Dad Academy

Chapter 2015 Are you the Malanhua Children’s Chorus?

When Zhang Tan came out of the elevator with a group of children, the office director Wang Wenming was stunned. Fortunately, everyone who was the office director was not thinking quickly. He immediately greeted him with a smile, first with Xiaobai He said hello, called Mr. Bai, and then called Xiao Xier.

This shout of Xiao Xi'er finally made the somewhat unhappy Xibao smile. Although the person he called was not Mr. Xiao Xi, there was only one word difference, which was pretty much the same. Let's just call him Mr. Xiao Xi.

Wang Wenming quickly glanced at the other children. He was extremely alert and had a good memory, and he quickly recognized Liuliu.

"It's a great actor."

His words immediately made Liuliu happy, and he automatically became Liuliu and Da Yanyan's best friend in this building.

As for the other children, Wang Wenming really didn’t know them.

But it doesn't matter, Xiao Xi introduced him enthusiastically. This is Police Officer Xiaomi, this is the story king Cheng Cheng, and this is the most powerful Dudu.

And of course, there’s the little orange cat in her bag.

"Hello, how are you, little orange cat~" Wang Wenming said hello to everyone, whether they were human or not, as long as they were alive.

Everyone had a good impression of him.

Zhang Tan came to the company today because he had some business to do, so he left these children in the care of Wang Wenming and let them do whatever they wanted.

"I went to a meeting, and I will try to come back as soon as possible." Zhang Tan said.

"Go on, go on, you don't have to be early, we will have a good time." Xiaobai waved his hand and told Old Man Zhang to go as soon as possible.

Zhang Tan glanced at Wang Wenming, who gave him a look that said, "Wrap it all over me."

As soon as Zhang Tan left, Liuliu asked Xiaobai curiously: "Xiaobai, Xiaobai, didn't you say that your old man is a street kid? Why does he still go to the meeting?"

Xiaobai: "My old man is not a street kid."

Liliu: "You said it yourself."

"Did I say that?"

"you said so."

Everyone nodded.


Dudu asked: "Xiaobai, what are we going to do?"

Xi'er ran to the floor-to-ceiling window, looked outside, and exclaimed: "Wow~~ We are so tall, will we fall down and die?"

Xiaomi: "Xi'er, don't say that. We are very safe here and you won't fall."

Secretary Xi, this is not okay. If you say this, your boss will fire you in a minute.

Cheng Cheng also came over and stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, looking out and feeling like he was in the sky.

Xi'er greeted: "Dudu~~ Come on. Look, this place is so big. We are going to build a cinema in the future, right?"

Dudu thought for a while and said, "Okay, let's build a cinema and an archery hall next to the cinema. It was built for my mother."

Liuliu: "Dudu, you can also build me a roast chicken restaurant."

Dudu: "Then I'll build one for you."

Xi'er: "It doesn't take up much space anyway."

After saying this, Da Yanyan was a little unhappy. Why didn't her roast chicken restaurant take up space? Why couldn't it be bigger?

Xiaobai helped Xi'er smooth things over and said, "Liuliu, don't be angry. I'll cover you with two layers."

Liuliu was overjoyed: "666 Duck Xiaobai, you are really Xiaobai, hahaha~"

Xiaobai nodded: "Mr., be good to you."

Luoliu's smile immediately disappeared and she became sullen, thinking that Xiaobai had been doing this and that again.

At this time, Dudu said again: "Liuliu, I will build you a children's massage parlor. After eating roast chicken every day, you can go get a massage. What do you think?"

"Okay!" Luliu was overjoyed. Pangdudu was still kind to her and knew what she was thinking.

She immediately stepped forward, hugged Dudu while Dudu wasn't paying attention, and kissed him hard. She wanted to kiss him a second time, but Dudu effortlessly pushed him away.

Damn it, why is Chubby getting stronger and stronger?

A group of children stood side by side in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, overlooking the Pujiang City in front of them, planning the future urban construction of this prime location, speaking seriously.

After hearing this, Wang Wenming wanted to go ahead without using food and grass, and buy a few more houses to wait for the value to increase.

He wanted to build a good relationship with these young bosses, so he joined them and said proactively: "There should be an extra space left for our company to expand in the future. Mr. Bai will work there in the future, and so will Mr. Xiao Xi."

Xiaobai glanced at him, his face couldn't stop being happy.

Xi'er hiahia smiled, she didn't expect that she also had a building.

Liuliu quickly said: "Then build me a building too. I will make movies in the future."

Xiaobai: "Don't worry, Liuliu. I will leave a floor for you in the future, so you can live alone."

"Xiaobai, you're a nice."

"You're welcome, you are my wife."

Gritting his teeth angrily, he hid behind Xiaobai and bared his teeth, but he could only be helpless and furious.

After the fantasy time was over, they remembered to do something.

Xiaobai looked at Wang Wenming, who said, "Would you like to go to the music company?"

Liuliu was excited and instantly became energetic. Music company? That is her field, you must see this.

Everyone agrees.

There is a music studio in Little Red Horse Academy, but the headquarters is here, and only Li Yuxiao is using it there.

The facilities here are more complete and modern, and there are many artists.

Today, Little Red Horse Music Company no longer only has Li Yuxiao as an artist. Not to mention the Dada band, there are also many artists, managers, and staff.

Zhang Tan now does very little management of the music company. He basically leaves it to professional managers to manage. He only steps in when necessary to write the title song.

Wang Wenming took Xiaobai and others into the elevator and went downstairs to the music company.

Someone happened to pass by and said with a smile: "Hello, Director Wang, why did you bring so many children here? Is the company going to form a children's singing group?"

Wang Wenming smiled and said, "Yes, we are a famous children's choir."

The man was just passing by, but he stopped when he heard this and asked curiously: "What song did you sing?"

Before Wang Wenming could say anything, Xi'er had already said proudly: ""Stepped on the Cat"~"

""Stepped on the Cat"?" The man looked at Xi'er, "Did you sing this song?"

She didn't really believe it at first, but then she thought that this song was indeed sung by a child, so it was really possible that the child in front of her was singing it.

Although the songs produced by their company are children's songs, they all know them well. When they think of the song "Stepped on the Cat," they immediately think of the singer and asked in surprise: "Are you the Malanhua Children's Choir?"

"hiahia, we are, but we're not proud at all."

Although I am not proud, my nostrils are pointed upward.

"Are you really the Malanhua Children's Choir? Oh my, this is my first time seeing you."

The man's surname was Xiao, and he was a music manager. He had three artists under him, all of whom were relatively famous.

"This is also the first time we see you." Xi'er responded.

The manager surnamed Xiao smiled and said: "That's fate. Are you here to record songs today?"

The Malanhua Children's Choir, which has always been a miraculous thing, appeared, and it certainly wasn't for no reason.

In fact, everyone at Little Red Horse Music Company is curious about this choir, but they have never seen it. The familiar songs in the past were all recorded in Little Red Horse Music Studio, not here, so Never seen.

The manager surnamed Xiao was originally going to meet with his artists, but now he was not in a hurry. He stopped and chatted with Xiaobai and others with great interest, wondering if it was possible to get these little babies under his command. .

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