Dad Academy

Chapter 2020 Tan Xier wants to challenge her own weakness

When Zhang Tan appeared, the work hall was noisy and lively, like a festival.

He didn't know why, so he stood outside the crowd and caught someone to ask what was going on.

This tall girl was paying close attention to Liuliu and the others who were surrounded by people. She didn't notice who was coming. She only heard the questioning voice, so she said without looking back: "It's Shen Liuliu and Tan Xi'er. They are famous young actors in the company. I don’t know why they came to the company today and were discovered by everyone. Everyone came to them to ask for autographs and photos. I haven’t arrived yet. There are too many people. They said they would queue up, but no one maintained it. There’s order.”

Zhang Tan asked: "Are Shen Liuliu and Tan Xi'er so popular?"

Xin said that I never noticed that you guys like chasing stars so much.

The girl responded: "Of course they are popular. The real ones are cuter than the ones in movies and TV shows. They are so small. Moreover, they are really enthusiastic and respond to everyone's requests."

"Okay, got it, thank you."

Zhang Tan walked inside and walked around in the crowd. Only then did the girl see who he was. She was stunned for a moment and recognized that this was not the boss? !

She knew that the boss came to the company today, and she met him in the corridor not long ago.

Was it the boss who was asking her questions just now? ?

The girl couldn't help but froze on the spot.

"Brother, don't be crowded. If you want to take pictures with Liliu and Xi'er, you have to queue up. Go to the back and queue up. Don't be crowded."

"what's up?"

Zhang Tan patted the brother who refused to let him pass. The brother was unhappy. He turned around and was about to say something, but when he saw it was Zhang Tan, he immediately became speechless. He quickly stepped aside and said solemnly that he was wrong. .

I don’t know what he said wrongly, but he just kept saying this sentence.

A vice president of the film and television company was following behind Zhang Tan. The two of them had discussed matters before and came out of the office together. Now he had a serious face and told everyone to disperse and not gather here.

It’s understandable if you just want to take a photo with Liliuxi’er, but so many people gather here together, the scene is noisy, and the working hours are like a vegetable market. Doesn’t this show that the company’s management is not in place? Let them, the management His face was dull.

Fortunately, Zhang Tan didn't pay too much attention. At first, he was just worried that so many people surrounding Liliu Xi'er and Dudu would scare them.

After seeing these three, I found that they were very nice. Dudu and Xi'er were a little reserved, while Liuliu was chatting and laughing happily. She really deserves to be a big Yanyan who has seen the world.

The crowd dispersed quickly, but Liuliu was still unfinished.

Xi'er was amazed that there were so many people, too many people.

Dudu was a little confused. She had never been surrounded by people like this.

She has never acted as a duck, so she was probably accidentally injured.

Zhang Tan smiled and said to Liuliu: "You are really amazing."

Luoliu raised her neck, and the two fleshy lines on her neck stretched out, and she almost burst into laughter.

Xi'er was still holding a notebook in her hand. She had just signed her name and looked around, only to find that everyone was gone.

"Whose is it? Whose is this? I still have your notebook in my hand."

No one responded.

"What's written? Let me take a look."

Xi'er handed him the notebook. He took a closer look and saw a few fresh signatures on the small notebook.

The first one is: Shen 66.

This crooked look looks like tadpole writing, and it looks like it was written by Da Yanyan.

The second one is: dudu.

The third one is: Xier

Good guy, I won't write any words that are difficult to write, and I have captured the essence of celebrity signatures.

"Here you go, if you can't find anyone, just put it on the coffee table. The person will come and get it later." Zhang Tan said, "Are they still in the meeting?"

"Here, godfather, they are having a meeting. I have just come out. I have been in the meeting for a long time and my head is buzzing. I will come out to rest. After I have rested, I will go in again. I haven't spoken yet. I Do you want to talk?"

"Is there anything you want to say?"

"Say something?"

"Yeah, think about it and say something."

Zhang Tan pushed open the door of the conference room. There was still a lively discussion inside. To his surprise, Cheng Cheng also joined the discussion.

Xiaobai and Xiaomi were chatting at the joint.

As soon as Zhang Tan came in, everyone looked over, and Song Ping and others immediately stood up.

"You continue chatting, I will take them away."

At this time, it was almost noon. After Zhang Tan took them out of the company, they immediately found a restaurant to eat.

When he was almost done eating, Zhang Tan received a message on his cell phone. When he opened it, he saw that it was from Wang Wenming. They were all videos.

The first video I clicked on was "The Lonely Warrior", a collaboration between Malanhua Choir and Dada Band.

The sound of the video playing immediately attracted the chatting group of girlfriends. They stretched their necks and came over to watch. Those who were sitting far away simply stood up and stood next to Zhang Tan.

In the video, the best friends are in various situations, and compared to the Dada band, they look less professional.

Xiaobai took the initiative to explain that it was because they were still getting used to it, and they would be able to sing better once they got used to it.

Zhang Tan: "Generally, you have to open your voice before singing. If you go directly, your state will definitely be affected. Moreover, the Dada band has been singing for a while before you go, so they are well prepared."

Xiaobai nodded firmly: "Yes, old man, I just wanted to say it. It will be fine later."

But soon, the video situation slapped her in the face.

I saw the sound of the porcupine breaking.

Everyone glanced at Liliu, who squeezed his head between Xi'er and Dudu to watch the video.

Luoliu rolled his eyes and said innocently: "I didn't open my voice, I wasn't ready. Give me time and I can be the first."

Dudu nodded in agreement: "That's right, Liuliu, you have to take a long time to prepare."

The little sister was so considerate and supportive that Liuliu almost gave her a pop.

In fact, she did take action, pouting her mouth to give Dudu one, but she went in the wrong direction.

Dudu was on her left, but she turned to the right. As a result, she kissed Xibao, which made Xibao laugh so hard.

Although the kiss was wrong, the person kissing did not care, and the person being kissed was still very happy.

"The singing is pretty good." Zhang Tan affirmed after watching the video.

There are several more videos next. For example, Liuliu volunteered to challenge Chen Yubin, but he couldn't sing high notes and almost fell off. He was helped off the stage by Dudu and Xi'er, and sat on the floor to relax. It took a while to save a small life.

What excuses does Luliu have this time?

Liuliu really had no good excuse, so she left immediately, sat back at her seat by the window, and concentrated on eating dessert.

Seeing this, Xi'er also sat back in her seat and ate the dessert in small bites. This was her source of happiness.

She didn't know that there was dessert to eat after the meal, so she tried her best to fill herself up while eating. However, it would be a big loss if she didn't eat the dessert right now, so she held out her belly and played with the pomegranates. Friends, you have to push yourself, see your limits, and challenge your weaknesses.

At the same time, Xi'er did not forget to remind Xiaobai to take a video for her. Later, she would send the video to her sister so that her sister could keep accounts and help her eliminate a bowl of outstanding debts.

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