Dad Academy

Chapter 1958 I gave birth to it!

The season has entered late autumn, and usually I don't think anything of it. Suddenly it rained for two days, and the temperature dropped a lot. Only then did people realize that they need to put on more clothes.

Zhang Tan was drinking tea and sitting around at Teacher Jiang's house. Xiaobai was also there, sitting on a small chair and watching TV with Xi'er.

The cartoon on TV is being broadcast enthusiastically, but this time it is neither "Cardcaptor Sakura" nor "Dora the Adventures", but the newly aired "Sailor Moon".

The two little people were fascinated by it.

After all, these Sailor Moons are themselves.

On the coffee table by the window, there are several cups of hot tea. Zhang Tan and Teacher Jiang each have one cup in front of them. There are also two cups on the side, belonging to Xiaobai and Xi'er.

Both glasses were not full, but about one-third short.

Xiaobai and Xi'er like to try new things. When they saw Teacher Jiang making tea, they asked for a cup, took a sip, said it was bitter, and stopped drinking.

"Don't sit too close, sit farther away." Zhang Tan reminded the two little people.

The two of them sat closer and closer to the TV, as if they were about to pounce on it.

The two little people didn't respond to his words, let alone move their positions.

"Xiaobai, Xi'er, did you hear that?"

Teacher Jiang had to take action.

Xi'er quickly moved the small chair and took a step back. Xiaobai looked back at them before reluctantly moving her position.

Teacher Jiang added: "If you sit further away, you are still too close."

Xi'er said: "Grandma, I have already taken a step back."

"You have to take three more steps back." Teacher Jiang said.

Xiaobai and Xi'er moved back reluctantly.

The distance was almost there, so Zhang Tan and Teacher Jiang didn't say anything more.

The two were chatting about the autumn harvest. The autumn harvest in Baijiacun had ended long ago, and the tea leaves in the tea gardens had been picked. If they wanted new tea, they would have to wait until spring next year.

This year, tea sales have been extremely good, and demand exceeds supply. Orders have already been booked for next year.

Taibai Xiuya quickly became famous under Zhang Tan's operation, and with the promotion of the Little Red Horse Galloping APP, she didn't have to worry about sales at all, selling as much as she could.

The quality of Taibai Xiuya is very good. The reason why it could not be sold in the past was never due to quality, but to sales. Without brand awareness, the market would not buy it at all.

The business of the tea factory is very good now, and it will expand its scale and recruit more troops next year.

Priority will be given to Baijia Village and nearby villagers.

Most of the old workers at the Pujiang construction site have finished their work this year and will not come back next year. Instead, they will work in the tea factory.

Teacher Jiang expressed his gratitude to Zhang Tan on behalf of the people in Baijiacun.

Zhang Tan said he didn't do anything.

It was drizzling outside, and although it was drizzling, the temperature dropped sharply.

An autumn rain followed by a cold spell.

Teacher Jiang asked Lao Li to come up and sit down and drink the new tea sent from Baijiacun.

At this time, there were no other children in the Little Red Horse Academy, so he had nothing to do in the guard box, so he locked the door, carried a bag of tea in his hand, and walked across the yard in the drizzle.

At this moment, a shout came from outside the yard.

Lao Li stopped and looked back, only to see a man and two women, one old and one young.

Lao Li recognized the young woman as Xiaoxiao's mother at a glance.

"Master Li~ I am Xiaoxiao's mother. Is Boss Zhang at home?"

Lao Li looked up at the window, and Zhang Tan happened to be sitting in front of the window.


"Can we come in? My mother was discharged from the hospital yesterday. I came here to thank her."

Lao Li didn't know what Zhang Tan had done that needed their thanks, but when he saw Zhang Tan stood up, he went back, opened the door, and let them in.

During this time, Zhang Tan had already come out of the house, went downstairs, and stood in the corridor waiting for them.

There is also Teacher Jiang beside me.

