Dad Academy

Chapter 208 We don’t even know how to thank you (2/3)

Chapter 208 We don’t even know how to thank you (23)

"Xiaobai, Xiaobai~~ Come and save my life~~~Luo Zikang is going to kill me~~~OoOoOoOo~~~"

Liuliu ran extremely fast and caught up with Xiaobai and Jiang Bin who had already reached the second floor.

Xiaobai held down her little head and lectured: "You call me shovel, please keep your voice down~~"

Liuliu lowered his voice: "Xiao~~Bai~~~~Luo~zi~kang~~ wants~~to~~ take~~my~~little~~life~~~you~hurry~save~save~me~ya ~~"

Xiaobai looked downstairs and didn't see Luo Zikang, so he said, "Don't be afraid, I'll protect you, you idiot~~Luo Zikang is a coward."

Liuliu nodded and agreed very much: "Xiaobai, I will go with you to find Boss Zhang."

Xiaobai refused: "No, you are a melon, you can't come."

Liliu's face dropped, thinking that Xiaobai, this little melon boy, was very vicious.

Xiaobai touched her horn braid and said, "You are a strong little pomegranate."

Pomegranate mustered up her courage and nodded: "I am a strong little pomegranate. I am not afraid of Luo Zikang. I will defeat him! Humph!"

Xiaobai and Jiang Bin left, while Liuliu stayed on the second floor, watching them turn the corner and disappear.

She was about to sneak back, took two steps down the steps, stretched her head downstairs and looked downstairs. She saw Luo Zikang sitting on the steps, looking up at her, coldly, and she was suddenly scared out of her mind.

"Ah~~~My God, Luo Zikang is chasing me. He is going to eat me~~Run! I am the fastest little pomegranate."

She quickly caught up with Xiaobai and Jiang Bin.

"The claws are here again?" Xiaobai was very dissatisfied with the fuss about Liliu.

Liuliu gasped and pointed downstairs: "That, that, Luo Zikang, his fart is black, waiting for me downstairs, I'm so scared, Xiaobai, please protect me."

Xiaobai had no choice but to let her follow him, and then Jiang Bin knocked on the door.

After a while, the door opened and Boss Zhang stood at the door.

"Xiao Bai and Jiang Bin are here, please come in."

"And here's me, Boss Zhang." Liuliu jumped up to show his presence.

"Yes, there are also pomegranates."

"Why didn't you see me?"

"Because you are too young."

Liuliu's face fell, and Boss Zhang said again: "But as long as Liuliu speaks, everyone will listen to you."

Luliu's little face immediately turned from gloomy to clear. .

Xiaobai and Liuliu happily changed into small shoes, they were already very skilled at it, but Jiang Bin did not move. He still stood outside the door and said seriously: "Boss Zhang, I am here to thank you on behalf of all the children in Little Red Horse. You bought us so many fun toys. This is a picture book we all drew together. I give it to you. I hope you don’t dislike it.”

Zhang Tan took the picture book extended by Jiang Bin and asked, "Did you give it to me?"

Jiang Bin nodded: "It's for you."

Zhang Tan opened it. It was originally a blank picture book, but now the blank parts were filled with paintings, and the childish brushstrokes painted some innocent scenes.

The first picture is of a person standing in front of a building. On the building are written the seven words "Little Red Horse Late Night Academy". Although it doesn't look like it, since the name is written, it can be regarded as it. And this is the only person , there is also a word on the head, it says "Boss Zhang".

In the lower right corner of this painting, the word "Jiangbin" is written.

"Did you draw this Jiang Bin?"

Jiang Bin nodded and said sheepishly: "My painting is not good, not as good as Xiaobai's."

When Zhang Tan lowered his head, he happened to face two cute little ones, looking at him with their little faces raised.

Zhang Tan smiled and said to Jiang Bin: "The painting is very interesting. You don't need to feel embarrassed. What matters is the intention."

