Dad Academy

Chapter 2010 Everyone can be different

"Lost Du, so Oude."

"Lost Bai, is oil okay?"

As soon as she arrived at the English corner, Xi'er became extremely active, and her Xi'er style of English also came into play. She kept saying "lost XX" in English that not many people could understand.

Even Tan Jin'er found it difficult to understand.

Maybe, only she can translate it herself.

This little kid is lively and restless, so ordinary yet so confident. He speaks English with a happy accent and is always looking for people to chat with.

When people see her as cute, they usually chat with her with a smile, basically talking to her like a chicken to a duck.

So after chatting for a few words, I really couldn't talk any more, so I had no choice but to say goodbye and leave.

I wanted to change it to Chinese, but the kid refused.

Everyone looked at Xi'er like a god and couldn't understand how this baby could be so confident. People obviously couldn't understand her, but she still went around looking for people to chat with.

Tan Jin'er couldn't hold him back.

This kid is very eloquent. In the English corner, you have to dare to speak acridine. It doesn’t matter if you say it right or wrong.

Enmmm~~ What she said is correct, but Tan Jin'er thinks that maybe she is wrong.

In the past, when she first learned English, in order to improve her speaking skills, she often came to the English corner of this university and pretended to be a student to speak English.

Sometimes, Xi'er will come along.

Xi'er's "specialty" in English was developed in this way. She combined her own life experience and the local dialects of Huangjiacun to creatively create "Lost XX Xi-style English".

"It's you ~ the English goddess."

Suddenly, a Chinese sentence came out from the English corner, and everyone around who could hear it looked over.

After all, it is a custom here to try not to speak Chinese, to talk in English as much as possible, and to push yourself.

Such a Chinese sentence suddenly appeared, which was very unexpected.

More importantly, the content of this sentence is an English goddess!

People who have just come to the English Corner may not know the meaning of this sentence, but those who have been here for a long time will know that this English goddess refers to a goddess who often haunts the English Corner.

It's just that the goddess who originally came almost every day disappeared for a long time, and then appeared once in a while, disappearing without a trace.

This goddess is Tan Jin'er.

But no one here knows her name, only her surname is Tan.

No one knows which college or department she is from.

So everyone consciously classified her into the English department.

But someone had already gone to the English Department to inquire, and there was no such girl named Tan.

Many English goddesses who did not appear appeared again today, which immediately attracted everyone's attention. Unknowingly, the crowd was gathering around Tan Jin'er.

Tan Jin'er hurriedly brought a group of girlfriends and left with the child Tan Xi'er who was still "lost".

On the way back, Xi'er still had something to say.

"Sister, if you give me a little more time, my English will be level 10~"

Xi'er didn't know where she got her confidence from. Her sister had only passed CET-6 and was still far behind CET-8.

Dudu was agitated. What Xi'er said seemed familiar to her, as if she had heard it somewhere.

English level 10?

Her baby talk was once praised by everyone, saying it was at least level ten.

“*\u0026% # ¥%¥¥%……%……”

She said a few words casually, but it was still so smooth.

"Lost Dudu, what did you say?" Xi'er asked Dudu, she heard it just now.

Dudu said: "I can be an English teacher in the future."

Xi'er nodded, anyone can have a dream.

If you dare to think, you will succeed.

Liuliu also said: "Don't be a math teacher in the future."

She has a deep resentment towards her math teacher.

Mathematics is too difficult to learn.

Xi'er educated her: "Liuliu, you can't be like this, you can't be partial to science, otherwise you won't be able to get into college in the future."

Luoliu scratched Naokuaozi, feeling itchy there, as if it was growing a brain.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, she is really annoyed that the baby said this, just like Mother Zhu.

Everyone walked outside the school and chatted.

Tan Jin'er just looked after everyone and tried not to speak as much as possible. In fact, it was very interesting to eavesdrop on the children's chat.

For example, these little guys complained about the Chinese teacher and the math teacher along the way, especially Luoliu.

Tan Jin'er could still understand Liliu and Xiaobai's complaints, but unexpectedly, her Xiwawa also complained, Cheng Cheng also complained, and Dudu also complained, so Xiaomi remained silent.

The only difference is that after her Xibao complained, he deliberately stayed a few steps behind, slipped to her side, and whispered to her that she was just chatting with everyone, and that she actually liked the Chinese teacher and the math teacher very much.

Tan Jin'er glanced at her, wondering if she really thought that or if she was telling the truth in a joking tone.

Luoliu was full of fire, and just complaining about the Chinese teacher and the math teacher was not enough. She also complained about the canteen owner and the principal.

I am complaining about the canteen owner because this owner has made too much money from the children!

The reason for complaining about the principal is because this guy failed to accomplish a few things for her, and he even said he was the principal!

After complaining about the teachers, these children began to discuss the topic of weight loss again.

Everyone hopes to lose weight and not eat too much durian.

Liliu expressed that she was very angry. She felt that she was not fat at all, but that she was cute.

Xiaomi said: "Everyone can be different, thinner, fatter, taller, shorter, it doesn't matter. As long as you are healthy, as long as you are confident and live a happy life, that's enough. Why should you listen to others?" , if we want to lose weight, grow taller, or gain weight, we just need to be happy."

Xiwawa deeply agreed, nodded, and even trotted to Xiaomi and said to her personally: "Xiaomi, Xiaomi, although I didn't understand what you said, I think you are right."

Xiaomi touched her head and said, "When you grow up a little in the future, you will be able to understand."

Xi'er bared her teeth and smiled, and asked doubtfully: "Can't even my 10-year-old child understand?"

Xiaomi stopped talking. The key is that you really have to be 10 years old. Oh, forget it. I won’t expose the emperor’s new clothes of Xiwawa.

Liuliu was thinking about Xiaomi's words.

Dudu didn't understand, nor did she seem to listen. She ran to the front from time to time and looked to see if the little red horse appeared in the field of vision.

Xiaobai nodded, Cheng Cheng did the same, and Cheng Cheng said: "Xiaomi, I think you are right, everyone can be different, we don't want to listen to others telling us what to do, just be ourselves. .”

Xiaomi smiled and said: "Yes, Cheng Cheng, you understand."

Liuliu came over and echoed: "Xiaomi, I understand too."

She understands that it is not a sin for her to be fat, so don’t teach her to lose weight in the future, especially Mother Zhu! Liuliu decided to tell Mama Zhu what Xiaomi said after going home, so that Mama Zhu could understand and digest it!

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