to wait for a while.

Not long after, the policeman from before appeared together with the old man whose wallet had been stolen.

The old man said that he wanted to thank him and give him a banner.

Of course Liu Huanghe declined politely and left the institute.

But he didn't go home because he promised his family before setting off that he would accompany Liu Changjiang and others throughout the whole journey. But now he left Liu Changjiang and others in the mall and returned home, so he shouldn't be criticized.

So he was wandering outside, invited friends to hang out, and was having fun. Suddenly his phone rang, and when he got through, it turned out to be the policeman from the police station.

The police told him on the phone that the old man had brought a banner and asked him if it was convenient for him to deliver it to him.

Liu Huanghe tried hard to persuade him before he declined again.

At 5 o'clock in the afternoon, he came to the mall and took Liu Changjiang and others home as agreed.

Just as the car arrived at the gate of the municipal party committee compound, Liu Huanghe's phone rang again. When he answered the call, it turned out to be the policeman again, and he was also here to deliver the banner.

Liu Huanghe didn't want it, but the police said he was already on the way and would be there soon.

The home address left by Liu Huanghe is only an approximate and not specific.

When the police arrived on the street, they looked left and right and didn't know which community Liu Huanghe lived in.

Liu Huanghe was helpless and wanted to refuse, but this was already the third time, and the person had already arrived, so it would be unkind to not see her again.

The melons in the car were all shouting that they must be picked up, they must be picked up.

Liu Changjiang even said without fear of death that this banner was given to them, not to Liu Huanghe, and they had to accept it.

Then, he shouted in the direction of the mobile phone, "We are at the gate of the municipal party committee compound, come quickly."

Liu Huanghe wanted to beat him up.

He parked the car at the entrance of the municipal party committee compound. He pulled over and got out of the car. Others in the car also got out one after another, eagerly waiting.

After a while, a police car drove over, but it did not get close to the entrance of the municipal party committee compound. It stopped on the side of the road. The car window rolled down. Two policemen looked over and saw that they were indeed here, so they got out of the car. After getting out of the car, I looked at them and then at the municipal party committee compound, feeling shocked and confused.

"I finally found you. I am helpless. This old man insists on sending the banner. If you don't accept it, it will be even worse if I keep it." said the police comrade.

Liu Huanghe sent Xiaobai to pick up the banner and thanked this warm-hearted police comrade.

The policeman didn't ask too many questions, mainly because the compound behind him was too intimidating, and the armed police soldiers standing guard at the gate of the compound would glance at him from time to time.

"You guys keep it, I'm leaving. Goodbye."



The children were very enthusiastic and waved their hands.

After the police comrades left, they got into the car. Another colleague of his in the car asked curiously: "Do these children live here?"

The policeman said angrily: "I didn't know that."

"Look, they're in."

The policeman looked around and saw Liu Changjiang and others getting into the car and driving slowly into the entrance of the municipal party committee compound.

The armed police soldiers on guard also saluted them.

The policeman couldn't help but said: "Tiger father has no dog son."

Another policeman driving a car nodded in agreement and said, "The little heroes are indeed not simple."

After saying that, the two looked at each other and both felt that the other was disgusting.

In the car driving into the municipal party committee compound, everyone was arguing fiercely, mainly around the issue of who should take the pennant home.

Liu Changjiang thought he should take it because he was the leading brother.

But Marshal Jiao believes that he has exerted a lot of rationality, and half of his merit medals must be included.

Mei Fangfang also had a reason. If it hadn't been for his flying kick, the thief would not have fallen to the ground and no one could catch him, so he should take the banner away.

Xiao Bai also had a reason. She was the one who tripped first. If she hadn't taken the lead, everyone might not have dared to move.

Wang Xiaoyu also spoke plausibly, and he was the one who called the police.

Everyone was noisy and spitting, and Liu Huanghe became more and more irritable the more he listened.

"Shut up! Shut up! You all can take turns taking it home to show off! There's no need to argue! I'm really impressed by you."

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