Jiang Bin nodded heavily and hummed.

Before he came, he was worried that Boss Zhang would not like the paintings they painted.

Xiaobai at his feet rubbed his little hands, his big eyes full of hope. He wanted to say it but held back. Anyway, he looked like he couldn't wait.

Zhang Tan said thoughtfully: "Did Xiaobai and Liuliu also draw pictures for me?"

The two little cuties nodded in unison.

Zhang Tan turned over the page of Jiang Bin. On the second page, there was a man with a bear apron tied around his waist. He was cooking. There were already prepared dishes on the table. It was such a big fish.

This is not over yet. On the other side, on a big bed, there is a child sleeping.

Zhang Tan looked at it, his heart moved, he looked at Xiaobai and said, "I guess this is Xiaobai's painting."

Xiaobai bared his teeth and snickered, his little face lit up, and asked, "You know that?"

Zhang Tan pointed to the big fish on the table and said, "Because I know it. This is a feast of fish."

The little white goose laughed: "You know it, this is fish, it's delicious."

Liuliu stood on tiptoe, came over to look at Xiaobai's paintings, and asked curiously: "Why is Xiaobai sleeping?"

She was referring to the child lying on the bed on the other side. Since it was drawn by Xiaobai, it must be herself.

Xiaobai was embarrassed at first, then scolded Liuliu: "Guawazi is asking where these people live."

Liuliu: "I'm just asking."

"Don't ask questions."


"Because, eh? Why are you trying to imitate me?"

"Wahahaha~~Xiaobai, I am also a Sichuan kid, thi."

Xiaobai pinched her little face: "Liuliu, you are so good~"

In fact, even if Xiaobai didn't say anything, Zhang Tan could more or less guess what the painting was about. It should be the scene when Xiaobai came to him after being wronged that night and slept at his house for the night.

In the morning, she slept on the big bed and Zhang Tan cooked in the kitchen. The children remembered this.

"Thank you, Xiaobai. The painting is really good. I like it very much."

Liuliu shouted: "Look at me, look at me."

"Okay, it's up to you."

Liliu's is very simple, a stick figure holding a bunch of small stick figures, saying that the big one is Boss Zhang, and these small ones are her and the noobs.

Zhang Tan thanked them again and said that this was the best gift he had ever received and he would treasure it.

Xiaobai said: "Boss Zhang, we don't even know how to thank you. You are a good boss."

Zhang Tan: "Hello, I'll be fine. Come in and sit down."

Jiang Bin declined, he was going to read a book.

Zhang Tan knew that Jiang Bin's father had high demands on him, so he didn't force him and asked, "Where is Liliu?"

Liliu: "I want to read a book too."

Following Jiang Bin for a few steps, he suddenly stopped and turned around and said, "I'm still a baby. Why should I read? I don't have to take exams. Ha~ I won't go. I want to play. I don't want to sleep. I like it best." It’s a slippery slide.”

She chose to stay and watched TV with Xiaobai at Zhang Tan's house for a while, but she didn't sit there for a while, said goodbye and left.

"Don't nag me, don't nag me. Boss Zhang, please chat with fat girls more often. Bye~~"

He took Liliu and left immediately, but the moment he closed the door, he still couldn't hold it back and asked Zhang Tan: "Boss Zhang, do you know what Xiaobai's painting is?"

Zhang Tan knelt down, nodded, and said, "I know."

Xiaobai's big eyes were bright. She looked at him and asked in a low voice: "Uncle, I don't even know how to thank you, but I will always remember you."

After saying that, he ran downstairs and Liuliu hurriedly caught up with him.

"Xiaobai, wait for me, Xiaobai~~~Xiaobai, you are a melon!"

"What did you call me?"

"Xiaobai, I'm afraid of the dark. Just wait for me and hold my hand, okay?"

Chapter 3 is going to be late and hasn’t been written yet, o(╥﹏╥)o

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