"Boss Zhang, Teacher Jiang~"

Both Zhang Tan and Teacher Jiang knew the old man in front of them. She was Xiaoxiao's grandmother, who was hospitalized a while ago.

"Come and sit in the room." Zhang Tan invited them to his home.

This family came here to express their gratitude because they had recovered and were discharged from the hospital. They wanted to thank them for visiting the hospital before.

Hey, it’s not a big deal, and it’s not worth a special trip to thank you.

But the courtesy was not strange. Zhang Tan and Teacher Jiang invited their family to sit at home, drink tea, and chat for a while, then they took the initiative to say goodbye and left.

"He is really a knowledgeable and sensible person." Teacher Jiang said with emotion as he sent them out of the yard.

Zhang Tan nodded. It was obvious that Xiaoxiao's mother and grandmother were very polite and looked like ladies.

On the contrary, Xiaoxiao's father, judging from his conversation, is an ordinary person, but he treats people sincerely.

"It's raining~"

"It's so cold~"

Xiaobai and Xi'er also went downstairs to see them off. The two children went out, but they didn't hold an umbrella, and they refused to stay beside Zhang Tan and Teacher Jiang. Instead, they braved the drizzle and walked in the yard. Wandering around.

The rain is like hair, and it rains heavily on my body.

Some leaves were blown down by the wind and rain and fell to the ground.

The cicada sound was gone, as if it had disappeared overnight.

Lao Li was about to close the door and go to Teacher Jiang's place to sit and drink tea, when suddenly a rush of footsteps approached.

Before anyone arrived, the sound had already come.


As the voice fell, Wan Xiaohu ran out of the yard and waved excitedly to Xiaobai and Xi'er in the yard.

Xiaobai: "What? Did the fire burn your butt?"

Wan Xiaohu said excitedly: "No, no! I gave birth, I gave birth!"


Xiaobai was shocked.

Xi'er was also stunned for a moment, and then hiahia laughed.

Even Zhang Tan couldn't help but look at Wan Xiaohu, a little surprised. Didn't he realize that Wan Xiaohu was able to give birth? What happened?

"You gave birth to a baby? Hahaha, Wan Xiaohu, you are a boy, why did you give birth to a baby?" Xiaobai asked with a smile.

Wan Xiaohu was startled and quickly explained: "It wasn't me who gave birth, it was my cat who gave birth to two kittens. Do you want to go see them?"

"Cat?" Xiaobai asked.

Wan Xiaohu: "Yes, my mother cat gave birth to two kittens, just recently."

"Go, I'm going."

After Xiaobai finished speaking, he suddenly saw a figure beside him and ran out with a smile.

It's a happy baby.

"Look at the cat, look at the cat~" Xiwawa shouted.

Seeing this, Xiaobai was worried that Maomao would be snatched away by Xiwawa if he fell behind, so he quickly chased after him.

Lao Li hadn't closed the door to the courtyard yet, leaving just an entrance and exit for Xiaobai and Xi'er to go out.

After Xiaobai ran out of the yard, he didn't forget to turn around and shout to Zhang Tan: "Old man~ Xiwawa and I went to see Maomao. We'll be back later -"


Zhang Tan responded.

Immediately he became uneasy and followed.

There are no customers in Lao Niu's barber shop at the moment.

But the store was very lively. In addition to the old cow, there were three children and several cats.

When Zhang Tan arrived, Xiaobai and Xi'er were squatting on the ground, admiring and laughing around a small basin.

Next to them, there was a chubby big orange cat lying on the cat's nest, curled up in a ball, and licking its paws.

When he heard someone coming, he immediately stopped licking his paws and looked up, staring at the person with alert eyes.

After seeing the visitor talking to Lao Niu, he probably knew that he was an acquaintance, so he stopped being wary and turned his head to stare at the two kittens in the small washbasin, then looked at Zhang Tan, repeating this process several times. This time, it seemed to be showing off and saying, look, this is my baby, it’s beautiful.

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