Dad Academy

Chapter 2028 Premiere

Zhu Xiaojing was stunned and shocked by Liuliu's sexy actions.

Moreover, to her surprise, the principal agreed readily on the phone, saying that he would come dressed up.

"Hahaha 666 duck~"

Luoliu hung up the phone amidst loud laughter, and did not forget to blink at the shocked Zhu Xiaojing, extremely sullen.

In the past semester, I had a lot of trouble with the principal. Although I actually helped solve the problem a few times, in order to continue to trouble the principal next semester and get the certificate for the final exam, I certainly can't miss this opportunity. Anyway, I don't need it. She pays a penny.

As a poor girl, she could only pick up Xiaobai's wool, make full use of her friends' resources, and please the principal.

At Xiaohongma, Xiaobai and Xier are still thinking about who to invite.

They also sent invitations to the children at Little Red Horse, but not many were free to attend. After all, these children's families sent them to Little Red Horse because they were too busy at night.

If this invitation could be sent out a few days in advance, perhaps many more people would attend.

But with such a temporary invitation, not many people can come.

Shi Baobao must be here, he would have attended with his mother Li Yuxiao.

Those who responded to Xiaobai and Xi'er were Xiao Lizi, Xiao Youyou, Xiao Fang, Xiao Nian, Xiao Zheng Zheng, Xu Jun, Xiao Xiao, and Xiao Du who was beaten.

In the evening, a black business car drove slowly to the entrance of Little Red Horse Academy. A man got out of the car and said a few words to Lao Li. Lao Li opened the gate of the courtyard, and the business car slowly drove in and stopped. yard.

The person in the car got off again, it was Wang Wenming, the company's office director.

He was specially sent to take everyone to the premiere. Zhang Tan was currently entertaining guests attending the premiere and was not free to come, so he was sent.

Tan Jiner and Teacher Jiang both know him, so there is no problem.

Everyone had already prepared and got on the bus one after another.

Many children went directly from home, and the remaining few went with Xiao Bai Xier and others, such as Xiao Du who was beaten.

In the car, Xiao Du couldn't control his excitement. He was restless and kept asking Xi'er next to him if she was acting in it.

Xi'er said she didn't, but Xiaobai did.

Xiao Du asked again if Liuliu had any.

Xi'er said that Liliu didn't have it, but Xiaobai did.

Xiao Du asked Dudu again if he had any.

Xi'er said Dudu didn't have it, but Xiaobai did.

Xiaobai, who was sitting in the seat in front of them, looked back at the melon boy and really wanted to give them earwax.

The premiere was still at the Pujiang Grand Theater. When the commercial vehicle arrived, it was 6:30 in the evening. At this time, the night completely enveloped Pujiang City, and the lights were on, and the lights were bright.

The Pujiang Grand Theater is extremely lively at the moment. The red carpet is spread far and wide, with guns and cannons on both sides. Many media have gathered. In addition to the media, there are also crowds gathered, holding various support signs and light sticks. Every time When a star arrives, there will be bursts of cheers, and the media area will be filled with clicks and flashes.

At this moment, Zhang Tan was entertaining some invited friends in the Grand Theater.

Standing next to him was Zhang Tongshun, and the leading actor Zhang Yuyan was not with them, but chatting with another group of people.

The commercial vehicle that picked up the Little Red Horse guests went directly across the road in front of the Pujiang Grand Theater, turned to the side of the Grand Theater, and entered the underground parking lot.

Xi'er asked why she didn't go to the red carpet.

Wang Wenming explained that the boss told me to go directly to the Grand Theater and walking on the red carpet was too troublesome.

Liuliu was a little unhappy, thinking that for such a big Yanyan, she was not allowed to walk on the red carpet.

She was indignant, and was eventually lectured and threatened by Zhu's mother, who told her that if she kept fooling around, she would be asked to sit at the edge, near the aisle.

Liuliu suddenly fell silent, and the injustice in his heart was temporarily relieved.

Rather than walking on the red carpet, she was more worried about the fact that Zhu's mother really forced her to sit in the seat at the edge, which she couldn't bear.

Xiao Du looked at Liuliu several times and finally plucked up the courage to say, "Liuliu, you are so good at acting. You will definitely be able to walk on the red carpet in the future."

Liuliu didn't expect Xiao Du to say such nice things after being beaten, so she laughed. She could walk on the red carpet now, it's not like she had never walked before, and she didn't have to wait until the future.

After the car stopped, Wang Wenming took everyone in the elevator, entered the theater, and found their seats.

The premiere starts at 7:30, and there are still more than 40 minutes left, so there is no need to wait in the lounge, just come directly to the venue.

The venue can accommodate several thousand people. At this moment, the attendance rate has exceeded 60-70%. At a glance, it is full of people.

As soon as they sat down, Zhang Tan came over with a smile. After chatting for a while, he took Xiaobai away.

Xiaobai is an important supporting role in "The Pursuit of Happiness" and the protagonist's daughter. She will join them on stage later.

"I saw Xie Xiaoxu."

With sharp eyes, Xiaobai saw Xie Xiaoxu standing in front of a row of seats waving to her.

"And Wang Qianqian and Yu Danni."

The two little girls were also sitting with Xie Xiaoxu, with their parents beside them.

"Then go take a look and entertain your guests." Zhang Tan said, leading Xiao Bai over.

When the little girls met, they immediately held hands and chatted.

Wang Qianqian's face was rosy with excitement and her eyes were shining.

Yu Danni is quiet and timid, but it can be seen that she is also very excited.

Zhang Tan looked at Xie Xiaoxu who was standing aside. The little boy was very excited just now, but as soon as he came over, he became quiet and stared at the big screen in front of him without saying a word.

Zhang Tan let him go and chatted with their parents for a few words. They thanked Zhang Tan for the invitation today, which was a very special experience for them.

There were people waving to them not far away. Xiaobai looked over and saw Liu Changjiang, Marshal Jiao and others.

Under the leadership of Liu Huanghe, these people were very active. When they saw Zhang Tan and Xiaobai, they came over to say hello. Marshal Jiao asked where Xi'er was sitting, and followed the smell and felt them there.

"Eh? Look, old man, that fat guy is our principal."

Xiaobai saw the principal of the elementary school. The principal was wiping his sweat in the aisle while looking for his seat.

Maybe he's looking for pomegranates.

"Let's go over and say hello to the principal." Zhang Tan said.

However, when they just walked over, they saw the principal taking long strides and walking away in a hurry. Unexpectedly, he was spotted by Luliu, who was waving to him.

I saw Liuliu chatting with the principal, while Zhu Xiaojing stood aside and did not interrupt.

The children, such as Xiaomi, Cheng Cheng, Dudu, and Xi'er, all sat upright and had to maintain a good image in front of the principal.

Only Liuliu can chat and laugh with the principal, and even openly ask for certificates of merit from three good students.

Zhu Xiaojing was about to suppress it when she saw the principal taking out a roll of something from his arms with a smile. When he unfolded it, he saw a golden certificate with the name on it: Shen Liuliu.

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