Dad Academy

Chapter 2031 Don’t hurt your godfather a second time

"Just say that you are grown children and you need to take baths separately."

"But I've told her, and she still wants to take a shower with me."

"Then just say it, you are shy."

"But I'm not shy."

"...Okay, then why don't you want to take a bath with Xiaobai?"

"Because she always wants to give me a bath and doesn't let me play with the water."


"Sister, how about I say, ah, Xiaobai, don't be like this, I'm a boy, we can't take a shower together."


Tan Xier's child was rushed to the bed by Tan Jin'er and ordered to lie down.

"Sister, can I ride a horse for a while?"

"It's so late, why are you still riding a horse? It's time to go to bed."

"Sister, did you see the little red horse in the godfather's movie today? That little girl is me."



"Do you think today's movie was good?"

"I think Xiaobai is good-looking."

"Xiao Bai is a supporting character. Is the movie good?"

"It doesn't look good, I don't even understand it."

"I think it looks pretty."

"Then tell your godfather quickly, he will be happier."

"Isn't it rare that he is unhappy today?"



"Because we all told our godfather that the movie wasn't good, so we should make it better next time."

"...Did you really say that?"


"Didn't your godfather beat you?"

"hiahia, he said he would ask us to act together next time."

"Don't say that next time."


"Because the movie is actually very good."

"It doesn't look good."

"That's because you are a child. This movie is not made for children, but for adults like us."

"Only adults think it looks good?"


"Oh, sister, let me tell you a secret. In fact, I also think it looks good. It's because everyone thinks it doesn't look good, so I followed suit."


Tan Jin'er was very suspicious of the child's motive.

She took out her phone and browsed the movie reviews online.

"The Pursuit of Happiness" is out in theaters tonight, so there should be a lot of reviews.

Sure enough, after searching, a lot of various information came out.

Xi'er also leaned her little head over and stared at the phone screen curiously, but it seemed difficult, so she asked her sister to read it to her.

"It's so heartwarming. This is the most inspiring movie I've ever seen."

"Zhang Yuyan is simply my idol, he plays the role so well."

"Is the little girl's name called Xiao Bai? Bai Chunhua? Hahaha, this name is so funny."


When Xi'er heard this, she burst into laughter and couldn't help laughing.

Tan Jin'er asked: "Is it so funny?"

"hiahia, that's funny. Do you still have sister?"

"Then I will continue reading. Zhang Tan has contributed a good story. Thank you Zhang Tan. The work produced by Zhang Tan must be a masterpiece."

"It's the godfather. Don't they scold him?"

"Why are you scolding him? You are all praising him. I told you, your godfather's movies are very good, but you kids can't understand them."


Tan Jiner continued to read the comments, and most of them praised the movie "The Pursuit of Happyness".

The two sisters listened with great interest, and it was already early in the morning before they knew it. When Tan Jin'er found out, she quickly put down her phone and reminded Xi'er that it was time to go to bed.

Sure enough, you can't play with your mobile phone before going to bed.

The next day, Zhang Tan went out early in the morning. The movie had just been released and he had many things to be busy with.

Tan Jin'er also went to work. Lao Li was basking in the sun in the yard, leisurely. There was a bird cage hanging on the branch above his head, and a colorful big parrot stood in it. Normally at this time, it would be chattering nonsense, but today it was It was very quiet, without saying a word, just staring at the children in the yard toying with the little orange cat.

Because Dudu is here too today.

Dudu didn't come empty-handed, but with a rag doll tied up and a bow on his back.

Seeing that bow and Dudu bending the bow and shooting arrows, the big parrot trembled with fright and dared not say anything anymore. It would be better to remain silent today.

Silence is gold.

At this moment, three children were busy bathing the little orange cat.

They moved a washbasin into the yard and found a sunny place. Then Dudu brought a bucket of warm water over. Xiaobai and Xi'er rolled up their sleeves and squatted by the washbasin to give the struggling little orange cat bath.

The little orange cat looked confused, and the fur on his body was wet, like a drowned cat.

Lao Li sat aside and reminded them from time to time how to operate and what not to operate.

"Hurry up and don't keep bathing, the little orange cat will catch a cold." Lao Li said.

Xiaobai said: "Dudu, go get the bath towel quickly."


The parrot flew to the bird cage like a fly. The big parrot, which had stretched its neck to watch them bathing the cat, immediately retracted its neck and turned its head to the other side, not daring to look at this untouchable. Human children.

The bath towel was next to it, Dudu took it and left. On the other side, Xiaobai and Xi'er were working together to take out the struggling kitten. The towel just arrived, so they wrapped it in and wiped away the water drops.

After a while, the little cat came out of the bath with a confused look on its face, and wiped off the water droplets on its body. The three children ran to the classroom again and used a hair dryer to dry the little orange cat's hair. After a while, a hair The fluffy little orange cat appeared.

As soon as the little orange cat landed on the ground, he staggered and turned out to be a bit drunk.

It followed the three children out, jumped down the steps, came to the yard, walked out to bask in the sun, and followed Xiaobai and the others around, trying to pull their heels.

"Oh, I'm tired."

Xiaobai wiped his little hands, walked to Lao Li with a smile, brought a small stool and sat next to him.

"Oh, I'm tired too~" Xi'er also sat over.

Lao Li asked them if they wanted to taste the tea.

"Then let's have a drink." Xi'er said.

"Does it taste good?" Xiaobai asked.

Lao Li said: "You will know after you try it. Miss Zhao, would you like to have a drink?"

Dudu ran rampant in the yard, followed by the little orange cat. The little orange cat flew up with small steps, always trying to pull her heels.

"I don't want it~ I'm not thirsty." Dudu said from a distance.

Lao Li poured a small cup each for Xiaobai and Xi'er.

"Drink slowly, it's a bit hot."

Xi'er picked up the cup, blew on it, took a sip, and instantly bared her teeth and wrinkled her little face.

"Bitter and bitter~"

"Hahaha~" Old Li laughed.

Xiaobai also took a sip and also put on a mask of pain.

"It doesn't taste good, so I'm sorry."

As expected, there is no hope for Li Bangbao's tea. Children will grow up. Children in Little Red Horse Academy come and go one after another, but his tea always tastes bad.

Two children at the same time certified that it was not delicious.

Lao Li said with a smile: "I forgot to tell you that this tea belongs to your family. It is Taibai Xiuya grown in Baijia Village and grown by Boss Zhang."


The two children were surprised and looked at each other. Unexpectedly, they accidentally injured Boss Zhang.

"Actually, it tastes pretty good, hahaha, it feels a little fragrant in my mouth now." Xiaobai said.

Xi'er wrinkled her little face and refused to say anything against her will, but she thought of saying in front of her godfather that his movie was not good last night, but it was actually very good. She had misunderstood her godfather, and now she said that his godfather's tea was not good. It tastes good, but it tastes bitter. If your godfather knew about it, would he cry?

Thinking of this, Xi'er nodded helplessly.


I don’t know what else to say other than that it tastes good.

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